Check the school website often. Sign up for Tucei’s Seniors 2018 remind notifications (text @pmhs18 to 81010).


Begin your college search. is a great tool to help search for colleges and scholarships

*Check out your portfolio to see the results of your career interest inventory-if you need help accessing your account, go to Room 1 or counselor’s office.

*Visit colleges. Take campus tours and, at colleges you're serious about, schedule interviews with admissions counselors.

*Begin searching for scholarships. Create online accounts with and/or

*Check out state aid--Go to to search scholarships and colleges.

*Go to for help with planning for college ranging from choosing a college or career to completing admission forms to finding the money to pay for your education. This website is also a tool for free ACT workshops and online test prep.


Each college has its own deadlines; however, the guidance department would like you to have your college applications completed and submitted AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Don’t forget that many colleges have application fees. If you have used a fee waiver for the ACT, you can qualify for an application fee waiver for college.


Most colleges have foundation scholarships and both automatic and competitive academic scholarships. It is imperative to know AND meet the priority deadlines for these scholarships. Apply for scholarships directly though the office of financial aid at the colleges you are applying to attend.


For MTAG, MESG, HELP, and other financial aid sources, complete the applications for Mississippi residents at .


To obtain grants, loans, or work study, fill out the application at . Even if you do not think you will qualify for money from the government, most colleges/universities require you to submit this step before receiving aid from them.


Pictures aredue for senior slide show on April 13. Turn in a baby picture and up to 10 other pictures to Ms. Hawthorne (at the Career and Technology Center). The PREFERREDmethod of sending the pictures is electronically—send the images to but make sure your name appears in each file’s name (i.e. tonitucei1.jpg).


Senior Slide Show is the last time you will be visible on campus with underclassmen. This ceremony is our formal goodbye to you. Please dress in an appropriate manner for this occasion.

*Shorts and/or jeans are NOT allowed.

*Dresses/skirts are NOT allowed (unless for religious reasons).

*Shirts with two sleeves are required.


Senior Awards Night is to celebrate the honors and accomplishments of your class. This is an exciting moment not only for you but also your families. Local and national scholarship recipients are announced. College representatives announce college scholarships. Hall of Fame, Honor and high honor graduates including valedictorian and salutatorian, and vocational completers are announced. Come celebrate the accomplishments of the class of 2018. The community will be here to help celebrate so please dress appropriately for such an occasion.

  • For the first time, ladies you are allowed to wear dresses/skirts but be aware of the length and fabric. When standing on stage in the auditorium, really short or sheer is a definite taboo.
  • Please, do not wear blue jeans or shorts.
  • Ties and button-up shirts are not required, but they look really nice. Please do not wear a t-shirt.


The Picayune Board of Education recognizes that participation in graduation ceremonies is a significant milestone in the education of our students and believes that said participation should be protected whenever possible. All seniors who participate in the ceremony are expected to buy a cap and gown. These items cannot be altered in any way.

To maintain the dignity of the graduation ceremony, it is recommended that students wear only brown, black, or white shoes and only brown, black, gray, or navy pants.

  • Ladies are to wear dresses.
  • Gentlemen are to wear a dress shirt with tie and slacks.
  • Please do not wear tennis shoes or sandals.


A student’s housing priority is usually determined by the date of the housing application submission, so APPLY EARLY. There is usually a non-refundable housing deposit required so be aware when applying to multiple colleges.


  • Many colleges request that your counselor complete a recommendation form to send along with your transcript. Once you complete your application, print out the ―Counselor Recommendation Form (also called a Secondary School Report) and bring it to your counselor. BE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON THE FORM. Please do not turn in counselor forms and expect immediate turnaround.
  • If you are requesting an unofficial transcript, go to the front office to fill out a request form. Colleges require that you send a final transcript from your high school. This transcript must be a sealed official transcript mailed directly from the school. The final transcript form will be given to you at a senior activity. A FINAL transcript can ONLY be sent AFTER graduation.
  • After you graduate, you are the only person who can request your transcript. You must request the transcript in writing (by filling out the form in the office or sending a request through the mail or fax), and there will be $2 charge for each copy of your transcript.


Resumes come in many shapes and sizes. While there is no “correct” resume’ format, you should select one that highlights your strengths. Make a strong impression on paper! Keep it short-one page if possible. Be neat; print your resume on a quality printer.Be honest. Be concise and use action words. Have someone proofread it before you submit it.


GPA= Quality points divided by credits. Grade in course for a one credit course = QP

Multiply QP by .5 for a ½ credit course. Multiply QP by 2 for a 2 credit course.

Multiply QP by 1.05 for Honors. Multiply QP for 1.10 for AP.