Ledbury Tennis Club

Minutes of the Committee Meeting

Tuesday 25th July 2017

Present ; Ann Hume in the Chair, Steve Finch, Pat Symonds, Kathy Malia , Liz Lewin, Claire Hollingsworth, Mary Fox and Robert Williams. Apologies from Janet Day.

The Minutes of the Committee on 8th June were taken as read. No matters arose.


·  Funding for Lights. Hereford County Council has approved the Planning Application to install the Mast. This will necessitate a temporary road closure to allow the mast to be lifted over the wall, to its expected site.This is unlikely to be granted before September.

It was pointed out that there was someone digging the road and could this be related to the mast. Ann to investigate. Subsequently, this action appears to be Western Power putting in electricity, although Shared Access had no knowledge of this. They are following the action up and Ann will report to members once she has an answer.

·  Club clothing has been held up as Steve Onion's producer has defaulted and he is seeking a new one.

·  The Ladies Open day tournament was played in reasonably good weather and in good humour. 6 couples entered and a round robin tournament with tea was won by Sally Lewin and Claire Hollingsworth

·  Club Championships are progressing.. Pat to locate Championship Trophies and have them available for presentation. Liz to collect two umpires chairs from Manor Park. Ann to provide balls, umpire sheets, pencils, order of play, request for umpires etc. Refreshments will be provided .All members will be cordially invited to share the day.

·  Heater engineer, Justin Hill, to see to a new heater. Ann to action

·  Fixtures Meeting on 12th September at Manor Park 7pm. All team Captains have been informed. Liz will oversee the Ladies, Steve the Mens and Claire will be i/c the calendar to ensure no clashes. Liz and Steve and Claire to enter the fixtures onto the website

·  Club spark, Katy is willing to help with the inputting of data for Club Spark. Colin to be approached re training for this


Monies, £5060 is being paid into LTC bank account by Shared Access


Ann has obtained the music and a caller for a Barn Dance. To be held at the Community Hall, in the Community Hall FRIDAY 10TH NOV, with the Rob Ebden band. Committee Members tosell tickets, hopefully encouraging non tennis members along. A ploughman’s will be included. Wine will be available.

Ann to do posters and tickets and see if Alison can help with the printing.

An event in January 2018 could be skittles, perhaps in the British Legion, with fish and chips.


•  Community day review. It was decided to run a LTC stall in the town on Community day and have a separate Open Day to coincide with one of the Great British Tennis Weekend dates

•  Mixed Open Tournament on 10th September still on course (despite the cycle race on 10th September).

•  The switch of the Championship's viewing to the third court to be considered. There is more space there, and less disruption to the players from the proximity of the clubhouse.

Date of next meeting, Tuesday 3rd October 7pm in the Clubhouse