540 MAIN STREET Fifth Sunday of Easter/Mother’s Day 1640 NEW GERMANY ROAD

Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon.May 15th Pachomius

SJ 7:45 AM Ray & Gertrude LeMay

Tues. May 16th Easter Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Carl Bodenschatz

Wed. May 17th Easter Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Sister Mary Avila Long

Thurs. May 18th John I, Pope

IC 7:45 AMJudy Wess

Friday, May 19th Celestine V, Pope

IC 7:45 AMBolling Bell

Saturday, May 20th Easter Weekday

SJ 1:00 PM Nupt. Matt Penatzer & Stefani McCormick

IC 4:00 PM Norbert Wirfel

SJ 5:00 PM For the Parish

Sunday, May 21st – Sixth Sunday of Easter

SJ 8:00 AM Domenick, Mary, & Anita Aliquo

SJ 10:00 AM Steve Faher

IC 7:00 AM For the Parish

IC 9:00 AM James Kulback


MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFASTtoday, Sunday, May 14th after the 10 AM Mass in the social hall.


For the weekend ofMay 20th & 21st:

SJ– 5 PMTyler Kulback & Ella Wise

8 AM TJ and Nathaniel Beyer

10 AM Anna W., Anna B., & Anna K.

IC - 4 PMJeffrey & Grace Beyer

7 AM Bob and Monica Krug

9 AM Jonathan Wess and Delaney Dumm


SJ & IC: 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;

1/2 hour before all weekend masses, duringthe first weekend of each month; oranytime byappointment.

GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.

SJ Sat 5 PM Volunteer Needed

SJ Sun 8 AM Volunteer Needed

SJ Sun 10 AMGail Faher Family

IC Sat 4 PM Dorothy Wirfel Family

IC Sun 7 AM Herman Weinzierl Family

IC Sun 9 AM Denis J. Long Family


MARION CRONAUER would like to thank everyone for the birthday greetings that were sent to her for her birthday. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated.

SJ: The flowers are the altar this week: In memory of Larry & Margaret McCormick and for the L/D Mothers of the parish, from the McCormick family.

MAY CROWNINGS: Today, Sunday, May 14th during the 9 AM Mass at IC and the 10 AM Mass at SJ.

CARNATIONS FOR LIFE: This Mother's Day weekend, Birthright volunteers will be accepting donations in exchange for beautiful carnations. Please give generously and thank you for supporting Birthright. Happy Mother's Day!

RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE is Tuesday, May 23rdfrom 1:30 PM-7 PM at New Germany Grove Hall. Volunteers and donors (please give) are needed. Call Twila Flynn 495-5247 if you can help.

SJ & IC: All parents with teens and children in the Faith Formation program (CCD) of both parishes, St. John’s, Summerhill, and Immaculate Conception, New Germany, are asked to make every effort to attend one of two parental information nights as follows: at 7 PM, on Wednesday, May 17, in Immaculate Conception Church; and/or at 7 PM, on Thursday, May 18th, in St. John Church, Summerhill. Now is the time to make plans for 2017-2018 CCD year.We are in need of additional teachers and substitutes for next year. If anyone is willing to pass on our Catholic faith to all our children and teens, please call the rectory.

VBC: We are the Mighty made by God to stand strong. Created by God to live for what is right and what is true. We are called by God to help those in need. Now is the time. This is our calling. Together we must rise and stand and say….IAM GOD’S HERO! All Hero Central VBC registration forms are due by next Sunday, May 21st. Don’t forget about the Color Your Hero Contest. Color yourself as Superhero or color your favorite Hero. Coloring pages are in the gathering space of both churches. Coloring pages must be turn in by Sunday, May 21st to the baskets in the back of both churches.

125TH ANNIVERSARY OF SUMMERHILL BOROUGH: There will be a Summerhill Shuffle 5K on June 10th starting at 9 AM. Registration forms & a flyer will be in the gathering space of both churches,

SJ: During the 125th Summerhill Anniversary, our Rosary Altar Society will sponsor a baked goods booth. Our ladies would appreciate donations of baked goods and volunteers to staff our booth. If you are willing to bake and/or staff our booth please call Pam so we can make plans.

SJ: We need volunteers to help make Gobs for our baked goods booth at the Summerhill Anniversary. Gob making day will be Friday, June 2. Please call Pam and let her know if you will help with Gob making.

SJ: Our target for the Catholic Ministries Drive is $12,602.00. All money over our target will benefit our children and teens attending our CCD program. We need new books and additional faith videos for them. Please be generous.

IC: Our target for the Catholic Ministries Drive is$14,646.00. Money over this target will be used to purchase “white board” to be used as chalkboards in our CCD program. We also need new books and additional videos. Please open your hearts and be generous so we can provide our children and teens with the best possible Catholic faith formation program.

SJ & IC: Since 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima apparitions, which has the approval of the Vatican, the 13th of every month ought to be celebrated with private and public recitation of the rosary or another form of prayerful service. Any suggestions?

SJ & IC: All registered parishioners are asked to check the gathering space of both churches and take home the booklet “Giving” by Ben Scott that is in a white envelope with your name on it. All envelopes not taken by the first Sunday in June will be mailed.

SJ & IC: For our Interparish Loan Library, we need a 5-shelf bookcase. If anyone has an unused bookcase, and it is in good condition, and you are willing to donate it, please call Fr Leon, OSB.