Mulberry Elementary School

Supply List

2014 - 2015


1 dz. #2 pencils, sharpened

2 boxes of crayons (24)

1 pair 5” blunt tipscissors, Fiskars preferred

2 bottles white school glue, washable

1 pink eraser, medium

1 pencil box to hold above items

1 large box of facial tissues

1 composition notebook

2 rolls of scotch tape

2 boxes washable wide-tipmarkers

1 dry erase marker

1 box zip-lock baggies, quart size or sandwich size

1 bottle hand soap

1 water bottle with sippy-type top

Play-Doh (optional)

Backpack to carry papers to and from school

2 large (beach) towels for rest time & a sturdy bag for storing

No Trapper Keepers

*Please label all supplies with child’s name


1 dz. #2 pencils, sharpened *

1 pencil box

2 glue sticks

1 bottle of glue for Art

1 red pen

1 ruler with inches and centimeters

2 boxes of crayons (24)*

1 pair sturdy, 5” pointed tip scissors (Fiskars)

1 bottle white school glue, washable

1 big eraser (not pencil top)

2 boxes of facial tissues* 200 count

4 spiral wide rulenotebooks-red, green, blue, yellow

1 – 1” 3-ring binder

1 box of 8 water-based markers * (Classic Colors)

1 box zip-lock baggies (gallon size)

4 pocket folders, blue, red, green, yellow

3 pocket folders with prongs, any color

4dry eraser fine tipmarkers– black or blue

1set Addition Flash Cards

1set Subtraction Flash cards

Waterless hand sanitizer soap

No Trapper Keepers

*Please replenish throughout the year

Please label all supplies with child’s name


12 - #2 pencils

1 ruler with inches and centimeters

2 boxes of crayons (24) (1 for class/1 for Art)

1 pair 5” pointed tip scissors (Fiskars)

2 bottles of glue (1 for class/1 for Art)

1 pencil box or zipper case

2 boxes of facial tissues

3 spiral notebooks

1 composition notebook

1 box markers(12)

4 pocket folders with prongs

2black Sharpie markers (1 for class/1 for Art)

2 dry erase markers

2 highlighters

1 box ziplock baggies (quart size)

NO Trapper keepers or 3-ring binders, please

Please label all supplies with child’s name


1 dz. #2 pencils, sharpened

1 box of crayons (not more than 24)

1 pair scissors 5” Fiskars

2 large boxes of facial tissues

1 pkg. (150 sheets or more) wide-lined notebook paper

3plain wide-lined spiral notebooks (1 per semester

and one for Music)

1 set dry erase markers (4 or more) and a dry eraser

1 large zipper case or pencil box

4 pocket folders

2 red checking pens

1 box zip-lock baggies:

(Last Names: A-M quart size/N-Z gallon)

1 highlighter - yellow

2 regular black Sharpies (1 for Art)

2 glue sticks (1 for Art)

1 ruler with both inches and centimeters

1 set ear buds

1 large container Clorox wipes

1 large container wet wipes (no alcohol)



1 box of crayons (24)

1 box of markers for Art – classic colors

1 pair of 5” pointed tipscissors

1 box colored pencils (12)

1 bottle white school glue or glue stick

1wooden ruler with inches and centimeters

2 pkgs. wide-lined notebook paper

4 plain spiral notebooks (blue, red & yellow; 1 for Music)

5 two-pocket, 3-hole plastic folders, no prongs!

2 boxes 200 count facial tissues

1 box #2 pencils, sharpened as needed*

2 red checking pens or pencils*

1 zipper bag for crayons, pencils, scissors

1 pkg. white index cards, 3x5, ruled, 100/pk

1 set of 4 dry erase markers

1 clean sock (for dry erase markers)

1 black fine point Sharpie

1 ultra fine, black markers, Sharpie

1 3-ring binder (1-1/2” only) with pockets

1 pkg. 3-hole tab dividers for binder (non-insertable tabs please)

1 box zip-lock baggies – quart size

Disinfectant wipes


Ear Buds

NO TRAPPER KEEPERS! Lockers are shared!

*Please replenish throughout the year


2 pocket folders

4 spiral notebookswide-ruled

1 pkg. 3-hole tab dividers for binder (non-insertable tabs please)

1 – ½ inch binder with pockets

1 dz #2 Pencils – sharpened

2 black ink pens, medium point

4 red ink pens, medium point

2 pkgs filler paper, wide-ruled

1 composition notebook

2 boxes facial tissues

1 set colored pencils

1 fine point, black marker, Sharpie

2 ultra fine, black markers, Sharpie

1 pair 5” pointed tip scissors

2 large erasers (1 for Art)

2 sets 4-color dry erase markers (no washable)

1 clean sock

1 set ear buds


Clorox wipes

1 roll of paper towels

Pencil box or large zipper case

Lockers are small and shared – please consider this when choosing backpacks.