On Monday, October 10, 2005, the Preble Town Board held its monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor, Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:00.
Board members present: Kate Edinger, Peter Knapp, Dick Martin, and Dave Morse, Councilmen.
Others present: Don Armstrong, Jeff Griswold, John Steger, Calvin Griswold, Dennis Kennedy, Frank Hogg, Jude Niederhofer, Karen Niday(Cortland County Industrial Development Agency) and Scott Steve (C. C. Legislature). Also present were Lisa Knapp and Kayla Currie from Tully School doing government study.
Motion made byKate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp
RESOLUTION #77:To accept the September 12, 2005 minutes as submitted
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Scott Steve and Karen Niday were given the floor regarding the Empire Zone which is north of Preble between state routes 81 and 281which already houses E-One and Barden Homes and hopefully will encourage other businesses to locate to this area. Mr. Steve stated that the businesses already in the Empire Zone will stay. Karen Niday stated that there are only 4 places in Cortland County to be in this program and Preble was chosen with potential to grow.
DOG CONTROL:-August report - 2 complaints; 1 dog at large; 1 injured cat
-September report - 1 dog impounded; 1 still at shelter; 2 complaints; 1 rabies suspect cat bite; 1 cruelty-neglect of dog
JUSTICE REPORT:$11,850.00 submitted to the Town of Preble for September
-Summer work is winding down; only a small tile job and cul-de-sac to pave
-Replaced one pipe and installed three others
-Cortland County Soil and Water hydroseeded along the box culvert which was dug out along Thomas Albert Drive and along a ditch reshape on East Hill Rd.
-Last week, they helped the Town and Village of Homer pave
-Most of the sand has been hauled
-Jeff has been talking with property owners about work he plans on doing next year
-All trucks are inspected until next summer
-Nothing at this time
-Nothing at this time
Other: Jeff would like an extra 20 minutes at the budget meeting to discuss the highway budget
RECREATION:-Halloween Party will be held October 29th at the fire station, 6 until 9
COUNTY LEGISLATURE:-County corking on the budget which should have a tentative figure before election. Spoke on CSEA articles which appeared in the paper. Personnel problems which have been in the paper are being addressed. Farmland preservation
ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT:-2 building permits granted
-Construction value: $5,000.
-Fees assessed: $95.00
-1 permit pending
-2 pending in court
-17 telephone inquiries
PLANNING BOARD:- Meeting is October 27th at 7:00
TOWN CLERK:-$643.00- fees collected in September. Disbursed $12.92 to CC Treasurer; $3.00 to Ag & Markets, $22.50 to NYS Dept. of Health, $316.52 to NYS DEC, and $288.06 to Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor
Property Purchase - The soil pile has been removed and sent to Binghamton. A letter has been sent to the Health Dept. and are waiting for a reply. Then it will be sent to the EPA.
Thoma Development - A letter of application has been submitted and accepted. Two public hearings are required. Public hearings to be held November 3rd and November 14th at 7:30.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp
RESOLUTION #78:To hold two public hearings regarding the $300,000 Economic Development Program; November 3 and November 14 at 7:30 at the Town Hall.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Land Use Plan - A short meeting was held recently with Betty Ann, Don Armstrong, Kate and Dave attending. A few minor changes have been made. Subject tabled.
Flood Map Program for Cortland County -Betty Ann, Kate and John Steger attended the recent FEMA and DEC meeting at the County Office Building regarding the flood areas; in Preble, we have Little York Lake, Saulsbury Road, East Hill and Route 11.
Post Office Check - Check for $541.67 received
Check from the sale of truck - $4050. ($4500 less commission of $450.)
NYS Thruway Authority check - CHIPS $12,011.
State of New York check - State Aid $13,556.
Empire Zone -Following discussion of the area considered as the Empire Zone, the following resolution was made.
Motion made by Dick Martin, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #79: Resolution supporting and concurring in the Cortland County Application for re-designation of certain areas within Cortland County as an Empire Zone
WHEREAS, Section 961 of the General Municipal Law authorized application by Cortland County for designation of certain areas as an Empire Zone within the meaning of said statue; and
WHEREAS, such re-designation could greatly benefit Cortland County in that new businesses would be encouraged to locate in the zone area, existing businesses would be encouraged to expand in the zone area and new and expanded businesses would general new jobs for Cortland County residents; and
WHEREAS, Cortland County intends to authorize the submission of an application for the re-designation of areas within the Town of Preble as an Empire Zone, and
WHEREAS, the County of Cortland wishes to re-designate certain areas within the Town of Preble as part of the proposed Empire Zone; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Preble is desirous of working with Cortland County through the Empire Zone Program to provide enhanced job opportunities for its residents; and
WHEREAS, the boundaries of said areas to be included in the said Empire Zone shall be set forth in Schedule A, which is attached hereto and made a part thereof; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councilpersons of the Town of Preble, Preble, New York, that it fully supports and concurs in the submission of an application by Cortland County for the re-designation of certain areas as an Empire Zone.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Renew contract with Ron Masters -
Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #80: To authorize Betty Ann Pitman to sign a contract with Ron Masters for leasing a parcel of land for storing road materials for $350.00
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye
Budget workshop and public hearing -
Motion made by Dave Morse, seconded by Peter Knapp
RESOLUTION #81:To hold a workshop for the 2006 budget on October 17 at 7:30
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp
RESOLUTION #82:To hold a public hearing on the 2006 budget November 3rd at 7:45
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Sales Tax on fuel oil - Discussion of eliminating sales tax on home heating for the next quarter due to the increased cost of fuel. There will be a meeting at the County Office Building, Wednesday, October 12 at 3:30. The majority of the board agreed to eliminate tax on home heating.
Discussion - Planning Board Chairman authority to sign subdivision map- Following some discussion, it was decided to make a resolution to grant the Planning Board Chairman authority to sign subdivision maps.
Motion made by Dick Martin, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #83: To authorize the Town Clerk, Jane Davenport, to send a letter to the County Clerk, Betsy Larkin, stating that the Planning Board Chairman has authority to sign subdivision maps.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Property purchase -
Motion made by Dave Morse, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #84:To give Don Armstrong authority to update the necessary abstract work on the Hall property from the beginning, if necessary.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Jude Niederhofer from Little York Lake is representing the town regarding Water Revitalization. He stated that he has attended 2 meetings and will keep the town informed.
Dennis Kennedy - Asking what can be done about the increase in assessment of homes on Song Lake due to recent sales being so high on lake property. It was suggested that he contact the State office in Albany.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #85:To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 10, Nos. 186 to 214, totaling $9,256.08
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye)Dave Morse(aye)
Motion made by Dick Martin, seconded byPeter Knapp
RESOLUTION #86:To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 10, Nos. 103 to 119, totaling $15,357.61
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
There being no further business, Betty Ann asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn made by Kate,
seconded by Dave; meeting adjourned at 9:04
Respectfully submitted,
Unofficial 10/10/2005Jane W. Davenport
Official11/14/2005 Town Clerk