Independent Chair
Applications must be received by Friday 24 June 2016
by midnight
(Late applications will not be accepted)
June 2016
1.Introduction 3
2.Role of the MOD Police Committee 3
3.The Ministry of Defence Police 4
4.Roles and Responsibilities 6
5.Skills and Qualities 7
6. Terms and Conditions of appointment 8
7.Selection process and application instructions 9
8.Equal Opportunities 11
9.Guaranteed Interview Scheme 11
10. Official Secrets Act 11
11. Data Protection 11
1. Introduction
The Police Committee is a statutory requirement of the MOD Police Act 1987 and its members are appointed by the Secretary of State for Defence.
The role of the Committee is to provide an independent assurance that the MDP is delivering policing services in accordance with the MDP Act 1987. The Committee also advises on issues of MOD Police performance management, efficiency and effectiveness.
The Police Committee has an independent chair and the membership comprises of a police adviser, independent members and senior MOD officials.
Details of the current membership and other documentation that may be of interest to applicants can be found at:
2. Role of the Committee
The Secretary of State for Defence requires the Committee to advise him by:
- Providing independent scrutiny and assurance that the Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) is delivering policing services in accordance with the MDP Act 1987;
- Giving advice to the Top Level Budget holder within whose organisation the MDP sits on the efficiency, effectiveness and performance of the Force.
In order to perform its role the Committee is required to;
- Provide scrutiny and guidance to ensure that police powers and authority are impartially and lawfully exercised by the Chief Constable;
- Confirm that MDP is meeting the standards required of a police force;
- Confirm that MDP’s exercise of its authority is responsible, proportionate and impartial;
- Confirm that MOD’s use of the MDP is appropriate in relation to the exercising of policing powers and authority;
- Provide scrutiny and guidance on matters of efficiency and effectiveness and on any other matter in relation to the use of policing powers which fall within the responsibility of the MDP;
- Consider the MDP’s targets, financial performance and risk management arrangements;
- Provide advice once a year to the TLB Holder covering financial performance and risk management for inclusion in the Annual Assurance Report.
- Assist in the appointment of Chief Officers to the MDP;
- Consider all complaints made against MDP Chief Officers. This responsibility may be delegated to a sub-panel of the MOD Police Committee;
- Undertake all responsibilities required of the MOD Police Conduct and Appeal Regulations (Statutory Instruments);
- Submit an annual report to the Secretary of State for Defence on the MDP’s discharge of policing powers, and to provide advice to Ministers and the Department, on matters concerning value for money and efficiencies;
- Publish the operating costs and expenses of the independent members of the Police Committee each year.
The Ministry of Defence Police (widely known as the MDP) was formed in 1971. Its legal basis and jurisdiction is defined in the MoD Police Act 1987
The MDP is a national and wholly civilian police force and is quite separate from the service police (Royal Military Police, Royal Navy Police, and Royal Air ForcePolice). All MDP officers are warranted constables provided with constabulary police training. They also receive additional training relevant to their specialist roles, a number of which are unique to MDP (e.g. armed defensive policing to protect the nuclear deterrent). In particular, most officers are trained to carry a firearm to deter and react to a terrorist attack and for their own protection.
The Force currently numbers some 2,700 police officers and 220 civilian support staff. Numbers and tasks have reduced as part of the MOD programme to re-balance its budget under the Comprehensive Spending Review.
The MDP’s constabulary powers are derived from common and statute law. The range of people who are subject to the exercise of their police powers now extends beyond direct employees of the MOD, to include, in some circumstances, the general public outside of the Defence estate. These powers are only lawful if they are exercised impartially, reasonably and proportionately, without undue influence, prejudice or constraint. All members of the MDP, from a constable to the Chief Constable should have regard for the interests of the MOD, but in the actual exercise of constabulary powers and authority, they are answerable to the law alone. The Chief Constable must exercise impartial discretion in deciding to investigate offences and initiate judicial action, free of any departmental or ministerial interference.
The MOD’s Requirement for the MDP
The MOD faces a number of crime and security related threats and risks that require specialist and dedicated civil policing capabilities and support over and above that which can reasonably be expected from local police forces:
- Terrorist attack and the threat of such attacks.
- Disruption and disorder caused by protestors.
- Unauthorised intrusion onto the Defence Estate.
- Theft or compromise of, and damage to, key assets and material that would have a significant impact upon Defence capability.
- Major financial fraud and corruption that would have a significant impact upon Defence capability.
- The protection of Defence people, assets information and estate.
- The secure and uninterrupted operation of the UK nuclear deterrent.
- Achieving success in overseas operations.
The required Core Capabilities:
- Core Capability 1: Armed Nuclear Security
- Core Capability 2: Territorial Policing & Security
- Core Capability 3: Intelligence gathering and analysis to support the efficient and effective deployment of MDP resources.
- Core Capability 4: The prevention, investigation and detection of fraud, corruption and the theft of or criminal damage to key Defence equipment and assets.
- Core Capability 5: The provision of specialist civil policing support to Defence and other international policing commitments in support of UK Government policy.
- Core Capability 6: The maintenance of specialist policing capabilities that can be deployed at short notice as part of the response to unforeseen requirements at Defence establishments in the UK.
In addition to defence requirements, the MOD has agreed the MDP may support US Visiting Forces, and other Government Departments and customers.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
- To lead the members and work of the committee to ensure effective oversight and governance for the MOD Police (MDP) and to hold the Chief Constable to account on behalf of the Defence Secretary;
- To ensure that the MDP is delivering its policing responsibilities in accordance with the MOD Police Act 1987;
- To chair the quarterly MOD Police Committee meeting in London;
- To chair the quarterly Performance and Risk Management Sub-Committee in London;
- To contribute an independent view on the MDP’s quarterly assessment on performance for the Defence Board;
- To allocate portfolios and activities to the independent members of the committee to make best use of their non-executive skills and experience;
- To settle and implement an Annual Work Programme for independent members, including scrutinies and visits to provide assurance and to make any necessary recommendations for change or improvement to be implemented by the MOD Police;
- To meet regularly with the Chief Constable of the MOD Police and the senior team, and to act as a critical friend;
- To maintain contact with Senior Civil Service Members of the Committee
- Out of Committee meetings, and as necessary with Ministers.
- To be prepared if necessary to challenge departmental policies and processes in the interests of securing effective and efficient policing by the MOD Police;
- To produce an Annual Report on the MOD Police for the Defence Secretary;
- To participate in MOD/MOD Police selection panels for chief officer appointments and to chair the selection panels for the appointment of independent members of the Police Committee;
- To chair the Complaints and Misconduct Sub-Committee (as required);
- To fulfil any requirements required by the MOD Police Conduct, Performance and Appeals regulations;
- To provide a view on legislative matters concerning MOD Police governance;
- To participate in events and visits as required and to act as an ambassador for the MOD Police in external policing circles.
5. Skills and Qualities
The successful candidate will demonstrate:
- Substantial experience of board level governance in an executive or non-executive capacity in the public or private sector
- Experience of leading a senior team and building effective bilateral relationships inside and outside an organisation
- An ability to probe and challenge constructively, to shape and influence strategy, and to reach a balanced and independent judgement on critical issues
- A proven track record of experience in organisational transformation or change management, with a focus on securing value for money and increasing performance and effectiveness
- A clear appreciation of the MOD’s responsibility to set the strategic priorities for the MOD Police, the operational independence of the Chief Constable, and the MOD Police Committee’s role to hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of the Departmental priorities on behalf of the Defence Secretary
- Previous experience of policing governance
- Experience of handling disciplinary issues, grievances or complaints against senior personnel
- Excellent interpersonal skills with an ability to engage authoritively and constructively across all ranks and grades of personnel.
Time Commitment:
Approx 25 days per year.
The Police Committee will meet four times a year in London. The remaining meetings for 2016 will beheld on Tuesday 13 September and Tuesday 13 December.
The Sub-Committee for Performance and Risk Management meets 4 times a year in London. The one remaining scheduled in 2016 will be held on Tuesday 15 November.
There will also be an opportunity to visit MDP HQ and MDP stations around the UK when contributing to the Police Committee’s annual work programme.
Induction training and briefings will be arranged at MOD and MDP HQ prior to taking up appointment or soon after.
Most meetings will be held in MOD Head Office, London or MDP HQ in Wethersfield, Essex (although the force is due to re-locate to another site in 2017-18). There will be occasional travel to other establishments usually within the United Kingdom.
Remuneration willbe £600 per day.
The position is non-pensionable and remuneration is subject to income tax and national insurance contributions.
Additionally you will be able to reclaim reasonable travel and subsistence expenses when conducting authorised Police Committee business. Claims should be based on receipted expenditure and will be in line with normal MOD civilian Travel and Subsistence provisions.
Period of Appointment:
The appointment will begin on 1 Oct 16 and be for a term of 3 years. The appointment will be on a Non-Executive Director/Fee Earner basis and nothing in any agreement shall be construed as forming or intending to form a contact of employment with the MOD.
Appointments will be subject to regular review and may be terminated at one month’s notice on either side. It may also be extended by mutual agreement at the end of the appointment and in this event, a new letter of appointment will be issued.
Eligibility/Conflicts of Interest:
During the application process you will be requested to disclose any personal or business interests which may, or may be perceived to be, relevant to or in conflict with the MOD Police or MOD Police Committee.
If appointed you will be expected to adhere to The Seven Principles of Public Life. You will also be required to complete a declaration of interests in line with the MOD Police Committee Code of Conduct and this will be published on the Government internet.
This post is not open to serving police officers and members of the Armed Forces.
Nationality and Security Clearance:
You must be a UK citizen to apply for this post.
The successful candidate will need to undergo limited security clearance to SC level before any appointment is confirmed.
Further enquiries:
Any questions regarding the terms and conditions, or your eligibility for this appointment should be addressed to the Clerk of the MOD Police Committee [Tel 020-7807-8245 or .
Whilst this appointment is not a Civil Service position it is being made in accordance with the principles of the Civil Service Commissioner’s Recruitment Code ensuring fair and open competition at all stages of the process. The recruitment process is being undertaken by the Ministry of Defence.
To apply please enclose:
-A CV setting out your career history, educational and professional qualifications (no more than 3 sides of A4 paper).
-A statement of suitability which clearly sets out how you meet both the essential and desirable criteria for the role (no more than 2 sides of A4 paper). Decisions about shortlisting will be based on this document.
-Personal Information Form (which includes Equality Monitoring,
Conflicts of interest, Political activity and Referees)
-If applying under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme (see
Section 9 page 11) please complete the appropriate section on the Personal Information Form.
Please send your application by e-mail (preferred) to:
Or by post to:
DBS Civ Personnel
NSAT #6030-8,
Abbeywood North,
Oak Level 2 East,
Bristol, BS34 8QW
The closing date for applications is at midnight on Friday 24 June 2016(Late applications will not be accepted).
- The shortlisting sift will be done w/c 4 July and invitations to interview will be issued by no later than w/e 15 July2016.
- All interviews will be held in the MOD Head Office in Whitehall, London on Monday 8 August 2016.
- The selection panel will comprise:
Chair:Julie Taylor
Director General Head Office and Commissioning Services, MOD
MOD Member AmarjitAtkar
Director Audit Risk and Assurance, MOD
Independent member: Mark Castle
Former Chief Executive, Association of Police and
Crime Commissioners
- The selection panel will submit their recommendation to the Secretary of State for Defence who will make the appointment. The appointment will be with effect from 1 October 2016.
The MOD reserves the right to make an offer of appointment conditional upon references and satisfactory conclusion of security enquiries.
The provision of false or misleading information by a candidate who is appointed will be grounds for termination without notice.
8. Equal Opportunities Policy
The MOD is an Equal Opportunities employer aiming for the widest possible diversity in its workforce, drawing recruits from every part of the community. However, we particularly welcome applications from ethnic minority people, women, and people with disabilities who are currently under represented in the Senior Civil Service. Our policy is to provide Equal Opportunity for employment, career development and promotion to all eligible personnel, on the basis of ability, qualification and fitness for work.
Under the Equalities Act 2010 we are legally required to consider making reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled people are not disadvantaged in the recruitment and selection process. We are therefore committed to meeting, wherever possible, any need you specify in your application. We will also consider any reasonable adjustments under the terms of the Act to enable any applicant with a disability (as defined under the Act) to meet the requirements of the post.
9. Guaranteed Interview Scheme
The MOD operates a guaranteed interview scheme for disabled people (as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995), who meet the essential criteria for this appointment as outlined in the person specification. Applicants who wish to apply for consideration under this scheme are asked to complete the enclosed form and return it with their application. In addition, please state this clearly in your letter of application and ensure your application sets out clearly your credentials, in particular with respect to essential experience.
Please also advise us of any special adjustments for interview you will require, enabling us to make the appropriate arrangements.
10. Official Secrets Act
This post is covered by the Official Secrets Act.
11. Data Protection
We take our obligations under the Data Protection Act seriously. Any data about you will be held in secure conditions with access restricted to those who need it in connection with dealing with your application and selection process. Data may be used for the purposes of monitoring the effectiveness of the recruitment process, but in these circumstances, all data will be kept anonymous. The ethnic monitoring form is used for monitoring the appointment process only. If you do not wish to have these details recorded please return the form uncompleted. If you are unsuccessful, personal data relating to your application will be destroyed after 12 months. If you are successful, data will be retained by theDBS. Police Committee in the MOD Head Office.