Mono County Fisheries Commission
Wednesday, June 1, 2016 ~ 10am
June Lake Community Center, June Lake
Attending: Burak, Mueller, King, Parker, Jones
Staff: Simpson
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 10:03am
2. INTRODUCTIONS: Introductions were made
3. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (4-6-16 and 5-4-16): Approval of the April and May minutes was postponed to the following regular scheduled meeting.
5. STAFF/COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS: Mr. Simpson updated the commission on the State of the County happening June 3rd in Mammoth Lakes. Ms. Mueller was looking into having a representative from SCE come speak at a future commission meeting.
6. DEPARTMNET OF FISH AND WILDLIFE UPDATE: Mr. Erdman was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Dailey gave a report on recent bear incidents in June Lake and current outreach efforts to visitors and residents about being bear safe.
· Fish and Game Fine Fund - $16,900 Starting Balance. $1,700 available ($3,500 encumbered for Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care, $700 for FOI, $2,000 for BFEF, $4,000 for Trout in the Classroom, $5,000 for June Lake Trout Study)
· MCFC regular budget - $25,000 Starting Balance. $550 available ($750 encumbered for Fishing Guide, $21,700 for fish stocking, $2,000 for Kids Fishing Festival)
8. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION – Discussion on Dr. Jenkins article on Triploids vs Diploids – Commissioner Mueller: The commissioners discussed the pros and cons of Triploid and Diploid fish and what the impacts are and might be for the fishing industry in the Eastern Sierra. The commission discussed exploring more questions for DFW staff at future meetings.
9. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION – Slinkard Creek Project Letter of Recommendation – Commissioner Mueller. This item was tabled until a letter of support from Dawne Emery could be presented.
10. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION – Update on the June Lake Loop LCT Study – Commissioner Parker: Ms. Strickland from Trout Unlimited gave an updated on the June Lake Loop LCT Study. They found lots of spawning rainbow trout but currently only found 2 pairs of spawning LCT throughout the loop but will continue to do shocking and surveys in the coming months to determine spawning numbers of LCT.
11. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION – Updating the Mono County Fisheries Catch and Release Brochure – Commission Mueller: The commission discussed changes to the brochure and timelines for completion and distribution.
12. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION – Reviewing Mammoth Times Articles on Fishing – Commissioner King: Commissioner King presented a recent article printed in the Mammoth Times and the commission discussed possible outreach programs to help educate the public about fishing and the fishing industry in the Eastern Sierra.
13. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION – Mono County Economic Development, Tourism and Film Commission Update – Staff. No Update
15. ADJOURNMENT – Next regular scheduled meeting is July 6, 2016 at 10am in June Lake.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, anyone who needs special assistance to attend this meeting can contact Jeff Simpson at 760-924-4634 within 48 hours prior to the meeting in order to ensure accessibility (see 42USCS 12132, 28CFR 35.130). Meeting materials may be viewed by contacting Liz Grans at 760-924-1738.