To enroll in an AP course for the 2017-2018 school year,
this document must be signed and returned to your counselor.
Student’s Name: ______Grade:______
Student No.:______Counselor:______
I plan to enroll in the following AP courses for the 2017-2018 school year:
r AP Art History
r AP Biology
r AP Calculus AB
r AP Calculus BC
r AP Chemistry
r AP English Language
r AP English Literature
r AP Environmental Science
r AP European History
r AP French Language & Culture
r AP Human Geography
r AP Latin
r AP Macroeconomics
r AP Music Theory
r AP Psychology
r AP Spanish Language & Culture
r AP Statistics
r AP Studio Art-2D, 3D, Drawing
r AP US Government & Politics
r AP United States History
r AP World History
I,______, understand that by initialing and signing below, I am agreeing to the information, the policies and the procedures related to all AP classes in which I enroll.
· ______My parents and I have read and signed the contract explaining the challenges, responsibilities, and rewards of taking AP classes and understand the expectations.
· ______My parents and I understand that I am responsible for completing the summer assignments and communicating with the teacher. Students not completing the summer assignment will not be allowed to drop the course.
· ______My parents and I understand that I am enrolling in a two (2)-semester class and that taking an AP class is a year-long commitment.
· ______We agree that, ______, will not be permitted to drop the class at any time after registration. **Except in extenuating circumstances** We understand the permission to drop an AP class is only allowed pending a decision by the appeals committee; not all drops will be approved.
· ______We understand that the course grade and AP exam score are earned independently. We are aware that there is an AP exam for each class and the cost for each exam is approximately $80.00. We understand that fee reductions may be available, based on the Federal Program requirements and it is my responsibility to inquire about and discuss fee reductions with the Counselor.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date
Only one sheet per student must be completed.
Advanced Placement Student Contract of Understanding for Students and Parents
Thank you for your interest in Alcovy High School’s AP Program. You have expressed a desire to take one or more AP courses during the 2017-2018 school year. Taking an AP course and the exam is a collaborative effort between you the student, your parent/guardian, and the school. Advanced Placement is a cooperative educational endeavor between secondary schools, colleges and universities, and the College Board. It gives high school students exposure to college-level material through involvement in an AP course, and them gives them an opportunity to show what they have learned by taking an AP Exam. Colleges and universities often grant credit, placement, or both, to students who earn specific required scores on the exam. Each party plays a role in the success of the AP program and must make the commitment to meet the expectations noted below.
The Student agrees to organize his/her time and effort to successfully complete the AP course in which he/she is enrolled. The student will notify teachers immediately if he/she falls behind in class readings and/or assignments. The student will be expected to complete assignments, readings and projects outside of class time—and to adhere to assigned due dates. Student will take responsibility to seek resources to support understanding within the class. Individual integrity is a standard of excellence in AP. Unnecessary absences should be avoided and students are responsible for acquiring “make-up” work. It is the expectation that the student will take the AP Exam on its scheduled date and time as outlined by the College Board.
The Parent/Guardian agrees to be familiar with and accept the AP course requirements and policies, and to help his/her child organize study time in support of class assignments. These classes are rigorous and challenging. Graded assignments are typically more complex and individual tests cover a larger body of information. Compared to other courses there are relatively few graded assignments which increases the need for adequate preparation each day.
The School (AP Teacher and AP Coordinator) agrees to provide rigorous instruction and challenging course content as described in the AP Course Description. Instruction will be provided that prepares students for success in college level classes.
According to the US Dept. of Education, AP access is linked to success in college. It is more important than GPA or socioeconomic status. Also, students who take AP classes and exams are much more likely to graduate on time.Only one in four students who enter college completes a bachelor’s degree in four years.This can save parents from 8,000 to 27,000 dollars in college fees. 31 percent of colleges and universities consider a student’s AP experience when making decisions about which students will receive scholarships.
Students who decide to take AP courses must understand the commitment they are making. Some AP courses have REQUIRED summer assignments which will count as a grade. These are due at the beginning of the school year. Schedules cannot be changed to remove a student from an AP class because the student decides the work is too hard or failure to complete a summer assignment.
Student Agreement
I have been informed of the rigor of AP classes. I have read the expectations and accept its academic challenges.
Student Signature Date
Parent Agreement
I have read the course expectations, am familiar with the requirements and agree to support my child in his/her endeavors in the course(s).
Parent/Guardian Signature Date