Stanwood City Council Meeting Minutes-September 26, 2013


1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

Mayortempore Leonard Kelleycalled the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Roll Call

Deputy Clerk Patricia Myrdal called the roll with the following Councilmembers present:Rick Randall,Larry Sather, Conrad Ryer, and Leonard Kelley.

Motion by Councilmember Sather, second by CouncilmemberRandallto excuse Councilmembers Callaghan, Pearce, and McCune. Motion passed unanimously.

Also present: City Administrator Deborah Knight, Community Development Director Rebecca Lind, Police Chief Rick Hawkins, City Attorney Scott Thomas, and Deputy Clerk Patricia Myrdal

3. Staff Reports

  1. Police Comstat Report
  2. Public Works Report
  3. Library Board Report
  4. 13EMPG Award - Fire
  5. 2012 Outstanding Wastewater Treatment Plant Award
  6. Minutes of the July 29, 2013 Planning Commission Meeting
  7. Minutes of the August 12, 2013 Planning Commission Meeting

City Administrator Deborah Knight explained that the prior to building a new wastewater treatment plant, the City of Stanwood had been out of compliance. She said the City earned this award for the 6th year and commended the staff: Kevin Hushagen, Leigh Danielson, and Jake Hamlin for their achievement.

4. Citizen Comments

Anthony Hardenbrook7715 278th Place NW, Stanwood, WA 98292

Mr. Hardenbrook spoke about the rezoning proposal regarding the O’Hare property which was discussed by the Planning Commission. He outlined his concerns regarding the rezone and noted that the proposal had recently been withdrawn by the property owner. He said there was limited public access to those who opposed the proposal and felt his right to speak was silenced.

5. Approval of the Agenda

Motion by Councilmember Sather, second by CouncilmemberRandallto approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.

6. Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes of the September 4, 2013 Special Meeting
  2. Resolution 2013-11 Authorize the mayor to sign ILA with the Association of Washington Cities for employee benefits
  3. Authorize the mayor to sign the contract with the Guild to refurbish city welcome sign
  4. Ordinance 1355 Budget Amendment-Second Reading and Final Adoption
  5. Ordinance 1351 Connect/Disconnect Fees–Second Reading and Final Adoption
  6. Ordinance 1352 Business License 2014 Rate Increase-Second Reading and Final Adoption
  7. Fire Marshall’s Office ILA for plan review and inspection services

Motion by Councilmember Randall, second by CouncilmemberSatherto approve the consent agenda items a through g. Motion passed unanimously.

7. Public Hearing

  1. To Consider Public Testimony regarding Ordinance 1347–Recreational Marijuana Moratorium

Mayor pro tempore Kelley opened the Public Hearing.

Community Development Director Rebecca Lind explained that the emergency Recreational Marijuana Moratorium Council approved in August was to allow the City time to develop regulations consistent with state law. She related that the Planning Commission has established a work plan.

Mayor pro tempore Kelley opened the hearing to public comments.

Lynn White 8051 283rd Street NW Stanwood, WA 98292

Ms. White expressed concern about the city not receiving tax revenues from the sale of recreational marijuana and asked why the city council approved a moratorium.

Mayor pro tempore Kelley advised Ms. White that Council requested the moratorium to allow time for the Planning Commission to study the issue. There being no further citizen comments, he closed the public hearing.

  1. To Consider Public Testimony regarding Development Standards

Mayor pro tempore Kelley opened the public hearing.

Community Director Rebecca Lind explained that the proposed amendments to the Public Works Standards will make it consistent with state law, engineering and safety practices and eliminate inconsistencies between the Standards and the Stanwood Municipal code. She reviewed the sixteen recommended policy changes stating that most involve changes in city roadway standards. She said that another inconsistency involves the landscape strips and noted that the city code requires landscape strips to be maintained by the city while the development standards show in the details section that they be maintained by the homeowner. Director Lind stated that currently the city owns ad maintains half of the detention ponds with homeowners owning and maintaining the other half. She stated that proposed changes to the standards for future subdivisions require that stormwater facilities in the city will be owned and maintained by homeowners. Director Lind noted that this change does not affect existing detention ponds.

Citizen Comments

Rob Johnson8029 283rd Street NW, Stanwood, WA 98292

Mr. Johnson advised council that he is the president of the Candle Ridge Homeowners Association. He said that Candle Ridge has four detention ponds of which three were deeded to the City of Stanwood. He stated that the 34 homeowners who own the pond believed that it was part of the total system just like sidewalks and streets are. Mr. Johnson related that he will be bringing a petition to council requesting the fourth pond be deeded back to the city.

Anthony Hardenbrook7715 278t Street NW, Stanwood, WA 98292

Mr. Hardenbrook stated that his subdivision, Somerset, owns a detention pond but has no homeowners association. He maintained that the detention ponds should be part of the city storm drain system and asked council to consider taking possession of all of the ponds in the city because residents are not trained to maintain them. Mr. Hardenbrook said that if the city maintains landscape strips, then the city should maintain detention ponds.

John CasePioneer Hills Development, Stanwood, WA

Mr. Case stated that he is a former employee of the City of Stanwood and also worked many years for the Stanwood Water Company. He advised council that the drainage system in his development is not draining properly and expressed concern because the rainy season is coming. Mr. Case said that the retention ponds are supposed to meet minimal standards and asked council to define the term. He stated that the ponds should meet minimal standards before being returned to the Pioneer Hills homeowners.

Mayor pro tempore Kelley closed the public hearing. Motion by Councilmember Councilmember> to move Item 10a. Ordinance 1356 Development Standards to 7bi.Passed unanimously.

i. Ordinance 1356 Development Standards

Community Director Rebecca Lind related that this item is open for discussion for council to advise staff of changes. She noted that council has the option of sending this to committee but if no additional direction is given, staff will bring it back to the October 10, 2013 regular council meeting for a public hearing. She noted that it has been proposed to change the name from Public Works Development Standards to Street and Utility Standards.

Council directed staff to bring the ordinance back to the October 10, 2013 to give the full council an opportunity to discuss the issue.

8. Old Business

  1. Ordinance 1353 Sewer Rates

Finance Director Greg Thramer related that the question before council is how to fully fund the sewer system without issuing new debt. He stated that Council discussed the issue at their workshop on September 4, 2013 at which time they requested staff provide the average water consumption of Stanwood residents. Director Thramerreported that this was 740 cubic feet translating to $43.41 for sewer and $25.91 for water.

  1. Ordinance 1354 Water Rates

Finance Director Greg Thramer stated that the rate increase under option one would generate $778,000 annually while the rated increase under option two would generate $500,000 annually for capital projects.

Council remanded the issue to committee or did they instruct staff to bring back to 10/10/13 meeting?

9. New Business

  1. Annual Docket including 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update

Community Development Director Rebecca Lind distributed a map for council and the public noting that the update included the YMCA and Josephine amendment and rezone. She related that the proposed combined docket would be completed six months prior to the deadline and recommended that council look at it in the context of the overall vision and growth through 2035. Director Lind advised council that the staff recommendation is for council to refer the docket to the planning commission to prepare alternatives, analyze the data, and hold public hearings for public participation after which the planning commission will bring their recommendation back to council by 2014. She noted that council has until June of 2015 to make a decision.

Motion by Councilmember Sather, second by Councilmember Kelley to >. Motion passed unanimously.

10. Discussion

  1. Ordinance 1356 Development Standards – moved to Item 7bi
  1. Library Annexation

City Administrator Deborah Knight explained that currently the library contract is paid out of the City’s General Fund and the ballot measure would allow voters to decide if they want to be annexed into the Sno-Isle Library District. Sno-Isle Library agreed to share the election costs with the city if the request for annexation was on the ballot in 2013 or 2014.

11. Reports of Officers and Committees

a.Mayor’s Report

Mayor pro tempore Kelley reported:

  • Port Susan Farmers Market Sales are up - $87,000 this year compared to $48,000 last year.

b.City Administrator Report

There was no city administrator report

c.Committee Reports


i. Finance/Personnel Committee

ii. Community Development/Economic Development Committee

  1. Councilmember Reports/Questions

Councilmember Randall reported that during the Finance Committee meeting tonight the committee arranged a special meeting on October 10, 2013 and discussed:

  • Library annexation
  • Investment Policies
  • Sheriff Contract
  1. Student Advisor MekennahRike reported:
  • Stanwood Spartan football scores
  • Stanwood Spartan football program is hosting a food drive to benefit Housing Hope

11. Citizen Closing Comments

There were no citizen comments.

12. Adjourn

There being no further business before the Council, Mayor pro tempore Kelleyadjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m.


Dianne White, Mayor Patricia Myrdal, Deputy Clerk

Stanwood City Council

September 26, 2013 Regular Meeting

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