nasen 2015 Leadership conference promotion details

Organiser / nasen
Conference Title / Effective School Leadership: Meeting the SEND Challenge for Change
Dates (two locations. One event) / 1.  Friday 30th January 2015 - London
2.  Tuesday 19th May 2015 - Bolton
Venue/Location / 1.  Central Hall, Westminster, Storey's Gate, London SW1H 9NH
2.  Bolton Whites Hotel, De Vere Whites Hotel, Horwich, Bolton BL6 6SF
Who should attend / Head Teachers, Deputy Head Teachers, Heads of Department, SENCOs, Teachers, SEN Advisers, SLT, SEN Governor
Conference Content
The nasen annual Leadership Conference 2015, Effective Leadership: Meeting the SEND Challenge for Change seeks to address the key issues as set out in the SEND Code of Practice: 0 – 25, for leaders in schools and other education settings, outlining the implications of reform. Presentations and workshops will be delivered by -
Speaker / Topic
Stuart Miller
Deputy Director for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and
André Imich
Professional Adviser SEN and Disability Division, Department for Education Department for Education. / SEND Code of Practice: 0 – 25. Supporting School Leaders
Carrie Grant
Parent of four children with SEN, Vocal
Coach and Television Presenter / Team Child - The best outcomes for our children can only be arrived at if we work together. How do we develop dialogue with these “experts” and often battle-weary parents?
Jane Friswell
nasen Chief Executive / Managing Expectations; Managing change in SEN and implementing a whole school graduated approach - Implications for school leaders
Siôn Humphreys
MSc NPQH DPSE, NAHT – Policy Advisor / SEND Code of Practice: 0 – 25 – challenges and concerns for school leaders
Helen Sanderson
Chief Executive of Helen Sanderson Associates, and
Jane Ralphs
School Achievement Advisor and former deputy head / What do leaders need to know and do about person-centred practices?
David Bartram
London Leadership Strategy / Effectiveness and efficiency for SEN; the challenge of managing funding for SEN and demonstrating good practice in meeting the requirements for higher needs funding
Link to booking form /
Contact Details / Sarah Cann 01827 311 500