DECEMBER17, 2009
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Town Board was held on December 17, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees; Gustafson, Heaton, Schnell, Thomas and Walkerand Mayor Moser. Absent: Trustee Loftis and Attorney Anson
Item 2 – Review the Minutes of the November 19thMeeting. Trustee Gustafson moved the minutes of the November19th meeting be approved as written, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Motion carried5– 0.
Item 3 –Special recognition: Randy Spaedt & Chris Bagley for 30 years of service.Gary reported he has known Randy since 1964 and when he came into his office looking for a job he decided to hire him. Gary stated it has worked out very well for the Town and believes he couldn’t do the job without him. Gary also announced that Chris Bagley started out part time in the police department and displayed abilities that moved her to the clerk’s office full time in January 1980 so is coming up on her thirty years of service in two weeks. Gary mentioned she has also been an integral part of the organization and couldn’t do without her help. Both of the employees were presented with plaques and bonus checks for lasting thirty years.
Item 4 – Ordinance No. 546: Amending Section 9-1-18 of Municipal Code – 2nd reading. Concluding discussion and review Trustee Thomas moved to adopt Ordinance No. 546 that clarifies the individual responsibilities of the Town and property owner for maintenance of service lines for water, seconded by Trustee Schnell. Roll call; Gustafson-aye, Heaton-aye, Schnell-aye, Thomas-aye and Walker-aye. Motion carried 5 – 0.
Item 5– 2010 Budget: Resolution No. 2009-05: Water Rate Increase; 2009-06: Sewer Rate Increase; 2009-07: 2010 Budget Summary; 2009-08: Budget Appropriation. Trustee Schnell moved to adopt Resolution No. 2009-05 increasing water rates from $22.75 for the first four thousand gallons and an additional 2.50 for each one thousand thereafter to $23.60 for the first four thousand gallons and an additional $2.60 per one thousand thereafter, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 5 – 0. Gary reported the reason for the increase in sewer rates is due to the interest and principal on the loan to help defray expenses. Trustee Schnell moved adoption of Resolution No. 2009-06 increasing sewer rates, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Motion carried 5 – 0. Trustee Thomas moved adoption of Resolution No. 2009-07 – Budget Summary, seconded by Trustee Walker. Motion carried 5 – 0. Trustee Schnell moved to adopt Resolution No. 2009-08 – Budget Appropriations, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 5 – 0.
Item 6 – Citizen Comments. None.
Item 7 – Reports. Don reported there has been a request to change zoning from commercial (C-2) to residential (R-2) in the 100 block of Elm Avenue, to include 212 Second Street. The mortuary has their building for sale and has a potential buyer who would like to convert the building to a residence. Don has letters prepared to send to the residents in the area to get their feelings. The Planning Commission will have to review the request and make their recommendation to the Board and there will have to be a public notice regarding the public hearing to be held at the next board meeting scheduled for January 21st. Don also submitted an Emergency Operations Plan for the Board’s review to be completed and a final draft adopted at a later date. Gary gave the Board a brief update on the situation of the old Sugar Factory property.
Item 8 – Adjourn to Eaton Housing Authority meeting. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned to the Eaton Housing Authority at 7.25 p.m.
Item 9 –Eaton Housing Authority 2010 Budget Meeting. Gary reported the mortgage will be paid off by June 2010 on the project. Concluding review of the annual budget, Trustee Schnell moved to approve the Eaton Housing Authority 2010 Budget, seconded by Trustee Walker. Motion carried 5 – 0.
Item 10 –Adjourn. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk