Dear Volunteer,
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with RNJ Youth Services. We are committed to providing opportunities for all individuals to lead productive lives through the support of a compassionate and effective network of community partners. This includes volunteers like you!
If you are not familiar with our programs, we offer the following to youth between the ages of 12 to 17:
-Youth Justice Committee: brings young people alleged to have committed low-risk offences together with their affected victims, parents, and community representatives to negotiate an appropriate way for the young people to make amends for their actions. Interested volunteers will be contacted directly with next steps to the application process.
-Rebound: an eight week program dedicated to supporting at-risk youth in developing essential life skills that will promote a positive response to self, others and the community. Volunteers facilitate small group activities and discussions with the youth.
-Rebound Choices: a ten week life-skills program that focuses on enabling at-risk youth to make informed choices regarding drug and alcohol use. Volunteers facilitate small group activities and discussions with the youth.
More information on these programs can be found on our website at
The application process to volunteer for Rebound and Rebound Choices programs consists of the following:
-submit a completed application or resume
-provide 2 references
-have an interview with the Volunteer Coordinator
-submit a CPIC, including Vulnerable Sector check
-attend the training/orientation session (offered one week prior to start of scheduled program)
-sign an Oath of Confidentiality (occurs on Day 1 of program; also signed by youth participants)
Completed application forms can be delivered in person to either of our office locations listed above or by mail, email or fax. If you have any questions, please contact us at .
NAME: ______
PHONE #: HOME ______CELL ______EMAIL______
I prefer to be contacted via: _____HOME _____ CELL _____ EMAIL
I would like to volunteer for the following position(s):
_____ Youth Justice Committee
_____ REBOUND program
_____ REBOUND CHOICES program
I can provide a clean criminal reference check. _____YES _____NO
My highest level of education is:
_____ High school _____ College _____ University
My reasons for volunteering are:
Where did you hear about our volunteering opportunities?
Signature: ______Date: ______
A Registered Canadian Charitable Organization #11911 8081 RP0001