- Bibliographic references
Scientific production resulted from the projects funded by the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs in 2008
Alén F, Santos A, Moreno-Sanz G, González-Cuevas G, Giné E, Franco-Ruiz L, Navarro M, López-Moreno JA. Cannabinoid-induced increase in relapse-like drinking is prevented by the blockade of the glycine-binding site of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. Neuroscience. 2009 Jan 23;158(2):465-73
Alén F, Gómez R, González-Cuevas G, Navarro M, López-Moreno JA. Nicotine causes opposite effects on alcohol intake: Evidence in an animal experimental model of abstinence and relapse from alcohol. Nicotine Tob Res. 2009 Nov;11(11):1304-11.
Alén F, Mouret A, Viveros MP, Llorente R, Lepousez G, Lledo PM, López-Moreno JA. Converging action of alcohol consumption and cannabinoid receptor activation on adult hippocampal neurogenesis. IntJNeuropsychopharmacol. 2010 Mar;13(2):191-205.
Baltanás F.C.; Casafont I.; Lafarga M.; Weruaga Prieto E.; Alonso J.R.; Berciano M.T.; Purkinje cell degeneration in pcd mice reveals large scale chromatin reorganization and gene silencing linked to defective DNA repair. J BiolChem. 2011; 286(32):28287-28302.
BaltanásF.C.; CasafontI.; Weruaga Prieto E.; AlonsoJ.R.; BercianoM.T.; LafargaM.; Nucleolar disruption and cajal body disassembly are nuclear hallmarks of DNA damage-induced neurodegeneration in purkinje cells. Brain Pathol. 2011; 21(4):374-388.
Baltanás F.C.; Curto G.G.; Gómez C.; Díaz D.; Murias A.R.; Crespo C.; Erdelyi F.; Szabó G..; Alonso J.R.; Weruaga Prieto E.; Types of cholecystokinin-containing periglomerular cells in the mouse olfactory bulb. J NeurosciRes. 2011; 89(1):35-43.
Camarasa, J., Rates, S. G., Pubill, D., and Escubedo, E. (2009). The involvement of nicotinic receptor subtypes in the locomotor activity and analgesia induced by methamphetamine in mice. Behav.Pharmacol. 20, 623-630.
Camarasa, J., Ros, C., Pubill, D., Escubedo, E. (2010). Tumour necrosis factor alpha suppression by MDMA is mediated by peripheral heteromeric nicotinic receptors. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology. 32, 265-271.
Camarasa, J., Rodrigo, T., Pubill, D., and Escubedo, E. (2010). Memantine is a useful drug to prevent the spatial and non-spatial memory deficits induced by methamphetamine in rats. Pharmacol.Res. 62, 450-456.
Camarasa, J., Rodrigo, T., Pubill, D., Escubedo, E. Memory impairment induced by amphetamine derivatives in laboratory animals and in humans. A review. Biomolecular concepts 2011.
Díaz D.; Recio J.S.; Baltanás F.C.; Gómez C.; Weruaga Prieto E.; Alonso J.R.; Long-lasting changes in the anatomy of the olfactory bulb after ionizing irradiation and bone marrow transplantation. Neuroscience. 2011; 173:190-205.
Erdozain Fernández A.M.; Callado Hernando L.F.; Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in alcohol dependence : the biochemical, behavioral and genetic evidence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011; 117(2-3):102-110.
Estrada G.; Fatjó-Vilas M:; Muñoz M.J.; Pulido G.; Miñano M.J.; Toledo E.; Illa J.M.; Martín M.; Miralles M.L.; Miret S.; Campanera S.; Bernabeu C.; Navarro Hurtado M.E.; Fañanás Saura L.; Cannabis use and age at onset of psychosis : further evidence of interaction with COMT Val158Met polymorphism. Acta PsychiatrScand. 2011; 123(6):485-92.
Editor: Diego Muñoz-Torrero. Autors: Escubedo, E., García-Ratés, S., Camarasa, J., Pubill, D. Chapter 7: Involvement of nicotinic receptors in methamphetamine and MDMA induced neurotoxicity: Pharmacological studies. En: Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2011: 155-174
Escubedo, E., Abad, S., Torres, I., Camarasa, J., and Pubill, D. (2011). Comparative neurochemical profile of 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine and its metabolite alphamethyldopamine on key targets of MDMA neurotoxicity. Neurochem. Int. 58, 92-101.
Escubedo, E., Camarasa, J., Chipana, C., Garcia-Rates, S., and Pubill, D. (2009). Involvement of nicotinic receptors in methamphetamine- and MDMA-induced neurotoxicity: pharmacological implications. Int. Rev. Neurobiol. 88, 121-166.
Fole, A., González-Martín, C., Huarte, C., Alguacil, L.F., Ambrosio, E., del Olmo, N. (2011). Effects of chronic cocaine administration on spatial learning and hippocampal spine density in two genetically different strains of rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 95(4), 491-497.
Garcia-Ratés, S., Camarasa, J., Sánchez-García, A.I., Gandía, L., Escubedo, E., Pubill, D. (2010). The effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on nicotinic receptors: intracellular calcium increase and functional upregulation . Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 244, 344- 353.
Higuera-Matas, A., Soto-Montenegro, M.L., Montoya, G.L., García-Vázquez, V., Pascau, J., Miguéns, M., Del Olmo, N., Vaquero, J.J., García-Lecumberri, C., Desco, M., Ambrosio, E. (2011). Chronic cannabinoid administration to periadolescent rats modulates the metabolic response to acute cocaine in the adult brain. Molecular Imaging and Biology, 13(3), 411-415.
Huertas E, Bühler KM, Echeverry-Alzate V, GiménezT, López-Moreno JA (2011). FAAH, DRD2 and COMT gene variants modulate executive control, short-term memory, procedural motor learning and heart rate in healthy volunteers. European Journal of Neuroscience. Submitted 21-Mar-2011
Izco M.; Gutiérrez López M.D.; Marchant I.; O'Shea Gaya E.; Colado Megía M.I.; Administration of neurotoxic doses of MDMA reduces sensitivity to ethanol and increases GAT-1 immunoreactivity in mice striatum. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2010; 207(4):671-679.
Joya X, Friguls B, Ortigosa S, Papaseit E, Martinez SE, Manich A, Garcia-Algar O, Pacifici R, Vall O, Pichini S. Review of Assay Methods to Determine Maternal-Fetal Biomarkers of Prenatal Exposure to Ethanol. J Pharm Biomed Anal; (aceptado)
López-Moreno JA, López-Jiménez A, Gorriti MA, de Fonseca FR. Functional interactions between endogenous cannabinoid and opioid systems: focus on alcohol, genetics and drug-addicted behaviors. Curr Drug Targets. 2010 Apr;11(4):406-28.Impact factor JCR 2009: 3.932
López-Moreno JA, Echeverry-Alzate V, Bühler KM (2010). The genetic bases of the endocannabinoid system in humans and drug addiction. Journal of Psychopharmacology. Submitted 02-Nov-2010. Currently, accepted: 06-Jun-2011
* Impact factor JCR 2009: 3.647
López-Jiménez A., Walter N., Giné E., Santos A., Echeverry-Alzate V., Giezendanner S., Sainz L., Moratalla R., Montoliu LL., Buck K., and López-Moreno JA (2010). A null mutation in α-Synuclein is associated with ethanol intake, alterations in endocannabinoid system and changes in the Mrna expression of GABA and glutamate transporters. European Journal of Neuroscience. Submitted 11-Nov-2010 / Decision of EJN 07-Jan-2011 (review requested).
* Impact factor JCR 2009: 3.418
Manich A, Velasco M, Joya X, García-Lara NR, Pichini S, Vall O, García-Algar O. Validez del cuestionario de consumo materno de alcohol para la detección de la exposición prenatal. An Pediatr (Barc). (en prensa) (doi:10.1016/j.anpedi.2011.09.016)
MoriniL, MarcheiE, VagnarelliF, Garcia Algar O, GroppiA, MastrobattistaL, Pichini S. Ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate in meconium and hair-potential biomarkers of intrauterine exposure to ethanol. Forensic SciInt. 2010 Mar 20;196(1-3):74-7.
Morini L, Groppi A, Marchei E, Vagnarelli F, Garcia Algar O, Zuccaro P, Pichini S. Population Baseline of Meconium Ethyl Glucuronide and Ethyl Sulfate Concentrations in Newborns of Nondrinking Women in 2 Mediterranean Cohorts. Ther Drug Monit. 2010 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print].
Peraile I, Torres E, Mayado A, Izco M, Lopez-Jimenez A, Lopez-Moreno JA, Colado MI, O'Shea E. Dopamine transporter down-regulation following repeated cocaine: implications for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced acute effects and long-term neurotoxicity in mice. Br J Pharmacol. 2010 Jan;159(1):201-11.
Pérez de los Cobos Peris J.C.; Trujols Albet J.; Vasconcelos M.; Fernández P.; Larrabeiti A.; Factors structure of the spanish version of the CSSA in primary cocaine-dependent patients and methadone-maintained cocaine-dependent patients. CPDD (73º. 2011. Hollywood). Libro de abstracts. 2011; p. 142.
PichiniS, MoriniL, MarcheiE, Palmi I, Rotolo MC, VagnarelliF, Garcia-Algar O, VallO, ZuccaroP.Ethylglucuronide and ethylsulfate in meconium to assess gestational ethanol exposure: preliminary results in two Mediterranean cohorts. Can J ClinPharmacol. 2009 Summer;16(2):e370-5.
Pubill, D., Garcia-Ratés, S., Camarasa, J., Escubedo, E. Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors as New Targets for Amphetamine-Induced Oxidative Damage and Neurotoxicity. Pharmaceuticals (2011) 4: 822-847.
Ramis J, Simo S, Garcia J, Joya X, Pichini S, Vall O, Garcia-Algar O. Matricesbiológicas alternativas para detectar la exposición prenatal a drogas de abuso en eltercer trimestre de la gestación. An Pediatr (Barc); (enviado)
Recio J.S.; Álvarez Dolado M.; Díaz D.; Baltanás F.C.; Piquer Gil M.; Alonso J.R.; Weruaga Prieto E.; Bone marrow contributes simultaneously to different neural types in the central nervous system through different mechanisms of plasticity. Cell Transplant. 2011; 20(8):1179-1192.
Teixeira C.M.; Martín E.D.; Sahún I.; Masachs N.; Pujadas M.; Corvelo A.; Bosch C.; Rossi D.; Martínez A.; Maldonado R.; Dierssen M.; Soriano E.; Overexpression of Reelin prevents the manifestation of behavioral phenotypes related to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011; 36(12):2395-2405.
Torres E.; Gutiérrez López M.D.; Borcel E.; Peraile I.; Mayado A.; O'Shea Gaya E.; Colado Megía M.I.; Evidence that MDMA ('ecstasy') increases cannabinoid CB2 receptor expression in microglial cells : role in the neuroinflammatory response in rat brain. J Neurochem. 2010; 113(1):67-78.
Zurita E, Chagoyen M, Cantero M, Alonso R, González-Neira A, López-Jiménez A, López-Moreno JA, Landel CP, Benítez J, Pazos F, Montoliu L. Genetic polymorphisms among C57BL/6 mouse inbred strains. Transgenic Res. 2011 Jun;20(3):481-9