Glen Allen High School Orchestra

Rules and Procedures, 2017-2018

Students will be allowed to participate in orchestra only after both student and parent have reviewed, signed, and returned the signature page of this document. These rules are minimum standard guidelines for participation in a music program, and a student’s action should never interfere with the education of the other members of the group. The Henrico County Student Code of Conduct is used as a minimum standard of behavior, and is referred to repeatedly in this document. Please review it prior to signing these rules. A copy can be found at the following website:

Section I

Attendance policies

  1. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. It is understood that scheduling problems occur, but everyone in the program is counting on everyone else for a successful performance. All absences must be approved by the orchestra director in advance with the exception of illness or family emergency. No credit can be given for unexcused absences from rehearsals or performances. One month’s notice in writing must be given for an excused absence from a performance. Make-up work will be determined prior to the event, and will be due in accordance with school rules. Orchestra members and parents/guardians will receive at least one month’s notice to changes in the schedule. Contact the orchestra director immediately if there is an emergency that would keep you from attending rehearsals or performances.
  1. Occasionally there will be morning rehearsals, especially prior to concerts. The orchestra program splits rehearsal time with on-campus athletic activities. Please see the orchestra director and your respective coach to make arrangements.

See the orchestra calendar for rehearsal and performance schedule specifics. Music is a performance based discipline. Excessive tardies and/or absences are not an acceptable part of a quality music program and can be reason for dismissal from the group.

Section II

General rehearsal rules and practice expectations

  1. No food, drink, or gum of any kind in the rehearsal or performance space. Water in a spill-proof container is acceptable.
  1. No social talking during rehearsals. Students should be engaged in learning.
  1. Students must be on time and must be ready to rehearse.
  1. Students have five minutes to get their instruments out, warm up, and tune up to begin rehearsal.
  1. Students should be prepared to take written notes related to the music in all rehearsals and always have a pencil, notebook, and your planner with them.
  1. Students must be respectful of other members, section leaders, adult instructors, and volunteer parents.
  1. Students are responsible for having all music learned by the appointed time.
  1. Students must be patient and understanding. They are part of a large group.
  1. Home practice is essential to your growth on your instrument.

Section III

Grading and participation

A.  How grades are determined:

·  Class participation and preparation – 40%

·  Assignments/exams/projects – 20%

·  Rehearsals and performances – 40%

B.  Class participation and preparation:

·  Bring your instrument every day. A zero will impact your grade greatly.

·  Let the director know if your instrument is in need of repair. Please use a shop that repairs in a timely manner.

·  If you are not prepared with your music, pencil, rosin, etc., you will lose points on your participation and preparation grade.

C.  Optional activities:

Students are encouraged to audition for and participate in All-County Orchestra, Senior Regional Orchestra, and All-State. The Glen Allen Orchestra program will help fund participation in these activities, and will also help to fund many educational opportunities for student musicians. These include visiting collegiate ensembles, and professional group instruction. Students should take full advantage of these opportunities.

Music is a performance based discipline. Student insubordination and/or failure to follow rehearsal rules are not acceptable parts of a quality music program and can be reason for disciplinary action as outlined in the Henrico County Student Code of Conduct. Gross misconduct can result in dismissal from the group.

Section IV

Performance etiquette and attire

  1. While in concert dress, students must act in a manner that best represents

Glen Allen High School.

  1. Students must be respectful of other performing groups at all times.
  1. Students are expected to follow standard performance protocol while on stage and before and after performances.
  1. Students must return all equipment to storage at the completion of every performance.
  1. Concert dress requirements are standard in the arts community. Orchestra members will wear “concert black”. Gentlemen will wear tuxes or black suits. Gentlemen will wear white shirts and black bow ties. Black socks and dress shoes are required. Ladies will wear all black. Dresses or skirts must be ankle length with no long slits. Pants may be worn, but they must be dress pants (no skin tight pants, yoga pants, etc.). Shirts or tops of dresses may be short or long sleeve. Spaghetti straps, strapless dresses/tops, backless dresses are NOT allowed. Black or skin tone stockings and black dress shoes are required (no flip flops).

Music is a public-relations based discipline and one that represents our school and our entire community. Inappropriate dress and behavior in public are not acceptable parts of a quality music program and can be reason for disciplinary action as outlined in the Henrico County Student Code of Conduct. Major infractions or habitual offenses can result in dismissal from the group.

Section V

Off-campus travel and performance

  1. The Henrico County Student Code of Conduct is in effect on all trips. The same rules that apply on campus also apply off campus. There are exceptions for electronic devices.
  1. Cell phones and personal music players are allowed during travel, but must not interfere with group activities.
  1. Every student must have a signed and notarized medical form in order to travel with the music department. This form must have a notary seal or stamp in order to be valid when we travel out of state. Medical treatment cannot be given without this form. The medical form must be completed and on file with the orchestra director by the end of the first week of school. A copy of this document is included at the end of the Rules and Procedures. (Addendum #1)
  1. Student must be in good academic standing in all classes. All permission slips, medical forms, funds, and fundraising materials must be returned in a timely manner or student will not be allowed to participate on the field trip.

School related travel requires self-discipline. Students who are a danger to themselves or others are not an acceptable part of a quality music program. Students can be referred for disciplinary action as outlined in the Henrico County Student Code of Conduct. Major infractions can result in dismissal from the group.

Section VI

Equipment and supplies

A. The Glen Allen Orchestra program will provide each student with the following:

·  music for all performances

·  method and warm-up books related to class instruction

·  instrument storage space at school

B. Instrument Care:

·  Instruments should never be kept near a vent area. In the warm months, the instruments will collect condensation inside because of the cold air hitting them. In the cooler months, the heat will dry out the wood causing it to crack.

·  Do not leave instruments in the car.

·  Bows should be loosened after each rehearsal to prevent stress in the stick as well as the hair. Three turns to the left (loosen) should suffice.

·  Do not touch the hair of the bow or the part of the strings that the bow touches. Oils from the skin will cause these surfaces to become slick and not playable.

·  A soft clean cloth (no polishes, cleaners, etc. should be on the cloth) should be kept in the case with the instrument to wipe off the excess rosin after each rehearsal.

C. Materials needed:

·  Instrument/bow/accessories (shoulder rest, rosin, strings, etc.)

·  Pencil, planner

·  Music/books/loose leaf paper/Orchestra folder

·  All students should use a metronome to practice. There is one located on Students should invest in a small inexpensive metronome and tuner for their home practice.

D. School owned instruments will be loaned as needed. Students and parents/guardians using a school owned instrument will be required to sign the instrument out and return it in the same condition. Any damage done to an instrument while in the care of a student is the responsibility of that student and their family. An instrument check-out form is included at the end of the Rules and Procedures. (Addendum #2)

E. String instrument specialists (for rental, repair, or purchase)

·  Jan Hampton 231-7463,

·  Kapeller Violins 233-0719,

Students are expected to bring all equipment needed to rehearsals and performances. Students are expected to treat all equipment with respect. Students

should not play other students’ instruments or handle equipment that they are not supposed to play. Students and parents/guardians are financially responsible for any damage done to any school equipment. All instruments and equipment should be properly stored when not in use

Section VII

Fees and Fundraising

A. Fees should be paid on time. Contact the orchestra director to discuss any extenuating circumstances. Fees are non-refundable with the exception of school transfer.

Fee schedule for orchestra:

·  -$10 Classroom fee (to be paid to Glen Allen High School at fee night)

·  -$40 Uniform fee

·  -Spring Trip fee will vary with destination. Please check the calendar for exact dates and amounts.

B. It is not the policy of the Glen Allen High School Orchestra to deny participation to any student with a demonstrated financial need. Contact the orchestra director concerning your specific situation.

C. The orchestra program may engage in several different types of fundraising during the year. These are necessary for the operation of any successful orchestra program. While Henrico County Public Schools provides some funding, it is not enough to meet the needs of a quality ensemble. Students are expected to participate in at least half of the fundraisers each year.

Section VIII

Other important information

A.  Private Lessons:

·  Private lessons are not required, but are encouraged.

·  Private lessons give students more individual attention, which generally causes them to progress more quickly on their instrument.

Section IX

Class requirements and descriptions:

A. String Orchestra

Students will learn to play:

·  12 major scales in multiple octaves.

·  chromatic scale practical range of the instrument

·  sight reading music on a grade II level,

·  concert selections on a grade IV plus level

·  a prepared selection that demonstrates their ability to play at class level

B. Honors Orchestra

This is an advanced class with weighted credit. Membership requires a

separate audition including a prepared solo selection and sight-reading on a grade

IV level. Students accumulate 25 additional points in addition to the string orchestra curriculum, and must complete an independent study project. Private lessons, while not required, are helpful for meeting Honors Orchestra requirements and are strongly encouraged.

Note: Honors students are automatically enrolled in our Tri-M Music Honor Society. Others can apply and audition for this group.

C. Full Orchestra

Full Orchestra is a combination of string class plus select winds and percussion. This ensemble will perform for special occasions and may be combined with other schools. Membership is by application to the orchestra director.

Section X

Goals and Philosophy

A.  Goals:

·  Participate in a variety of music experiences.

·  Read and notate music.

·  Demonstrate the ability to organize and express musical ideas and sounds.

·  Investigate characteristics of musical sounds.

·  Explore music styles and genres through listening, performing, writing, and discussing.

·  Investigate the role of music in the human experience.

·  Demonstrate appropriate performance behavior as a participant and/or listener.

·  Identify and compare relationships between music and other disciplines.

B.  Philosophy:

Every member of the orchestra is critical to our success. Students will apply themselves so that their involvement with music will lead to a life long interest and influence on their lives. By studying music in orchestra, students will develop their skills as players and musicians and deepen their knowledge not only of music, but of history, language, and other cultures. Orchestra students will learn to work together, listen to each other, and share their talents with others. A personal involvement and experience with music allows students to develop deeper feelings of love and compassion, develop a deeper appreciation of beauty, and enhance their quality of life. Thank you for reviewing and abiding by these rules and procedures.


Mr. Allen Hall

Orchestra Director

Glen Allen High School

Glen Allen High School Orchestra

Rules and Procedures, 2017-18

I have read and agree to abide by the

Rules and Procedures of the

Glen Allen Orchestra program.

(print student name)

(student signature)

(print parents/guardians names)

(parents/guardians signatures)


(street) (city) (zip code)

Phone numbers (home)______(work)______



(Addendum #1) Glen Allen High School Music Department

Permission for Medical Treatment

I, the undersigned, being the parent, legal guardian, or legal next-of-kin of:


(full name of student) (student’s address including zip code)

hereby authorize any necessary medical treatment for this person while participating with the Glen Allen High School Music Program. I also guarantee payment of all charges incurred during the treatment (hospital, ambulance, physician, x-ray, lab costs, prescriptions, etc.)

In regard to said person, I submit the following information:

1. Allergies to food, medication, etc.

2. Special medical problems.

3. Is the student under medical care? If so, describe the nature of illness and treatment.

4. Does the student carry medicine? YES / NO