Ancient Israel
Click on “Land of the Israelites”
Read the story about the ancient Israelites
1. Describe the land of Israel.
2. Why were the Israelites herders?
3. What is a nomad?
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Click on “Exodus”
Read the story about the Exodus
1. Why did the Hebrews go to Egypt?
2. Why did the Pharaoh make the Hebrews his slaves?
3. Where was Moses raised?
4. What happened when Moses asked the Pharaoh to let his people go?
5. What is a plague?
6. What was the last plague that made the Pharaoh let Moses and the Hebrews go?
Click on “Continue with Exodus Exhibit”
Read this passage
1. Why did the Red Sea part?
2. How many years did it take the Hebrews to get back to Canaan?
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Click on “Beliefs about Religion”
1. What is Polytheism?
2. Describe the god of the Israelites.
3. What was the covenant the Israelites had with their god?
Scroll down and click on “Beliefs Exhibit”
Click on “Beliefs about the Bible”
Read this passage
1. What are the first five books of the Bible called?
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Click on “Beliefs about Justice”
Read this passage
1. What happened on Mt. Sinai?
2. What were written on stone tablets and given to Moses?
3. What would the Israelites receive if they obeyed these laws?
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Click on “Important People”
Click on “Abraham”
1. Abraham was the first ancient Israelite to be called a ______
2. The Israelite nation began with the descendents of ______.
Click on “Return to Important People”
Click on “Moses”
Read the passage
1. When was Moses the leader of the Israelites?
2. What does the name Moses mean?
3. What were some of the powers that God gave Moses?
4. What was the 10th plague?
5. Jewish tradition considers ______to be the greatest of all prophets.
Click on “Return to Important People”
Click on David
Read the passage
1. Who was the first king of Israel?
2. In 1000 B.C. who was Israel at war with?
3. Describe Goliath.
4. What did David do to Goliath?
5. How long did David rule Israel?
6. What were his accomplishments as King?
7. Who became king after David died?