Hatch PTO General Meeting
General Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2017
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 18, 7:00PM
OPEF -Bringing science and arts to life through activities and classes
- Base camp raises money for the program
- 120 scholarships to base camp this summer will be afforded
- Community members provide the most support and donations from D97 PTO’s
- Gwendolyn Brooks mural will be displayed and done by OPEF base camp
- Revamping summer programs which will bring new and exciting opportunities
Principal report
- Intensive work around equity
- Amazing work with kids accomplished by the teachers and staff
- Winter data dive
- 20% difference between White and African American group and the gap has been closed
- Free and reduced students lunch are growing more than those that pay
- Closing the gaps with subgroups and accelerate that closure- Hatch is outperforming the district
- Seeing results since we are piloting a lot of the work through D97
- Summer school is not required and recommend at Hatch or across the district for every child only the neediest students are first enrolled
- Working towards publishing more data on the Hatch website and making it more accessible
- Need to work on the heightening level of achievement not just growth within the disenfranchised student groups
Supporting gender expansion students- Presentation led by Ms. Susan Mura
- Notecards for questions and they will be addressed and answered with a personal follow up
- Youth is driving this
- Berwyn is cutting edge on this topic and have resources and programs currently in place
- This presentation is geared towards adults and the students are relayed the information in a different manner. The message to children is surrounding respect and the conversations are around being different
- Kids language is very different and on the level of the child
Parents night out teachers are invited at Circle Lanes in Forest Park 4/8 6-9 drinks and food separately discounted and a raffle
- $25/person $100/team
Online plant sales - monarch butterfly kits fundraiser add pollinator plants to our garden
Fun Fair event huge success
- Slice factory donated one pizza for every pizza bought which cut our cost
- Left over pizza was taken to a charity at the end of the night
- Speaking with other elementary schools possibly change the dates and extend the time based on feedback
- May have to incur additional costdue to extra help needed
- Logistics can be revised based on feedback
Spring Book Fair went well-ice cream social drew attention as well ~$2700 was earned
Drinking fountainoutside to be installed over the break
Funding Request
Ms. Klemp art build magnetic chalkboard wall over the summer
- Supplies and paint $250.00
Additional playground equipment a great deal of items have been lost.
- $496.08
Raquel has a lead for donated balls and playground equipment
Both motioned and approved
Ms. Nikolakakis thank you for bins
FYI sign up information for board positions that are expiring
- Two year term commitment
- Co-president
- Co treasure
- VP of chairs
- VP of communications
- Chair of HAH
- Open Chair positions
- Hatch Orchard-head of the group
- Green Team
26 Meeting Attendees