The Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship
William Jewett Tucker Foundation
Pursuing significant acts of citizenship and service
Supporting 10- to 12-month community service projects after graduation
"A lot of students graduating from college today may have wonderful ideas for the kinds of projects we're talking about, but feel unable to undertake them because of a lack of funds; and the lure of high-paying jobs in the for-profit world makes it that much harder. Our idea was to provide such graduates a way of stepping off the treadmill for a bit before entering the work world or graduate school to do something they'd like to do that represents service or citizenship. This is my way of giving back to Dartmouth."
- Andrew E. Lewin '81
General Information for Candidates
The Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship was established in 2000 with an endowment from Andrew '81 and Marina Lewin, in honor of Andrew's mother. While at Dartmouth, Lewin earned Phi Beta Kappa, was awarded the Pray Modern Language Prize, majored in French, and wrote for The Dartmouth. He was also distinguished among his peers as a Senior Fellow. Andrew went on to earn a law degree from Columbia. He is now a venture capitalist in New York City.
The purpose of the Fellowship is to support graduates who have proven leadership in the Dartmouth community and who are pursuing significant acts of citizenship and service to others within the year immediately following graduation.
The Fellowship supports a ten-month to one-year project affiliated with a non-profit organization immediately following graduation. Up to $15,000 in funding is available for project expenses. Fellows may serve in the United States or abroad.
Applications will be assessed by the Lewin Fellowship Selection Committee, which is composed of Tucker Foundation administration and staff and three Dartmouth faculty members.
The Fellows will be selected based on the merit of their proposals, applicable skills to the project, and consideration of their acts of leadership, citizenship, and service while undergraduates. Applications will be available from the Tucker Foundation Department of Fellowships and Internships, 2nd floor, South
Fairbanks Hall and at the Tucker Foundation web page:
Application deadline: 4 pm, April 4th, 2012 for the 2012-2013 Post-Graduate Fellowship.
At least one advising appointment is mandatory before submitting an application.
Fellowship Criteria
* The Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship is available to graduating Dartmouth College seniors. The fellowship must start within 3 months of fellows' graduation and must be 10 to 12 months in duration. Fellows must work a minimum forty hours per week on their projects.
* The fellowship placement should be with a non-profit organization (domestic or abroad) that is politically non-partisan; fellows may not function as lobbyists or be involved in missionary work.
* The service project should involve approximately 60% direct community service with under-resourced communities (including humanitarian relief work and field-based initiatives that help alleviate poverty) as the primary focus of the post-graduate fellowship. Direct community service refers to activities in which the fellow engages with members of the community benefitting from the service.
*The fellowship can additionally include indirect service responsibilities under the direction of the CSO/NGO and they may include, research, public policy, strategic planning, capacity building, and administrative functions.
* The service project must have clearly written goals and outcomes--the service project goals are realistic, measurable and can be reached in the amount of time allotted for the project.
* The graduate must demonstrate how the service project will be a significant new learning experience.
* The service project should have proven added value to the organization; the applicant must demonstrate that he/she will be fully engaged in meaningful work for the organization.
* The service project should be innovative, timely or unique in its focus. The applicant must demonstrate how they can add value to the service project with applied skills and perspectives that are needed by the organization.
* The applicant must have relevant skills to carry out the project (including language skills) and also express a clear appreciation for diverse points of view. Applicants should be able to articulate a contemporary community service philosophy.
* The applicant's prior academic focus, professional aspirations, and personal goals should connect to this intended service project in an intentional way.
*The applicant's communicated goals and values should also be congruent with the mission and focus of the Community Services Organization/Non-profit Organization.
* The service project and applicant's motivation should help the applicant gain field experience with an under-resourced community, providing an opportunity that would be hard to acquire without support of this fellowship.
* The awardee agrees to supply a 10 page reflection report, engage in a telephone debriefing with a Tucker Foundation staff member and attend at least one reunion of Olga Gruss Lewin Fellows at Dartmouth (most expenses paid).
Application Instructions
It is mandatory that you meet with an advisor at the Tucker Foundation at least one time before submitting your application. Please blitz "Lewin post-grad" for an appointment.
Complete applications are to be submitted in hard copy to Lynn White Cloud at the Tucker Foundation by 4 pm EST, April 4th, 2012. Information submitted is treated with full confidentiality and shared only with members of the selection committee.
A completed application includes, in this order:
1. Short Answer
2. Essay Response
3. Project Proposal (see guidelines below)
4. Budget Sheet
5. Resume
6. Supervisor's Statement form completed by the agency where you plan to work, confirming your position and stating your duties.
7. Two letters of recommendation - one from a former supervisor (include non-paid or service work), and an academic reference from a Dartmouth College faculty member. Neither letter can be from a Tucker staff member in the Department of Fellowships and Internships.
All supporting materials may be addressed to:
Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship Committee
C/O Lynn C. White Cloud, Senior Program Officer
Tucker Foundation
Dartmouth College
6154 South Fairbanks Hall
Hanover, NH 03753
Fax: 603-646-2645
Each year, 1-2 Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellows are selected based on: the merit of fellowship proposal, the proposals congruence with the Lewin fellowship criteria and the goals of the NGO, the quality of the application materials and references, the applicants relevant skills to carry out the projects outlined in the proposal, the types of acts of citizenship/service during the undergraduate’s career, the applicant’s past good academic and social standing with the College, and the applicant’s expressed motivation to undertake the fellowship. Applications will be available from the Tucker Foundation Department of Fellowships and Internships, 2nd floor, and at the Lewin web page:
Applications will be assessed by the Lewin Fellowship Selection Committee, which is composed of two Tucker Foundation administrators, one Dartmouth student, and two Dartmouth faculty members. A final decision is made by the Dean of the Tucker Foundation.
NOTE: All awards may be considered taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service.
Application Form
Short Answer
Student Information
Name: / Class:Graduation Date: / Dartmouth ID #:
College Address:
Permanent Address:
Please list two phone numbers at which you can be reached / Phone Number: / Type (ie cell, dorm, home)
College Major(s) and/or Minor(s)
I have met with an advisor from the Tucker Foundation (mandatory)
I understand that the Lewin Fellows must engage in a full time (40+ hrs/wk) service-focused fellowship for 9-12 month
Fellowship Location:
Fellowship Organization:
Supervisor Name:
Supervisor Email: / Contact Tel:
Beginning Date: / End Date:
Applicant Checklist
ÿ Short Answer
ÿ Essay Response
ÿ Budget Sheet
ÿ Resume
ÿ Project Proposal and any Supporting Materials
ÿ Supervisor's Statement Form (you may contact the Foundation to confirm that this was received if mailed or faxed directly to the Tucker Foundation)
ÿ Two Letters of Recommendation (one from a supervisor and one from a Dartmouth faculty member - you may contact the Foundation to confirm that these were received)
Short Answer
Past Experiences
Please fill in the following chart. Include five volunteer, paid/work, research, travel, leadership, or academic projects/programs that you feel have the most pertinence to preparing you for your proposed project. (Please type directly into the following form and limit your response to one page.)
Dates / Organization andLocation / Experience Profile / What Learned
Short Answer (cont'd)
Knowledge and Skills
What relevant knowledge and skills do you bring to your proposed Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship? (Please list and then elaborate – 1 pages double-spaced maximum please. Please make sure you include relevant language skills and level of competency.)
1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
4) ______
5) ______
Essay Response
Please discuss your motivations for pursuing the Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship after graduation. How does this fellowship fit into your concept of service, citizenship and your values? What outcomes, immediate or eventual, do you hope others will gain from your work? What value, immediate or eventual, do you hope to gain from this experience? Do you have immediate plans after your fellowship and if so what are those plans? (2 pages double-spaced maximum please)
Project Proposal
Proposal Guidelines:
The Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship requires a detailed project proposal including:
· An introduction to the demographics, region and community in which the agency works, the population served and their particular issues and needs.
· A description of the mission of the agency where you will do your fellowship.
· A description of your role in the agency's work (really focus on this segment).
· How your qualifications are relevant to the responsibilities and requirements of your work (be targeted without simply repeating the previous knowledge and skills section of this application).
· Projected outcomes of your project and how they may be measured/observed.
· Indicate if and how your involvement with this agency may be timely to the agency.
(2 pages double-spaced maximum please)
You may also include an appendix with supporting materials from your Community Service Organization – Make sure the agency supervisor provides enough information on the supervisor form to reflect your proposal. Please clearly label each item and provide a brief list of the materials that you have included.
Budget Form
Section A:
Part of the learning experience of taking on any independent venture such as this Fellowship involves understanding what expenses will be required for your support. While the Fellowship award may not cover all your expenses, we would still like to know that you have thought through the financial aspects of the project. Please list all projected expenses. Indicate any in kind support being given to you by the agency/organization.
Transportation $
Housing $
Food $
Healthcare (i.e. vaccinations, personal medical supplies, etc.) $
Project Expenses (most should be covered by the agency/organization $
Miscellaneous (laundry, toiletries, etc.) $
Total of Section A $
Section B:
If your total costs exceed the allowable limit, are you applying for or will you receive funding from other sources? If so, please list all sources of funding, amounts and status (approved/pending). You may apply to other sources of funding, but you may not receive/accept both the Lombard and Lewin or another Tucker Foundation Post-Graduate grant stipend for the same work.
Source Amount Obtained/Pending?
Total of Section B $______
Estimated total cost of your project (from Section A): $______
Alternate sources of funding (from Section B): $______
Funding request from Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship Program: $______
The estimated values above are accurate to the best of my knowledge:
Applicant signature Date
Confidential Recommendation Form
Name of Applicant: ______
Fellowship Site: ______
Short description of applicant's proposed project:
___ I waive any right I may have to read or obtain copies of this recommendation.
Signature of Applicant Date
Name of Recommender:
Professional Role: ______
Relationship of Recommender to Applicant:
Recommender Signature Date
The purpose of the Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship is to support graduates within the year immediately following graduation who have proven leadership in the Dartmouth community and who are pursuing significant acts of citizenship and service to others after graduation.
The Fellowship supports a ten-month to one-year community service project affiliated with a non-profit organization immediately following graduation. Up to $15,000 in funding is available for the living and project expenses associated with carrying out the fellowship. Fellows may serve in the United States or abroad.
Your knowledge of this applicant's interests and goals, and your assessment of the ways in which this project may complement his or her academic work and future career and educational plans, will help the selection committee to assess the strength of the proposal. Please attach a letter of recommendation written on letterhead and return to the address below by (4 pm EST, April 4th, 2012).
Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship Committee
C/O Lynn C. White Cloud, Senior Program Officer for Internships and Fellowships, Service and Education Programs
Tucker Foundation
Dartmouth College
6154 South Fairbanks Hall
Hanover, NH 03753
Office: 603-646-3373
Fax: 603-646-2645
Confidential Recommendation Form
Name of Applicant: ______
Fellowship Site: ______
Short description of applicant's proposed project:
___ I waive any right I may have to read or obtain copies of this recommendation.
Signature of Applicant Date
Name of Recommender:
Professional Role: ______
Relationship of Recommender to Applicant:
Recommender Signature Date
The purpose of the Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship is to support graduates within the year immediately following graduation who have proven leadership in the Dartmouth community and who are pursuing significant acts of citizenship and service to others after graduation.