Please fill out the following form. Please pay attention to the information regarding the various points on page 3 of this booklet.
General informations
1. Activity title
2. Date of the last tryout
3. Author name
4. College or university
5. Author e-mail address
6. Science field
7. Student age
8. Course title and number
9. Time spent on the activity
If you have difficulties filling up the form or if you have any questions, please contact France Garnier at .
Activity description10. Activity summary
11. Relevance and originality of the activity
Presentation layout of the pedagogical activity
Le Saut quantique. All rights reserved.
Objectives and student programm links12. Pedagogical objectives to be fulfilled or competencies to be developped
13. Link between the activity and the student’s programm
/a) General program objectivesto be fulfilled
b) Links with the course
c) Links with other courses
Presentation layout of the pedagogical activity
Le Saut quantique. All rights reserved.
Number of students and pedagogical supervision14. Approximative number of students in the classroom
15. Number of students required per team
16. Pedagogical supervision
Presentation layout of the pedagogical activity
Le Saut quantique. All rights reserved.
Description of the activity steps17. Description of the activity steps and time necessary for each step
/a) Before
b) During
c) After
Presentation layout of the pedagogical activity
Le Saut quantique. All rights reserved.
Evaluation and required materials18. Evaluation suggestions
19. Required materials
20. Appendices
/a) Teacher
b) Students
Other suggestions and references21. Students’ feedback
22. Other ideas to explore
23. References
1.Choose a title which helps to easily identify the subject or the object of the activity. The title may be informative, original or descriptive.
2.Write down the last year when you tried out the activity in classroom.
6.Choose the activity scientific discipline (e.g. biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.).
7.Write down the students' average age (e.g. 17-18 years, 18-19 years, etc.).
9.Specifiy the approximate duration of the activity. If it takes place over several weeks at irregular intervals or has a variable duration from meeting to meeting, specify the total time and refer, between brackets, to an appendix you will add to the form; this appendix will explain in detail how the activity takes place.
10. The abstract of the activity must not exceed 150 words.
12.Describe what students will have acquired after the activity (subject matter, abilities, attitudes, etc.).
13. a) Write down the main program objectives being targetted. If the activity takes place in a "Natural Science" course, choose amongst the following objectives:
- Apply the experimental method;
- Take a systematic approach to problem solving;
- Use appropriate data-processing technologies;
- Reason logically;
- Communicate effectively;
- Learn autonomously;
- Work as a member of a team;
- Make connections between science, technology and social progress.
- Identify their personal system of values;
- Become familiar with the context in which scientific concepts are discovered and developed;
- Adopt attitudes that are useful for scientific work;
- Apply what has been learned to new situations.
For more information regarding the objectives of the program Science de la nature 200.B0, please consult the following site from the ministry of Education :
13. b) Describe how the activity fits in the course. If the activity is a description of a pedagogical approach that lasts for the whole course, explain the relevance of this approach in relation to the course content, how it is introduced in the course and how it is used.
14. Write down the approximate number of students in the class (e.g. 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, 25-30, 31-35, 36-40, etc.).
15. Write down the size of the team (e.g. 2, 3, 4, etc. or 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, etc.).
- Describe the teacher’s role and the pedagogical supervision during the activity.
- Describe how the activity unfolds step by step. Indicate how long each task will take. Divide this section into “Before”, “During” and “After” phases : “Before” should list preparatory steps taken by both the teacher and students, “During” should show details on how the activity unfolds, and “After” should include any follow-up.
- Suggest the point values allocated for the activity. Describe how the activity should be evaluated and the criterias for evaluation (you could include an evaluation grid in the Appendix, if you like).
- Summarize the background documents required for understanding or implementing the activity as well as any that you distribute to the students. Our numbering convention has documents intended for teachers in the “P” (“professeur”) Appendix, those intended for students in the “E” (“élèves”) Appendix. Thus teacher documents should be numbered P.1, P.2, ...P.X and student documents E.1, E.2…E.X. Each number should be followed by an appropriate descriptive title (e.g.: Appendix E.1: Efficient Teamwork.).
- Suggest alternatives or extensions to your activity. For example, how might it be presented under different conditions? What other activities could be tied to it? Etc.
22.List all references used in the production of the activity. Use the following format for these references:
LÉGARÉ, Raymond, Robert CHIASSON et Marie-Josée MORIN (1992). La classification décimale, 4th edition, Montréal, ERPI, 136 p.
Journal articles :
NARINS, Peter (octobre 1995). « La communication chez les batraciens », Pour la science, n°21, p.20-43.
BROUILLET, Luc, et al. (1994). « Comment faire un herbier », L'Herbier Marie-Victorin, Montréal, Micro-Intel et les Amis du Jardin botanique de Montréal, CD-Rom.
Internet sites:
CARON, Rosaire. Comment citer un document électronique? (Octobre 9th1997). [On line]. Adresse URL : doelec/ctedoce.html.
La Recherche. [On line]. Adresse URL:
FOREST, José (1992). La victime cachée, Montréal, Productions Pixart, VHS, 52 min, colors.
Presentation layout of the pedagogical activity
Le Saut quantique. All rights reserved.