FAS236 Design 1 Stencil 2015
Assignment # 2StencilProject Description
Create a stencil design using a graphic (a simplified pictorial image) and a pseudonym for yourself (for example Gentle Giant, Skater-Hater, Wizard, etc.) Draw your design on a sheet of paper 14 x 17”. Once you have resolved the details of your design, you can then trace it on to a sheet of mylar the same size (14 x 17”). (Mylar is a translucent plastic material that you can purchase from any art supply store. Note: the mylar sold at the Sheridan bookstore is too thin to use for a stencil.) Make sure the mylar is heavy enough to stay flat and use for spray-painting later.
Project Requirements
1. The graphic and your pseudonym must be integrated so that both appear to be one design aesthetic or style.
2. Keep your design simple. If your design is too detailed or intricate, it will take you a long time to cut it out and it won’t work effectively as a stencil. Look at examples in the Stencil lecture.
3. Keep in mind that islands need to be held in place by bridges. Look at the Stencil lecture on Sheridan Assignmentsto see examples of these two terms.
4. Your design should fill most of the 14 x 17” sheet.
5. Cut out your stencil so that it can be used to transfer your pattern to another surface or material.
Schedule of due dates
Thursday September 17Assignment handed out. Introduction to stencils.
Monday September 21 Preliminary design due. Your preliminary design should be drawn on 14 x 17” paper.
Monday September 28 Final Design due
Final form of project
1.The final design should be drawn on mylar and cut out using a #11 blade of an Xacto knife. You will need a cutting mat to do this.
Method of evaluation
1. Effective use of bridges to hold stencil together (10)
2. Effective combination of text and graphic. (10)
3. Simplicity of design, making it suitable for stenciling. (10)
3. Originality (10)
Learning outcomes
1. Through this assignment students should gain an understanding of the integration of negative and positive spaces in two-dimensional design.
2. Students should gain an understanding of how to combine text and graphics.