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Emergency Support Line - +1 720-230-6801
Project Manager Contact Details
Nicholas Cantillo - Client Success Manager
+1 303-800-3548
Jamie Brooks - Client Success Manager
+1 303-319-8139
A. To Re(set) a Password
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Attendees tab on the left
3. Find the attendee you would like to set a password for
4. Click on the blue number to the left of their first name
5. Scroll down and click on Password
6. Set their password and click Save
7. Be sure to let them know what you set their password to as the system does not send an email to them letting them know their password has been reset
B. To Unlock an Account
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Attendees tab on the left
3. Find the attendee you would like to set a password for
4. Click on the blue number to the left of their first name
5. Scroll down and click on the blue Unlock button
6. I would suggest resetting their password as well (see instructions in Section A)
C. To Send an Invite or Reminder
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Attendees tab in the main menu on the left
3. Click into a membership type (Exhibitors, Members, or Speakers)
4. Click the check-box to the left ID at the top of all of the users in this section
5. If there are more than 20 users on this page another check-box will appear that says "You've selected the 20 users on this page would you like to select all?", click this check-box
6. Click the blue Invite (or Reminder) button at the top below the alphabet and search field
7. Repeat for the other membership types
Few things to note:
1. Although it appears when you select the top check-box that you are going to be sending invites/reminders to everyone in the membership type, the system is smart enough to know who has already activated their account and will not send another invite/reminder to these users
2. Each user can only receive one invite. So although it appears when you select the top check-box that you are going to be sending invites to all users, the system will not send another invite to those who have already received one
3. Each user can only receive one invite/reminder every 48 hours. So if you sent an invite today you would not be able to send a reminder to the same user until Friday. And again although it will look like you're going to be sending invites/reminders to all users when select the top check-box the system won’t send anything to those who have received an invite or reminder less than 48 hours ago.
D. To Create a New User
1. Login to admin
2. Click the Attendees tab in the main menu on the left
3. Click the Create tab at the top
4. Fill in first name, last name, email address (all required)
5. In membership drop-down choose Member (Attendee), Exhibitor, Speaker, or Visitor
6. Click the check-box next to “Invite new users?” to have an invite sent out automatically to the newly added users once they’ve been added successfully
7. Click Create
If you get an error after attempting to add a new user, the error will specify who the email address listed for the new user is currently associated to. If the name appears to be completely different than you will need to tell the user that so and so is already using that email address and that they will need to provide you with a unique email address in order to be added to the system. If the name appears to be similar (ex. Email is currently associated with John Smith and the user you attempted to add has a first and last name of Jonathan Smith) then repeat the same steps to create a new user, but use the name currently associated with the email address.
E. To Update a User’s Membership Type
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Attendees tab in the main menu on the left
3. Search for the user by their first name, last name, first and last name, or email address
4. In the column next to the email column, Membership, the user’s current membership will be noted (Member, Exhibitor, Speaker, Visitor, or Moderator)
5. Click into the membership type as noted next to the user’s record in #4. (On the left-side in-between the main menu and the user’s record.)
6. Search for the user again
7. Click the check-box to the left of their ID
8. Click the appropriate blue “Make ____” button depending on what membership you would like to move the user to
F. To Update a User Profile (Name and Email Address)
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Attendees tab on the left
3. Find the attendee you wish to update
4. Click on the blue number to the left of their first name
5. Scroll down and click on Account
6. Update the user’s name and/or email address
7. Click Save
G. To Update a Session (Time, Location, Description, etc.)
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Agenda tab in the main menu on the left
3. Click on the name of the session you wish to update
4. Update the session info
5. Scroll down and click Save at the bottom
H. To Add/Remove Speaker from a Session
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Agenda tab in the main menu on the left
3. Click on the name of the session you wish to update
4. Scroll to the bottom until you see a section titled Speakers5. To remove a speaker, click on their name on the box on the right and click the < button. To add a speaker, click on their name on the box on the left and click the > button.*
5. Click Save
*If you do not see the speaker’s name in the box on the left they either have not been added to the system yet (see Section D to add the speaker) or they are in the wrong membership type (see Section E to adjust the user’s membership type).
I. To add an Exhibitor/Sponsor Contact
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Exhibitors tab in the main menu on the left
3. Click on the blue number listed under the Contacts column (fourth column from the left) next to the company you wish to add a contact to
4. In the Add a User by Name box, start typing in the first name of the user you wish to add as a contact. Their name should pop-up in an auto-fill list. Click on their name.*
5. Click Add
*If the user’s name does not appear it means they have not been added to the site yet. Please see Section D to create a new user.
J. To Update an Exhibitor/Sponsor Description
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Exhibitors tab in the main menu on the left
3. Click on the name of the company you wish to edit
4. Scroll down until you see a large text-box with the words “Tell us about your organization” above it
5. Make your updates
6. Scroll down and click Save at the bottom
K. To Send a Broadcast Message
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Engage tab in the main menu on the left
3. Select the Membership Type you wish to send the message to (Exhibitors, Members, Visitors, Speakers, Moderators, or All).
4. Leave User State as “All”
5. Fill in the subject line and add your message
6. Click Send Message
Few things to note:
1. The message will show that the message is from you specifically so if your first and last name is John Smith, it will show that the message is from John Smith. If attendees do not recognize your name I would suggest updating your name to first name, “Meeting”, last name “Admin” or something similar (see Section I).
2. Once you hit Send, each active user will receive the following –
1. An email
2. A message within the platform
3. A push-notification, kind of like a text message, if enabled through the app
L. Remove a user
1. Login to admin
2. Click on the Attendees tab in the main menu on the left
3. Search for the user by their first name, last name, first and last name, or email address
4. In the column next to the email column, Membership, the user’s current membership will be noted (Member, Exhibitor, Speaker, Visitor, or Moderator)
5. Click into the membership type as noted next to the user’s record in #4. (On the left-side in-between the main menu and the user’s record.)
6. Search for the user again
7. Click the check-box to the left of their ID
8. Click the Remove box at the top