The Babbling Brook
Voice of the Stoney Brook Plantation Homeowners Association
Note from the President
While we try to keep emails to a minimum (so you READ them when you GET them), here are recent resident complaints about homeowner pets.
Barking Dogs:
We have several homeowners who go to work each day and do not realize their dogs bark – all day long. Local pet stores sell a variety of products that can solve this problem so you can ease your neighbors nerves – the products are called control collars. Depending on your individual pet, there are ultrasonic, shock and citronella collars. For less than $100 you can lessen the complaints we get from your neighbors.
For your neighbors, I suggest the following:
let people know their dog(s) bark(s). The only other remedy is for them to make a complaint to the PTC Police Department. Animal Control cannot help. Barking dogs fall under the noise ordinance according to the PTC Police Department. If they make a complaint, a police officer will come to witness the barking and it eventually comes under a judge’s ruling as to how to deal with the barking dog. This does not make for happy neighbors. There are many neighbors who do not complain because they know you love your dogs.
Dog Poop:
The Clubhouse,Pool, other private and public properties are NOT YOUR BACK
Annual Meeting (cont.)
The estimated fee will be $3,000 to $10,000/yr depending on the services they provide.
Board members contribute 3 to 15 hours per month.
2014 Telephone Directory
If any of your information has changed since the last directory, please contact .
Suggestions Wanted
You own and support SBHA. The Board would like your input on how to spend dues, or what you would like to see repaired or improved in the neighborhood.
This year Martha Wilson and family painted the lamp posts. Also, thanks to Martha, the gazebo is free of termites. Laurie Clarke replaced our pool cover (because of cigarette holes in the previous one) to the tune of $5,000 and Nancy Shaw has been dealing with people disaligning the pool gate because they just forget their key and “just climb the fence” ($500 to $1,000/year). I know disaligning isn’t a word, but you get the idea.
Let us know of any suggestions so we prioritize spending to fit your wants and needs. Yes, WANTS. If there is a general consensus on a want it might turn into a need.
When you make your suggestions, list them by area - Entrance, Clubhouse, Pool, Tennis, Gazebo, Overall, etc. - and then prioritize them for us. You can send your ideas to , or call me (770)487-6983. The annual meeting is the deadline for budget purposes.
Holiday Decorations
We need a volunteer to chair and several other volunteers to take charge of holiday decorating. If you would like to help, let one of us know.
2013 Board of Directors
Kate Lipchiz, President
Marc Plaisance, Secretary
Joe Camerata, Treasurer
Martha Wilson, Grounds Maintenance
Nancy Shaw,Pool and Clubhouse Mgr
Parker Wright, ACC
David Rauch, At-Large
Mary Plant, At-Large/ACC member
Again, snake warning. Leash your pets and do not prune bushes without looking first. We have a resident hawk in Section 2 which is taking care of these pests, but other parts of the subdivision may not be so lucky.
If you need more information, your Corporate Secretary, Marc Plaisance, has posted Board meeting minutes on our website - He is also Stoney Brook's webmaster if you have questions/concerns about the website.