February 14th, 2013

Members Present: Dick Kroese, Roger Bogard, Steve McNeil, Joe McGowan, Tom Turriff, Savo Fries, Marilyn Moore, Ed Drager, Joe Dylewski, and Linda Schreiber

Members Absent: Tom Albaugh, Jim Karp and Tim Johnston

Guests: Tamara Hutto, Sharon McKniff, Bill Pohnert and Mike Levine

Called to Order: 10:00 a.m. by President Dick Kroese

President’s Report: Dick Kroese

·  Dick presented a letter of resignation from the board and request for leave of absence from Tim Johnston. Roger Bogard moved and seconded by Joe McGowan to approve request. Passed

·  Dick moved and seconded by Savo to have an emergency board meeting to nominate the next president-elect. Passed

·  Dick announced several members will be attending the RI peace conference.

·  Dick asked for a process the board could incorporate to address members that are not attending meetings.

·  Dick moved and seconded by Joe McGowan to nominate Edie Crall as SaddleBrooke Rotary Citizen of the Year. Passed

·  Dick moved and seconded by Ed Drager to cancel the March Madness club fundraiser. Passed

Secretary: Joe Dylewski

·  December minutes were approved and posted to ClubRunner on January 18th.

·  Joe thanked the board for their prompt review and approval of the January minutes.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Albaugh (Absent) Roger Bogard on Tom’s behalf

·  Roger stated we are in good financial shape with ~$34,000 currently in savings.

Club Admin: Steve McNeil

·  Steve would like to see the board approve a formal mentoring process. We want to ensure each new member is assigned a mentor. In addition, Steve recommends the club develop a core group of mentors.

Community Service: Marilyn Moore

·  Marilyn reported the club will donate $250.00, as approved in our 2012-2013 budget,to SBCO for the Tri-Community Food Bank.

·  Marilyn said Rotarians will serve as volunteers for SBCO Tri-Community Food Drive, on March 9th. This event will be used to meet our “Rotarians at Work Day” activity.

Membership: Joe McGowan

·  Joe said our table at the Activity Fair to recruit new members was very successful.

·  Joe moved, seconded by Ed Drager John Ruland’s approval for membership. Passed.

SB Foundation: Roger Bogard

·  Roger provided the latest dollar report received for the FFK golf event.

Director of Communications: Savo Fries

·  Steve would like to determine why the club’s use of ClubRunner is low.

·  Savo is working with Tamara to update program speakers on ClubRunner.

·  Savo will update the club at future meetings on the functions and uses of ClubRunner.

·  Savo requested sponsors/mentors to help new members complete their profile page.

Past President: Ed Drager

·  Golf raffle fundraising is going well with $7678 collected to date.

·  Upcoming raffle dates: SB softball tourney March 16th, Treats and Talents auction March 20th, and the Robson Car Show at SaddleBrooke Ranch March 23rd.

President Elect: Tim Johnston (Resigned)

·  Position is currently vacant pending the nomination and approval of a replacement.

Sergeant at Arms: Jim Karp Absent

·  No updates given.

Rotary International: Tom Turriff

·  Tom reported we have reached 72% of our EREY member donation goal.

·  Dick moved and Steve seconded for Tom to continue to ask members to do their part and for the club to reach 100% participation. Passed

·  Dick moved and Ed seconded that if the club membership falls short of this year’s $6800 EREY goal, the club will make up the difference with from our bank reserves. Passed

New Business

·  Ed Drager encouraged the club picks up the many projects Ken Moore previously did.

·  Dick said the grant writing committee will convene on Feb 21 to review guidelines.

·  Tamara stated we are ahead on donations for the golf tournament, however we are in need of more golfers.

·  Tamara mentioned FFK team captains will improve the follow-up on former $100 or better donors.

Adjourned: 11:17 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph F. Dylewski, Secretary