Salem School PTO Minutes

April 26, 2011

Salem School Library

200 Hartford Road

Salem, CT 06420

1.  Call to Order - President Mona Miller, 7:06PM

In attendance: Mona Miller, Michelle Guertin, Pam Berardino, Jim Moran, Susan Baier, Sue Bennett, John Bernier, Margaret Caron, Sharon Gillespy

2. Officers’ Reports

a. Secretary’s Report–Michelle Guertin

Minutes from the 3/15/11 PTO meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously.

Motion: Jim Moran; Second: Sue Bennett.

b. Liaison’s Report–Pam Berardino

Pam provided a summary report of new requests. Kindergarten requested $776.22 toward the plant portion of their science curriculum. 7th Grade split their funds between transportation for their salmon release for science and field day at Lake Compounce. The MS and ES Unified Arts Teams pooled resources for a short Throw Projector for assemblies. These are the final requests of the school year.

c. Treasurer’s Report –Mona Miller for Denise Orsini

While income exceeds expenses at the moment, it is expected that the enrichment payments will cause expenses to outstrip income by June. The Treasurer’s report as of 4/26/11 was reviewed and unanimously accepted.

Motion: Susan Baier; Second: Margaret Caron.

3. New Business

a. Passive Fundraising and Other Ongoing Fundraising

Mona Miller reported that the check for BoxTops arrived. Car Magnets continue selling. They will be sold at the concert next week along with some concessions.

ACTION: Sharon Gillespy is going to investigate sending BoxTops baggies home over the summer to remind people to collect.

b. Gift Cards

Sue Bennett will be doing another round soon. We will not attempt to run this over the summer, however we will encourage folks to stock up for the summer and to perhaps purchase some as end of season gifts.

c. Butterbraids Wrapup

Mona Miller reported that only 2 families were late in their pickup and we almost made our income goal. This was an easy fundraiser.

d. Spring Book Fair

Mona Miller reported that it will be held from May 16-20. 5/18 is Technology night, so that will be the Book Fair’s late night.

ACTION: Sharon Gillespy will do Reading Hall of Fame gift certificates.

It was decided that since we have a lot of Scholastic Dollars stored up, we would give each earners of at least one middle school A Award a $5 book fair reward to. This will be done via a list rather than by certificates.

ACTION: Mona Miller will be organizing the volunteer list.

e. 8th Grade Fundraising Subcommittee Policy

John Bernier reported that on balance the fundraisers have slightly exceeded expectations. The Teacher/Student volleyball match and silent auction are slated for 4/29. T-shirts have arrived and a sample was passed around. Expected costs to parents will be around $50, but they will work that out after the game proceeds are in. The committee has committed $500 toward a podium as the class gift and wonders in the PTO will make up any difference. A motion was made to spend up to $700 on a podium was made, seconded, and unanimously passed.

Motion: Margaret Caron; Second: Pam Berardino.

f.  Teacher Appreciation Week

Mona Miller reported that the annual luncheon will be held on 5/11. It will have a tropical paradise theme (though contributions don’t have to fit the theme) and door prizes. Lunch is from 10:30-1:10, so food should be dropped off by 10:15.

ACTION: Mona Miller will send out email to solicit food.

ACTION: Michelle Guertin will include info in the newsletter.

g.  By-Laws Review

Michelle Guertin reported went through the changes that were being made to the by-laws. Some additional suggestions were made and incorporated. These should be posted on the PTO bulletin board in mid-May so they can be voted on at the June meeting.

h.  2011-12 Officers

Mona Miller reported that we still need a Secretary and possibly a President. Athena Sartori was considering the President position, but hasn’t said yes yet, and no one has stepped forward to express interest in the Secretary position.

ACTION: Michelle Guertin will create a flyer which will go out as a hard copy in the Wednesday folder.

i.  Citizenship Award

$150 is allocated for this award. Usually it is three $50 prizes based on student essays. We might do the reward as a gift card (Amazon?) this year.

ACTION: Mona Miller will get the necessary paperwork distributed.

j.  Family Event

Susan Baier reported that “Kung Fu Panda” opens the weekend of May 27th, but that is Memorial Day weekend, so probably not the best timeframe. Cinemas in Colchester said $6/person which is comparable to Niantic, but different then last deal (flat fee) so Susan will double check and also see if we could do following weekend.

k.  Administration Update

Various enrichment assemblies have occurred through grants this year. Technology Night is 5/18. Field Day is in mid-June.

ACTION: Mona Miller will check with Amy Beardsley to see how funds will be spent.

Field Trip season is commencing. Math Club for 3rd and 4th grades will be held on T and Th mornings from 8-8:30.

4. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Adjournment – 8:43PM

Motion: Mona Miller; Second: Michelle Guertin.

Salem School PTO Minutes for April 26, 2011

Submitted by Michelle Guertin, Secretary Page 1 of 2