1. I have downloaded over 100 hours of material from Youtube, UCL, Creditorsincommerce, etc, speeded up the tempo and put them on my MP3 Player: Y/N
- I am spending 20 minutes a day, connecting with other people via the comments on youtube, or finding like minded people on facebook, twitter, forums like davidicke,,, liberty/libertarian, conspiracy,, with the goal of making 2 new friends within the next 30 days, who are also studying this information.Y/N
- I am going to a Libertarian/Ron Paul/conspiracy/truther/freedom/gun rights/bitcoinmeetup groups ( or events like ( . I pay membership to one of these groups or am on their announcement lists or newsletters to get info about events in my area. Gun owners of America, Libertarian Party of America, John Birsch Society, Go to the next David Icke lecture, sign up for the MIC Mastery in Commerce training. Y/N
- I have printed out the Study Material provided by UCL and put a stack of study material in a folder or on a clipboard, and put it in my car, on the couch, next to my bed, bringing it to work to read on lunch breaks or while in transit to work or while waiting at a doctors office, and I am reading the material instead of reading a magazine at the doctors office, or while waiting for the schoolbus with my kids, or reading it instead of watching TV at night, and finding other times to read it in my “downtime” on my breaks, or saved the pdf files on my desktop or thumbdrive/email for ease of access and study.Y/N
- Get a MENTOR, get on our UCL conf calls. Connect with other like-minded people so you can buy all our products and split the costs. Get a “Study Buddy”, preferably one in your area Y/N
- Set up a Blog and Start Blogging about What You Learn AS you learn from audios, pdfs, downloads, the class, etc. Connect w/ Tyler as he will recommend or set you up with your very own blog (public or private), and you can get lessons on how to blog so that you can bring traffic to your website, and you have like-minded people CALL OR EMAIL YOU – so that you can directly get input from the “field”, and you can have a plethora of individuals to filter through to mentor with, learn from, or sell to. Blogging is also important because when you force yourself to articulate what you are learning and are careful about picking the right words, formulating your own sentences teaching this info from your mental file cabinet, it forces you to learn at a vastly accelerated rate. Blogging takes the “uhhs” “umms” “stuff” “something” out of your language and puts particulars in it’s place. Your intelligence is going to go up the more you read, write, and speak. Doing all 3 is the best. It’s also very good to journal daily before bedtime (or at any time of the day). Studies prove that people who journal are smarter than people who do not. Y/N
- I am having FUN in other areas of my life and keeping my life in balance and focusing on happiness and peace in my daily life. I make a list of what I am driven to work on, create, what ‘problems’ (opportunities) I get to resolve, etc, while also maintaining a balance of fun, joy, and happiness. Y/N
- I have clearly wrote down my goals for my life and made a list of “All the things I would do be or have if money and time were not an issue and I knew I could not fail”. I have listened to the Your Wish is Your Command audio training series (free to Status Class members or EYP members) or buy from
The Keys to Successful and Exponential Acceleration and Mastery Are:
- Read Daily (all wealthy successful people have their own libraries in their homes)
- Audios Daily (mp3 player)
- Mentor Weekly (or Daily, is possible)
- Teach (by Blogging or having a STUDY BUDDY to talk with on the Phone) Daily
- Make friends with like-minded people
- Focus on a Business or Other Revenue Stream (Investment, Forcing your kid(s) to work and pay you rent), that can Make More Money so you can pay for more education, start a business, and take advantage of future opportunities that may require larger amounts of money than you have now.
- Start using some of the stuff you learn. Implement. Start Using Bitcoin, Start to Get Residency elsewhere (or start to make moves to do it), get the World Citizen passport with a foreign address on it, start signing in front of your name “By:” and after it “all rights reserved”, start a business of your own (if now is the good time for you for that).