Following is the annual mandatory employee Safety Fair Quiz.
- View the pdf Power Point of the Safety Fair and fill in or highlight the answers to each question.
- Make a copy of this quiz on your computer desk top.
- Toggle back and forth between the quiz and the Safety Fair Power Point presentation by pressing ALT-TAB or just using the mouse.
(The copy will either be in .doc, .docx, .rtf or “compatibility mode” allowing you to fill in or highlight the answers with your computer.)
Important: Save the answers that you place on the quiz document frequently so that you do not lose your answers. Once you have completed the quiz and saved it, you can print and submit it, oremail as an attachment to Staff Development at:
If you are having difficulty accessing the 2015 Safety Fair quiz or Power Point, please email either Cheryl Furman (above) or Jan Tatum () with your contact phone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
MRCH Staff Development
Mad River Community Hospital
Safety Fair 2015
Your Name(please print) Department Date
- Standards of Excellence:
- We can best achieve our patient care goals by following MRCH’s Standards of Excellence.
- Name two Standards of Excellence that you have the opportunity to practice in your job.
- ______
- ______
- Guide to Quality Care & Patient Safety:
List three tips that will assist you in working with Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) Surveyors.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
3. “HIPAA and Patient Privacy:
Circle TRUE or FALSE.
A. You should not access any information on a patient (or yourself) if you do not have a “need to know” to do your job.
B. Before leaving a computer workstation, you should always log off.
C. It is never appropriate to have discussions about patients in public areas, such as hallways, the cafeteria, or outside the hospital while off-duty.
D. Computer usernames / passwords should never be shared or written/ stored in “plain sight”.
4. Patient Rights & Compliance:
A. Name any two patient rights.
- ______
- ______
B. What confidential phone line can you call if you have a concern regarding MRCH and any compliance issue?
5. Patient Satisfaction Surveys:
Which of the following patient care areas are our patients asking us to focus on?
Mark all that apply.
____ Staff including patients in decisions regarding their treatment
____ Responding to patient’s concerns
____ Maintaining a clean, friendly hospital environment
6. Management of Aggressive & Violent Behavior:
- If you were on-duty in the ED when the gentleman in the video was there seeking care, what would you have done to de-escalate the situation?
- Reason with him that there were many patients in the ED and he would be seen when they could get to him
- Notice that he was exhibiting behaviors indicating significant pain, stop in to his room and tell him he had not been forgotten.
- Notice that he was exhibiting behaviors indicating significant pain, stop in his room and tell him that you would immediately notify the physician on duty.
- Notice that he was exhibiting behaviors indicating significant pain, ask him to describe it, tell him that you would advise the physician of his issue, and tell him you would check back in with him in ten minutes to see how he is doing.
- What was the most obvious mistake made by hospital staff in this circumstance?
- Pretend you are working with a client who becomes angry, and despite your best efforts to listen to them, and act on their needs, their behavior escalates to the point that you feel unsafe.
What hospital safety code would you call? ______
7. Cultural Awareness
Why is Cultural Diversity Awareness important?
8. Age- Specific Competencies:
Circle TRUE or FALSE.
A. Age-specific competencies are skills used to ensure care that is based on understanding individual needs at different stages in life.
B. Each age group has different communication styles and needs.
9. Social Services:
A. It is the responsibility of any employee, volunteer and/or other staff that observes or is notified of suspected or documented abuse to initiate the reporting process.
B. MRCH is a designated “Safe Surrender” site, with physicians and RN’s authorized to accept a surrendered newborn.
The space above was left intentionally blank to provide you with an opportunity to smile and take a deep breath. You know, really appreciate the opportunity to meet your requirement to attend the annual Safety Fair. You know all year you have been wondering “Whenwill I get to go to the Safety Fair again?”, right? You are welcome!
10. Organ Donation
A. What is the role of the hospital staff for the family of a patient determined to be a potential organ donor?
B. What is the referral number for calling the Transplant Network Coordinator?
11. Employee Safety:
A. Harassment or discrimination in any form in our work environment is unlawful and prohibited. If you feel you are experiencing harassment, who should you contact immediately? ______
B. MRCH must have a drug and alcohol-free work environment in order to protect the health and safety of employees and patients.
C. Smoking is not permitted on hospital property for patients and family. The single designated smoking area for employees, staff and volunteers only is located:
____ At the rear of the Environmental Services hangar
____ At the entrance of the Emergency Department
12. Ergonomics:
A. Which of the following are ways to safely take care of your back while at work?
Mark all that apply.
_____ Push instead of pull whenever you can.
_____ Support your back as you sit at a desk.
_____ Take short breaks during the day to stretch.
_____ Be mindful of your back during patient care.
B. Identify one way to prepare your back for working safety before you come to work?
13.Employee Injury:
A. Pretend you accidentally hurt your back while lifting a box at work.
Who do you need to notify of your injury?
- ______
- ______
- ______
B. You have just been punctured by a contaminated sharps here at the hospital. Where do you go?
C. Now pretend that your injury occurred during the night shift (when Occupational Health is closed). After you notify the appropriate people where would you go?
14. Occurrence Reports:
A. Which of the following are occurrence categories listed on MRCH’s Occurrence Reports? (see Occurrence report on board)
Mark all that apply.
____ Harassment/ Abuse
____ Patient’s Rights Violation
____ Patient Fall
B. Once you complete an occurrence report, who should you give it to?
15. Maintaining a Secure Environment
A. Name 2 prevention strategies that will help in dealing with an agitated person.
B. What is the easiest method for you to help maintain a secure environment at MRCH?
16.Color-Coded Patient Wristbands:
A. Name one reason that a person not giving direct patient care may need to be aware of the meaning of the color-coded wristbands used at MRCH.
B. Match the color of the patient wristband with what is represents.
Wristband Color / What is Represents- WHITE: ______
- GREEN: ______
- PURPLE: _____
- RED: ______
- YELLOW: ______
17.Infection Control:
A. What is the most effective way to prevent the transmission of microorganisms no matter in which department you work?
B. Which of the following are effective ways to keep your germs to yourself?
Mark all that apply.
____ Clean your hands often
____ Use a tissue to cover your sneezes and coughs (then wash your hands)
____ Use iodine hand gel before and after meals
____ Sneeze or cough into your sleeve if you do not have a tissue
C. All MRCH hospital staff must sign a declination form if they do not wish to receive the annual flu vaccine. TRUE FALSE
18. Bloodborn Pathogens:
A. Nurses are the only employees who run the risk of getting stuck from a contaminated needle at MRCH? TRUE FALSE
B. Special precautions are required in hospitals for contact/bloodborn, airborn and droplet infections by the Department of Public Health and other accrediting agencies. Name one reason that you need to be aware of these precautions in the job that you do.
19. Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Plan:
If you wanted to look up information on a chemical used here at MRCH, what two places could you find the MSDS?
20. Medical Waste:
A. Fill in the letters that correspond to the correct disposal container for each type of waste. Each letter should only be used once.
_____ Clean packaging, paper towels, soileddiapers. /
- Sharps Container
_____ Drug vials and IV bags containing
pharmaceuticals. /
- Black battery bucket
_____ Dressings or waste materials
saturated with blood or body fluids /
- Regular Trash
_____ Used batteries /
- Biohazard Waste Bag & Container
_____ Syringes and needles. /
- Pharmaceutical Container
B. Nine-volt batteries must be re-capped before they are placed in the battery bucket.
21.Radiation Exposure:
What are three safety factors for minimizing radiation exposure?
22. Electrical Safety Hazards:
Describe one of the situations shown on the board, and why it is dangerous. Please include the letter of the situation you are describing.
23. Utilities Management & Safety:
Who needs to be notified immediately in the event of a power failure, gas leak, or loss of water supply? ______
24.Equipment Management / Plant Operations:
A. It is approximately 12 noon and you need assistance from Plant Operations for a “non-urgent” need to help you move very heavy boxes to another department.
Fill in the blanks in the steps you should take to contact Plant OPs.
- Fill out a ______form.
- ______, ______, or ______completed form in Plant OP’s’ mailbox or under their office door.
B. Equipment (such as radios) that staff bring in from home do not need to be inspected and stickered by Plant OPs. TRUE FALSE
This is a nice place to doodle:
25. Security: “Code Security” & “Dr. Strong”:
A. In the event of a “Code Security”, the lock down will remain in effect until when?
1.Until an appropriate period of time has passed.
2.Until “Code Security All Clear” is announced overhead.
3. Until you feel it is safe to resume your activities.
B. If a “Doctor Strong” is called, all personnel that are able should go to the location given. TRUE FALSE
26. Fire Safety – “Code Red”:
- What does R A C E stand for? What does P A S S stand for?
R: P:
- What month is (or was) your department scheduled for a fire drill this year?
- All hospital staff must respond to at least one fire drill each year.
27. Security: “Code Pink” & Medical Emergencies
A. If a “Code Pink” is called, all personnel should move to the nearest exit and monitor it.
B. Does your department have an assigned exit to cover in the event of a Code Pink?
If so, what exit is it?
28. Code Blue
A. What is the first action you take if you find is unconscious in your department or
elsewhere on the hospital grounds?
- What phone numbers do you dial to call a code?
Call ______from 0700 to 2300.
Call ______from 2300 to 0700 “and you’re live”.
29. Hospital Safety & Emergency Codes:
Fill in the appropriate letter that describes each code.
Code Blue______A. Internal Disaster
Code Red______B. Lock Down
Code Yellow______C. Infant Abduction
Code Purple______D. Combative Person
Code White ______E. Manpower needed.
Dr. Strong______F. Adverse alteration in a patient’s condition
Code Grey ______G. Child Abduction
Code Silver ______H. Fire
Code Orange______I. Cardiac/Medical Emergency
Code Pink ______J. Person with weapon and/or active shooter
Triage Internal ______K. Sealing of Building to outside air
Triage External ______L. Pediatric Medical Emergency
Shelter-in-Place ______M. Bomb Threat
Code Security ______N. Hazardous Material Spill/Release
Code Rapid Response Team______O. External Disaster
29. Emergency Preparedness:
A. What are the four phases of Emergency Management Preparedness?
B. MRCH is in the Tsunami Evacuation zone.
30. Are You Ready?
A. Check the line below that best indicates your current level of personal preparedness:
1. Completely prepared and ready in all aspects shown on the chart.- Nearly completely prepared in all aspects but one or two need to be addressed.
- Somewhat prepared; about half of the aspects shown are addressed.
- One or two aspects shown on the chart are partly addressed.
- No aspects shown on the chart are addressed; not prepared.
B. If you are fully or partly prepared, to enter the RED “E” contest please list at the end of this quiz(on the next page) the areas of your “preparedness”. Prepared employees will receive a Red “E” to wear on their MRCH name tag and the MOST prepared employees will receive a Red “E” hat or bandana.
31.Hospital Disaster Response Responsibilities:
A. What is “HICS”?
- Name the four primary sections (division) of HICS.
- Who do you think functions as the MRCH Incident Commander in the case of a Mass Casualty Incident, disaster or surge in patient admissions? (Check the MRCH policy if unsure…) ______
If this person is unavailable, who fills this role? ______
- What is your responsibility to MRCH and the Community if a local disaster occurs?
Congratulations, you have completed the annual Safety Fair!
****Please check you quiz answers against the key at the front table and complete the evaluation. Turn both the Safety Quiz and Evaluation into Staff Development.
Note: For the Red “E” contest, please list you areas of readiness on the back of this page.
Red “E” Contest
Your name: ______
Your MRCH department:______
List below your areas of personal “preparedness”.
(You may include ways you have also prepared as an employee at MRCH.)
Safety Fair Evaluation
Please rate the following areas as 5 (strongly agree) through 1 (strongly disagree):
- Subject matter was clearly presented.54321
2. Test questions were relevant to
subject matter. 54321
3. The information presented added to
my Safety knowledge.54321
4. Overall, I enjoyed this year’s Safety Fair.54321
5. Physical Facilities were comfortable,
and had appropriate space & lighting54321
6.Suggestions for Future Safety Fairs: ______
7.Other comments: ______
Thank you for your hard work!