Patient Group Meeting Minutes Monday 5th December 2016
Wrose Health Centre 4.30 – 6.30 pm
Mr G Shores , Mr M Beardmore, Mrs Beardmore, M A Haque, Mrs M Moss, Mr E Doogan, Mrs G Doogan, Mrs Das, Mrs B Clarke
Apologies: Mrs P Marsden , Mrs M Spiwak, Mr R Townsend, Mrs B Hammond,
1Open and introductions
RT opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. At the suggestion of Mr GS, the layout of the meeting room had been opened up into a circle, rather than all chairs facing the front. At the last meeting RT had asked if the group could contribute greatedinput into the agenda setting to promote open discussion and engagement. All agreed this was a good idea.
2Review of last meeting in September 2016
RT read through the minutes and these were agreed as accurate.
3Tara Teske ( student district nurse ) “ Circulation of the Lower Limbs”
Tara Teske presented a very informative talk on how to maintain good circulation on the lower limbs. Tara is a student district nurse based at Rockwell .Tara spoke to the group about managing good circulation and provided handouts, and helpful tips on signs and symptoms. * Taras presentation will be circulated to the patient group and also put on the practice website. This talk was very well received with good feedback including “I like information to read and study, it helps me to remember it!”
4Choosing Well Campaign
Dr Gavin spoke to the patient group about this NHS Campaign which is encouraging patients to question their treatment and empower them to be involved in decision making and make better decisions. The overall aim of the choosing well campaign is as follows
1Do I really need this test, treatment or procedure
2What are the risks or downsides
3What are the possible side effects
4Are there simpler, safer options
5What will happen if I do nothing
Dr G addressed the group and said the background to this campaign is that NHS treatment has improved beyond all expectations and the ability to keep on treating patients is not always in their best interests.
There has been some information about this in the national press and RT encouraged the group to read up on the topic.
6Prescribing; Gluten Free and “Over the Counter Treatment” update news
- Gluten Free prescribing Dr AG said the public consultation ended on 30November 2016 and now GPs could not prescribe any of these Dietary products on prescription. Mrs M Moss and Mr Doogan said the consultation exercise had been poor as those affected had not been given a “voice”. The aim is to save the CCG £33000. DR G said that some parts of the country had already stopped prescribing gluten free products and it was very likely that other areas will also stop as this gains momentum. Mr G S said that he did not realise that that such prescribing had been taken place. Dr G said that in the past patients who were coeliac had often died without the correct diet, however there has been significant improvements and knowledge gained, plus the power of the supermarkets had driven down the cost of the products and could supply far cheaper than the NHS. Mrs M said that some of the products available to buy were not the same as those that had been available on the NHS, but understood that savings had to be made and the costs were astronomical. Mr Shores asked for Coeliac talk next month, however RT said the group had already done this in a previous meeting.
- Over the counter treatments DR AG and RT said that the next squeeze was to reduce the amount of prescriptions for items that can be purchased over the counter.. Items such as Hayfever medication, cough mixture, simple pain relief, Thrush treatment, lozenges etc quite an extensive list .
If you have any queries from patients, please advise them to contact: or write to: Patient support manager, NHS Bradford City and NHS Bradford Districts CCGs, Douglas Mill, Bradford BD5 7JR.
7Connected Yorkshire
There are four Connected Health Cities (CHCs) in the North of England. Each local city region will unite health and social care services so that together they can share information and improve the health of local people. At the heart of the health improvements is the efficient use of health data and technology. RT said this was a Research project that all Bradford practices were being asked to support. All patient identifiable information ( name, date of birth address, etc) a is removed to protect confidentiality. Patients can still opt out if they wish by informing the practice.
DR Gavin explained that medical research was vital for the NHS and gave the example of “Born in Bradford” campaign which has effectively a research campaign into early infant death ( bradford had a high rate of new born death). Medical research is needed in order to plan the care for the future so that the NHS can get ready and meet the demands.
For further information
8Progress against Rockwell and Wrose Action Plan
RT was pleased to announce that almost all goals set out with the agreement of the patient group for the Practice action plan had been achieved as follows
New electric doors at Wrose √
Rockwell Rocks Health Promotion Event √
Stop pharmacist ordering medicines on behalf of patients √
Extend “time out” when ordering on line √
Ask staff to reveal their names when answering telephone
Increase Dementia Awareness – whole team training √
The practice had also a bit of work to do to try and improve their ratings on the national customer satisfaction survey which is distributed to patients homes every 6 months. RT asked that if any patient gets a survey then to please complete and return it.
Questions / National Average(Jan 2016) / Practice Current score
(Jan 2016) / Practice Score
(Jul 2016) / Practice Score
(Jan 2017)
Survey response rate / 36% / 39.9%
Overall experience of GP surgery / 85% / 91.99%
Overall experience of making an appointment / 73% / 74.7%
Ease of getting through to someone on the phone / 70% / 76.3%
Able to get an appointment to speak to someone / 85% / 85.0%
Convenience of appointment / 92% / 96.5%
Satisfaction with opening hours / 75% / 84.1%
Helpfulness of receptionist / 87% / 80.4%
Recommended GP surgery to someone who has just moved to the local area / 78% / 80.4%
9Open Floor
RT produced some figures relating to a previous patient group project looking at “did not attend” rates. This shouwed that the practice still had a significant problem managing DNA rates. See table
DNA & Patient Walked Out Report - Rockwell & Wrose PracticeLocation / Rota Type / Appointment Count / Time Wasted (Min)
Main Site / Warfarin Clinic / 2 / 30
Main Site / Nurse Clinic / 36 / 563
Main Site / Session / 68 / 940
Main Site / minor surgery / 1 / 15
Main Site / Triage Sit & Wait / 2 / 15
Main Site / Outreach Session / 10 / 750
Main Site / Afternoon Session / 4 / 120
wrose health centre / Nurse Clinic / 69 / 1095
wrose health centre / Session / 76 / 1720
wrose health centre / Triage Sit & Wait / 1 / 8
The group discussed this at length and Mr GS asked RT to provide these figures every month from now on). RT said that some patients had deregistered as a result of this policy- however this was never done with full GP discussion in our weekly meeting.
Next meeting Monday 20 3 2017 at Rockwell surgery - All welcome