English 107A: Fall 2014 Schedule
Student Responsibilities
- Print out your syllabus, cover sheet, and course policies information. Bring these to class. We will often refer to them.
- Read the syllabus schedule on a daily basis, finish appropriate assignments, and bring your materials (homework/essays/books) to class. (“For class” means “prepare this work before you come to class.”) If you fail to bring your homework at the time that it is due, you will not get full credit for it. To get credit for in-class assignments or quizzes, you must be in class and on time.
- Bring your grammar book when listed in the syllabus.
- Be alert to any schedule changes. (They’ll be posted on d2l.)
- Remember computers can crash and flash drives can be easily lost. Back up your files!
Your work—your homework, your essays, your in-class writing, EVERYTHING you do for class—must be originally written for this class in English by you. Exception: Sometimes it is appropriate to quote other texts within your own writing. In that case, put quotation marks around borrowed words and give the reference (usually the author’s name and the page number) in parenthesis.
Also: if you don’t understand the assignment or the syllabus, it’s your job to ask me. I can’t read your mind, so I can’t guess if something is confusing.
Unless stipulated by the syllabus, electronics (including laptops, cell phones, and tablets) are not allowed.
Please note that leaving the room during class is considered disruptive behavior and is reportable to the dean. Only leave the room if you have a serious need to do so. Arriving late to class is also disruptive behavior. Come to class on time.
Textbook and File Location Abbreviations
Texts are found inA Student’s Guide to First-Year Writing(SG), “The International Students’ Handbook” (ISH),Rules for Writers (RW), The O. Henry OHPS Stories(OHPS),or on D2L (d2l) unless otherwise noted. To access the class D2L page, go to d2l.arizona.edu. If you are having problems accessing D2L or finding documents on the page, let me know.
*Note that it’s especially important to come on time and prepared on workshop days since you’ll receive points for gathering comments from your classmates. If you’re late or forget to bring a hard copy of your draft, you will lose points.
I will grade a hard copy of your essay; however, you are also required to submit a copy to d2l.
Note too that you will need to keep your graded essays until the end of the semester in order to complete the final exam. Otherwise you will lose points.
Unit 1 – Textual Analysis: What’s the Author Trying to Say?
Week 1
Date / For Class / In ClassT 8/26 / Introductions; we’ll do In-class Writing #1 and take a brief survey.
W 8/27 / Read:1.1 and 1.3 in the SG. Print out your cover sheet, syllabus, and course policies sheet and bring these to class. Also bring SG and OHPS to class. / We’ll discuss first-year comp, SG 1.5 and 2.1, review course policies, and start reading our first story.
R 8/28 / Read Lily Tuck’s “Pérou.” (OHPS 319-332) Note that you don’t have to look up all the unfamiliar words. Try to get a general sense of the story. / We’ll do ICW #2, discuss the story, and begin reading the next one.
Week 2
Date / For Class / In ClassT 9/2 / Read the first half of Tash Aw’s “Sail” (OHPS122-134). / For ICW #3, we’ll have a short quiz on the story and discuss it. (You don’t have to know every detail. You need to have a general sense of the important things that happen.)
W 9/3 / Finish reading “Sail” (132-143). For Homework #1, examine some of your reactions to the story. For example, what kind of a person is Yanzu? What makes you say so? What kind of a person is Liz? What are your reasons? Why is the story divided into sections? What is Aw’s overall message?
For full credit, type at least 400 words.Print out a hard copy and bring it to class. Note that handwritten homework is NOT accepted.
Bring your grammar book (RW). / We’ll discuss the story and your homework before studyingRWSection O and 32ABC.
R 9/4 / Read the first half of Derek Palacio’s “Sugarcane” (OHPS 29-41) / We’ll discuss the story and continue reading it.
Week 3
Date / For Class / In ClassT 9/9 / Finish reading “Sugarcane” (OHPS41-52). For HW#2, explain: Why might Eduardo become a good doctor? Why not? Why does Armando want to help Eduardo? Consider the relationship between Armando and Mercedes. Why can’t they stay together? What is Armando thinking about when he says “some sweet thing always”? (400 typed words, bring a hard copy) / We’ll discuss the story and start the next one. We’ll also discuss the assignment sheet.
W 9/10 / Read the first part of “Anecdotes” (OHPS 144-150)
Bring your grammar book. / We’ll do RW 32 EFH and 34AB.We’ll also discuss the CCP.
R 9/11 / For class finish reading “Anecdotes”(OHPS 150-157). For HW #3, visit the CCP website and study the photographs of Louise Dahl-Wolfe. Choose two of the images and write about them. What do you notice? What do you like? What do you think the photographer is trying to say? (400 typed words) / We’ll meet at the CCP. (1030 N. Olive Road, just south of Speedway, north of Harvill) We’ll do ICW #4 based on the exhibition of photographs by Douglas Nielsen.
Week 4
Date / For Class / In ClassT 9/16 / Read SG 3.1, 3.5, and 7.1. Decide which story you’d like to use for your essay and start gathering ideas.Write two possible thesis statements that you could use for Essay 1. / We’ll discuss 5.4 in the SG. We’ll discuss introductions and write a brief practice essay.We’ll also look at chapters from the International Student Handbook (d2l).
W 9/17 / Read 4.1 and 4.2 in the SG. Write an intro or an outline for your essay or both.
Bring your grammar book. / We’ll discuss essay organization. RW: We’ll do Section Q, 35A, and 57.
R 9/18 / Draft your essay. Bring two copies to class. At the top of the first page, write “Graded by”. Label the drafts 1A and 1B. (10 points) / We’ll start workshopping. You must be in class in order to get workshop points.Note that you can earn up to 10 points for getting comments on your drafts, but if the comments are too brief, YOU will lose points. (You will also lose points if the comments you WRITE are too brief.)
Week 5
Date / For Class / In ClassT 9/23 / Use what you learned from your teacher or colleagues and write a new draft of your essay. Bring two copies. Write “Graded by” at the top. Label these drafts 2A and 2B. (10 points) / We’ll workshop our essays. (Note that recycled drafts do not earn credit—for credit you must produce an improved draft; that is the whole point of workshopping.)
W 9/24 / Use what you learned from your teacher or colleagues and write a new draft of your essay. Bring two copies. Write “Graded by” at the top. Label these drafts 3A and 3B. (10 points)
Bring your grammar book. / We’ll finish workshopping and do some editing.We’ll also do RW 34AB, 35A.
R 9/25 / Finish writing your essay. Then carefully edit it.Submit your essay to the dropbox in d2l and print a hard copy to bring to class. (Otherwise you won’t be eligible for a grade.) For d2l, submit your documents in Word (doc), in the new Word (docx), or in Rich Text File (rtf). Those are the only documents I’ll be able to open.
Be prepared to hand in:
1)A list of your classmates’ comments (name + summary of their advice)
2)Drafts 1A, 1B, 2A 2B, 3A, and 3Bclearly labeled
3)Any drafts I wrote on or other drafts that help illustrate your writing process.
4)Your final, edited essay
Note: If your package isn’t complete or you forget to post to d2l, your essay will be counted late. / We’ll do ICW #5 before discussing the next unit.
Unit 2 – Reader-Response Analysis: What Are Your Impressions?
Week 6
Date / For Class / In ClassT 9/30 / Read the first half of Nalini Jones’ “Tiger” (OHPS 294-310) / We’ll do ICW #6 and discuss the story.
W 10/1 / Finish reading “Tiger.” For HW #4 explore your impressions of the story. How did you feel about the characters? What did the setting make you think of? Which of the characters remind you of people you know? What do you think the author wanted you to learn from the story? (400 typed words, hard copy) Review the grammar points we’ve covered so far. Bring your grammar book. / In class we’ll have a quiz on the grammar points we’ve covered so far. (10 points) We’ll also go over RW 16 ABC and 17 AE.
R 10/2 / Read the first part of Jhabvala’s “Aphrodisiac” (OHPS 222-232). / For ICW #7, we’ll have a quiz about the story.
Week 7
Date / For Class / In ClassT 10/7 / Finish reading “Aphrodisiac.” For HW #5, explain ways that you can connect to this story. For example, what sort of novel should be written about your own hometown or a town where you have lived? In what ways might the setting of the story remind you of your own country? (400 typed words, hard copy) / We’ll discuss the story.
W 10/8 / Read the first part of Donald Antrim’s “He Knew” (OHPS 170-180) Bring your grammar book. / We’ll do ICW #8 in class. We’ll go over RW 21 ABCDEF.
R 10/9 / Finish “He Knew.” Also read “Evening, McDonald Lake, Glacier National Park” in the SG 275-277. / We’ll discuss the story and the essay.
Week 8
Date / For Class / In ClassT 10/14 / From please readthe first part, (skip the summary), and then read “Composition,” “Name Origins,”“Shelley’s Sources,”and “Reception.” / We’ll do ICW #9 and start discussing the play.
W 10/15 / Read two blogs from (your choice). Be prepared to explain the blogs to your classmates.
Bring grammar book. / We’lldo RW24 FG. Then we’ll share our blog findings.
R 10/16 / Go to youtube.com. Search for “Frankenstein trailer.” Watch three or more trailers. For HW #6, describe your impressions. What are the filmmakers trying to show you? What kind of films have they created? Which trailer appeals to you the most and why? (400 words, hard copy) / We’ll study the assignment sheet and prepare to watch the play over the weekend.
GO SEE FRANKENSTEIN at the Tornabene Theatre (Park and Speedway) on Sunday 10/19 at 1:30 or Monday 10/20 at 7:30. Carefully check your ticket stub so that you go to the theatre at the right time. Allow extra time so that you don’t miss any of the play. (If you get there late, they might not let you in until intermission.)
Week 9
Date / For Class / In ClassT 10/21 / We’ll discuss the play. Start preparing HW #7. Describe your impressions of: the theatre, the audience, the play itself, the setting, the actors, how you felt about the play, how your friends felt about the play. / We’ll discuss our impressions. We’ll also review the essay assignment.
W 10/22 / Finish HW #7 (600 words, ATTACH YOUR PLAY STUB, hard copy) Also write your intro or your thesis/outline for Essay 2. / We’ll do RW 27AB.
R 10/23 / Draft your essay. Bring two copies to class. At the top of the first page, write “Graded by”. Label the drafts 1A and 1B. (10 points) / We’ll workshop. Remember that you will lose points if your comments are to brief.
Week 10
Date / For Class / In ClassT 10/28 / Use what you learned from your teacher or colleagues and write a new draft. Bring two copies. Write “Graded by” at the top. Label these drafts 2A and 2B. (10 points) / We’ll continue workshopping.
W 10/29 / Use what you learned from your teacher or colleagues and write a new draft of your essay. Bring two copies. Write “Graded by” at the top. Label these drafts 3A and 3B. (10 points.) / We’ll finish workshopping and do some editing. We’ll also do RW27AB.
R 10/30 / Finish writing your essay. Then carefully edit it. Submit your essay to the dropbox in d2l and print a hard copy to bring to class. (Otherwise you won’t be eligible for a grade.) For d2l, submit your documents in Word (doc), in the new Word (docx), or in Rich Text File (rtf). Those are the only documents I’ll be able to open.
Be prepared to hand in:
1)A list of your classmates’ comments (name + summary of their advice) (5 pts)
2)Drafts 1A, 1B, 2A 2B, 3A, and 3Bclearly labeled
3)Any drafts I wrote on or other drafts that help illustrate your writing process.
4)Your final, edited essay
Note: If your package isn’t complete or you forget to post to d2l, your essay will be counted late. / We’ll do ICW #10before discussing the next unit.
Unit 3 – Text-in-Context: Relationships
Week 11
Date / For Class / In ClassT 11/4 / Read the first part of Samar Fitzgerald’s “Where Do You Go?” (OHPS 203-216). / We’ll do ICW #11 in class.
W 11/5 / Finish “Where Do You Go?” Study the grammar sections we’ve reviewed so far. Bring your grammar book. / We’ll have a quiz on the grammar points we’ve covered so far (10 points) before doing RW 44 and 45.
R 11/6 / Read “The I of Eye” in the SG (162-165.) Also read the assignment for the Text-in-Context Essay. / We’ll discuss “The I of Eye,” “Paragraph Structure for Text-in-Context”, and the sample essay 13.5.
Week 12:
Date / For Class / In ClassT 11/11 / Start reading Greg Smith’s “It’s Just a Movie.” / Veteran’s Day—NO CLASS
W 11/12 / Finish reading Greg Smith’s “It’s Just a Movie’” (Find this on d2l). For HW #8, explain: What are Smith’s main points? How do they apply to movies you’ve seen?(Give specific examples.)
(400 typed words, hard copy) / We’ll discuss Smith’s article before we start watching the film.
R 11/13 / Start preparing HW #9. / NO CLASS: WATCH THE FILM ON YOUR OWN. (To stream a film through the library website, you might need to be on campus.)
Week 13
Date / For Class / In ClassT 11/18 / For HW# 9, answer some/all of the following about the class film:
1 ) Were you surprised by the ending? Why or why not?
2) Did you like the ending? Why or why not?
3) Which character most reminded you of yourself? Why?
4) Which character most reminded you of someone you know and why?
4) Compare the film to another English-language film you’ve seen.
5) Compare the film to another text we’ve studied this semester.
(400+ typed, edited words, hard copy) / We’ll discuss the film and look at the reviews. We’ll also start writing thesis statements.
W 11/19 / Read the film reviews (on d2l) Read 8.1 in your SG. / We’ll brainstorm for essay ideas and write trial thesis statements.
R 11/20 / Draft your essay. Bring two copies to class. At the top of the first page, write “Graded by”. Label the drafts 1A and 1B. (10 points) / We’ll workshop. Remember that you will lose points if your comments are to brief.
Week 14
Date / For Class / In ClassT11/25 / Use what you learned from your teacher or colleagues and write a new draft. Include as many of your sources as possible. Bring two copies. Write “Graded by” at the top. Label these drafts 2A and 2B. (10 points) Bring your grammar book so that we can discuss sources. / We’ll workshop drafts and look at integrating sources. We’ll also visit RW 58AB, 59 AB, 60.
Week 15
Date / For Class / In ClassT 12/2 / Use what you learned from your teacher or colleagues and write a new draft. Edit your work as much as possible Bring two copies. Write “Graded by” at the top. Label these drafts 3A and 3B. (10 points) / We’ll continue workshopping.
W 12/3 / Finish writing your essay. Then carefully edit it. Submit your essay to the dropbox in d2l and print a hard copy to bring to class. (Otherwise you won’t be eligible for a grade.) For d2l, submit your documents in Word (doc), in the new Word (docx), or in Rich Text File (rtf). Those are the only documents I’ll be able to open.
Be prepared to hand in:
1)A list of your classmates’ comments (name + summary of their advice) (5 points)
2)Drafts 1A, 1B, 2A 2B, 3A, and 3Bclearly labeled
3)Any drafts I wrote on or other drafts that help illustrate your writing process.
4)Your final, edited essay
5)Note: If your package isn’t complete or you forget to post to d2l, your essay will be counted late.Xeroxes of any sources that we did not cover in class. Underline the parts that you used.
Note: If your package isn’t complete, your essay will be counted late.
Also: Bring your originally graded E1 and E2 so that we can strategize for the final exam. / We’ll do ICW #12 and strategize for the final.
R 12/4 / Read 12.2 in the SG (251-254).Rewrite either Essay 1 or Essay 2. Bring two copies to class. (Rewrite the essay that will help you show the most growth as a writer. That will earn you the highest grade on the final exam.) As you rewrite, be sure to make use of the comments that governed your grade for your original essay. / We’ll discuss the SG material and workshop rewrites.
Week 16Finals Begin 12/12.
Date / For Class / In ClassT 12/9 / Finish your revision and then draft your Reflection Essay. Bring two copies of the Reflection Essay to class. Reflect on what you’ve learned this semester, especially in terms of revising your work. Think about:
1 ) The material we’ve covered this semester
2 ) The writing you’ve done for essays and homework
3 ) The process of workshopping your writing
4 ) The ways your writing has improved
5 ) Your successes this semester
6 ) Your use of grammar/mechanics
7 ) Your general English language skills
8 ) Your goals for English 108 / We’ll spend time workshopping.
W 12/10 / Prepare a new draft of your reflection. Bring two copies to class. / We’ll workshop.
F 12/12 / Carefully finish and edit your essays!
Final Project due in hard copy and on d2l by 10:00 AM.
In hard copy form, you must submit 1) Your originally graded paper 2) your Revised Essay with changes highlighted, 3) your Reflection Essay.
Submit your drafts to help illustrate your writing process.
You must submit hard copies of all three documents to be considered for a passing grade.
On d2l you mustsubmit 1) your Revised Essay (with changes highlighted) 2) your Reflection EssayOtherwise you will not be eligible for a passing grade. / We’ll meet briefly so that you can submit your material and pick up your graded Essay 3.
Last updated 10/20/2018 9:00 AM