Agenda, July 20, 2015




MONDAY, JULY 20, 2015

4:00 P.M.

The Hon. Nancy Spewak, Mayor, to preside and call the meeting to order.

Approval and Adoption of the agenda.

Approval of the Minutes: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 15, 2015 and Special and Closed Meetings of June 17, 2015.

Mayor Spewakwill suspend the order of the agenda to appoint Steve Lynn as the new Fire Chief.

Public Forum: The Mayor will recognize any visitors who wish to address the Mayor and Council on city matters.

Public Hearing: None

Old Business: None

Zoning and Planning Matters:None

Proposed Legislation:

Bill 2113 An ordinance readopting in its entirety Ordinance 1575, entitled an Ordinance of the City of Ladue, Missouri, to establish a procedure to disclose potential conflicts of interest and substantial interests for Municipal Officials.

Resolution 2015-02A resolution of the City Council of the City of Ladue adopting an updated operation and maintenance program for the prevention and reduction of pollution in storm water runoff from municipal operations.

Financial Matters:

F-1Report of the Finance Director regarding significant items in the financial reports.

F-2The Mayor and Council to review and approve the Vouchers for Payment for the month of June 2015.

F-3The Mayor and Council to review the combined Treasurer’s and Collector’s Report for June 2015.

F-4The Mayor and Council to review the Financial Report for June 2015.

F-5Cash Flow for June 2015

F-6Land and Lots Delinquent Tax List

Department Reports:

D-1Fire Department: Mayor and Council to review the Fire Department Activity Report for June 2015.

  1. Recognition of Keith Terry’s retirement (36 years of service)
  2. Update – Firehouse #1

D-2Police Department: Mayor and Council to review the Police Activity Report for the period January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015.

D-3Public Works: Mayor and Council to review the report of the Director of the Public Works Department.

  1. Clayton/Warson Beautification Plan
  2. Building Office Report for June 2015.
  3. Building permit extensions:
  1. Request for approval of a building permit extension for 42 Narragansett, extended to October 1, 2015.
  2. Request for approval of a building permit extension for 34 Fair Oaks, extended to August 1, 2015.

D-4Municipal Court: Mayor and Council to review the report of the Municipal Court for May and June 2015.

D-5Administration/City Clerk:

a. Request for approval to implement an Employee Recognition Awards Program.

b. Request for approval of an agreement between the City of Ladue and STL Programs for publication of a Ladue Community Directory.

D-6Appointments: None

Liquor Licenses: None

Adjournment: The next meeting dates are August 17 and September 21.

Note: Pursuant to Section 610.022 RSMO., the City Council could vote to close the public meeting and move to executive session to discuss matters relating to litigation, legal actions and/or communications from the City Attorney as provided under section 610.021 (1) RSMO. and/or personnel matters under section 610.021 (13) RSMO. and/or employee matters under section 610.021 (3) RSMO. and/or real estate matters under section 610.021 (2).

Posted by: Laura RiderDate: 07/17/15 8:00 am