Begin this record when you are ready to move from Level 1 to Level 2. Write down things as you do them.
Date this record startedDate ending this record
Offices and Committee Assignments: List your offices in 4-H such as President, Vice Presidents, etc. and list all the committees you work on each year. Show if it is for your club or county and what you did.Year / Office/Committee / Where / Duties Performed
1996 / No Office Held
1997 / Secretary / Club / Kept meeting minutes
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
Project and Exhibit Summary: List your projects by enrollment name. Show size by giving the number of garments made, animals raised or cared for, things canned, photos taken, etc. List what you exhibited, where you exhibited, and award received.
Year / Project Title / Size / Where Exhibited / Award1996 / Breeding Sheep / 10 / L, C / 2B, 3R
1997 / Sewing / 1 / L, C, S / 3B
1998 / Photography / 6 / C / 2B, 1RG, 1R
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
Ribbon Placing: Blue (B), Red (R), White (W), Grand Champion (GC), Reserve Champion (RC)
Public Presentation: List all the demonstrations, illustrated talks and public speaking you gave. List the project it is related to, where you gave it, and the award received.
Year / Presentation Title / Project / Where / Award1997 / Leg wraps for trailering your horse / Performance Horse / C, L, S / 3B
1998 / How to make chocolate chip cookies / Baking / C, L / 1R, 1B
Judging: List the type of judging you did. Show where you did it and the award you received.
Year / Kind of Judging / Where / Award1996 / Horse judging / L / 1B
1197 / Livestock judging / L
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
Ribbon Placing: Blue (B), Red (R), White (W), Grand Champion (GC), Reserve Champion (RC)
4-H Contests Entered: List ALL the 4-H contests you entered such as fitting and showing, kitchen activities, equitation classes, fashion revue, herdsmanship, educational displays at fairs, record book contest, talent show, etc.
Year / All Contest Entered / Project / Where / AwardSummary of all 4-H shows entered!
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
Ribbon Placing: Blue (B), Red (R), White (W), Grand Champion (GC), Reserve Champion (RC)
Non 4-H Contest Entered: List ALL non 4-H open class shows or contests entered such as wool contest, open dog or horse shows, FFA judging, etc. List where you entered and award received
Year / Contest Entered / Where / AwardSummary of all non 4-H shows entered.
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
Ribbon Placing: Blue (B), Red (R), White (W), Grand Champion (GC), Reserve Champion (RC)
Events Attended: List ALL the 4-H non-competitive events you attended such as achievement programs, workshops, talent show, camp, teen events, etc. Remember an event has a definite time and place and can be project related or general 4-H events.
Year / Event attended / Where1997 / Vet Tour / Local
1997 / Teen Camp / County
1998 / Know Your Government / State
1998 / Pre Fair Clinic / Local
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
Community Service: List ALL the 4-H community services in which you participated. Be specific, such as rabies clinics, volunteered at nursing home , cleaned county park, etc.
Year / Community Service / Responsibility1997 / PATH Fund raiser / Sold flowers during graduation
1998 / Fair Clean up / Trim shrubs
School and Community Responsibilities: List the activities you did at school, church, in sports or community events other than 4-H.
Year / Activity / Where1997 / AAU Basketball / County
1998 / Band / School
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
4-H Promotion: Include ALL the things in which you participated to promote 4-H, such as posters made, 4-H displays, news stories written, etc. Tell where you did it and the duties you performed or the recognition received.
Year / What You Did / Where / Responsibility1997 / The Meaning of 4-H poster / C / Gather information
1997 / Displayed poster in post office. / L-Albion / Hang & take down poster.
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
Leadership: Record the things you did to help others or teach others about your 4-H projects. Be sure to include the things you did for the leadership project(s), workshops you taught, etc.
Year / What You Did / Where You Did It1996-97 / Worked with the younger kids on performance riding / L, C
1998 / Worked with 4-H’ers on showmanship. / Club meeting
1998 / Helped with record books. / L
Location: Local (L), County (C), State (S)
4-H Meeting Attendance: Write the total number of meetings you club held and the number you attended.
Year / 1998Meetings Held / 26
Number Attended / 18
Most Important Recognition: List the most important recognition you received during the year, such as honors, awards, trips, etc. List what is the most important to you and the project it is related to.
Year / Most Important Recognition1997 / Golden Clover Award for record book.
1998 / Recognized by another parent for improving skills & attitude, while at the sewing machine.