Supplementary Information
An Effective Way to Optimize the Functionality of Graphene-Based Nanocomposite: Use of the Colloidal Mixture of Graphene and Inorganic Nanosheets
Xiaoyan Jin1, Kanyaporn Adpakpang1, In Young Kim1, Seung Mi Oh1,Nam-Suk Lee2, Seong-Ju Hwang1,*
1Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience, College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea
2National Institute for Nanomaterials Technology (NINT), Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 790-784, Korea
* To whom all correspondences should be addressed
Tel) +82-2-3277-4370
Fax) +82-2-3277-3419
Supplementary Figure S1. (A)Photoimages of (a) the colloidal suspension of G-O, (b) the colloidal suspension of layered CoO2 nanosheets, and the mixture colloidal suspensions of G-O and layered CoO2nanosheets with the CoO2/G-Oratios of (c) 0.5wt%, (d) 1wt%, and (e) 2wt%,(f)the colloidal suspension of G-Oafter the NH4OH addition, (g)the colloidal suspension of layered CoO2 nanosheetsafter the NH4OH addition, and (h) the mixture colloidal suspension of G-O, layered CoO2 nanosheets and NH4OHafter the NH4OH addition. (B) size distribution curve of exfoliated CoO2 nanosheets determined by the DLS analysis.
: As illustrated in Fig. S1A, both the exfoliated layered CoO2 and graphene oxide (G-O) nanosheets can form stable mixture colloidal suspensions with variable CoO2/G-O ratios of 0.52wt%, since two precursor nanosheets possess very similar surface charge and hydrophilicity each other. We examined the effect of NH4OH addition on the colloidal stability of G-O/CoO2 mixture as well as the pure colloidal suspensions of layered CoO2 and G-O nanosheets. Upon the addition of NH4OH, all the present colloidal suspensions remain unchanged without the formation of aggregated precipitates, clearly demonstrating the excellent colloidal stability of these suspensions. Additionally, the lateral dimension of the exfoliated CoO2 nanosheets is investigated with a standard dynamic light scattering (DLS) instrument. As presented inFig. S1B, most of the exfoliated CoO2 nanosheetspossess the lateral dimension of several hundreds of nanometers.
Supplementary Table S1. Zeta potential data of the G-O colloidal nanosheet, layered CoO2 colloidal nanosheet, and the mixture colloidal nanosheets of G-O and layered CoO2 with the CoO2/G-O ratios of 0.5wt%, 1wt%, and 2wt%.
G-O colloid / -32.7
CoO2colloid / -46.8
Mixture colloid with the CoO2/G-Oratio of 0.5wt% / -32.9
Mixture colloid with the CoO2/G-O ratio of 1wt% / -33.5
Mixture colloid with the CoO2/G-O ratio of 2wt% / -35.0
: As listed in Table S1, the mixture colloids of layered CoO2 and G-Onanosheets show fairly similar negative surface charge to those of the colloids of layered CoO2 and G-Onanosheets.
Supplementary Figure S2. (A) C 1s and (B) N 1s XPS spectra of (a) G-O, (b) CCG0, (c) CCG5, (d) CCG10, (e) CCG20, and (f) N-doped rG-O.
: The chemical bonding nature of graphene components in the present CCG nanocomposites is investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS)analysis. As shown in Fig. S2A,the C 1s spectra of the reference G-O obviously exhibit two strong peaks at ~285 and ~287 eV, which correspond to sp2 carbon of the basal plane of graphene and the oxygenated carbon species, respectively. Conversely only the lower binding energy peak is discernible at ~285eVfor all the present CCG nanocomposites, confirming the efficient reduction of G-O to reduced graphene oxide (rG-O) during the hydrothermal synthesis. In addition, the N doping of the graphene component in the CCG nanocomposites is clearly verified with the observation of distinct N 1s XPS signal, see Fig. S2B. Regardless of the CoO2 content incorporated, most of nitrogen species in the CCG nanocomposites exist as pyrrolic N with smaller amount of pyridinic N (Table S2), as reported previously1.
Supplementary Table S2. Relative concentrations of nitrogen species in the CCG nanocomposites determined from N 1s XPS results.
Material / Pyridinic N / Pyrrolic NN-doped rG-O nanosheet / 25.7% / 74.3%
CCG0 / 26.0% / 74.0%
CCG5 / 30.0% / 70.0%
CCG10 / 29.5% / 70.5%
CCG20 / 27.8% / 72.8%
: The chemical bonding nature of doped nitrogen in the present CCG nanocomposites is examined with peak deconvolution analysis for the N 1s XPS data. As listed in Table S2, regardless of layered CoO2 content incorporated, most of nitrogen species in the CCG nanocomposites exist as pyrrolic N with smaller amount of pyridinic N.
Supplementary Figure S3. EDSelemental mappingdata and the corresponding FE-SEM images ofthe nanocomposites of (a) CCG0, (b) CCG5, (c) CCG10, and (d) CCG20.
: As illustrated in Fig. S3, the nanoscale hybridization between cobalt oxides and reduced graphene oxide (rG-O) nanosheets in the present Co3O4layered CoO2N-doped rG-O (CCG) nanocomposites is confirmed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)elemental mapping analysis with field emission-scanning electron microscopic (FE-SEM) images, showing the uniform distribution of cobalt, oxygen, and carbon elments in entire parts of the nanocomposite materials.
Supplementary Figure S4.(Left) Powder XRD pattern and (right) FE-SEM image of the rG-O-free Co3O4layered CoO2nanocomposite.
: For comparison, the rG-O-free Co3O4layered CoO2 nanocomposite was also synthesized by the same synthetic method as that for the present CCGnanocomposites except for the absence of the G-O precursor and ammonia solution. As plotted in the left panel of Fig. S4, the obtained Co3O4layered CoO2 nanocomposite shows typical X-ray diffraction (XRD) peaks of spinel-structured Co3O4 phase, as observed for the present CCG nanocomposites. This finding confirms the formation of mixed valent cobalt (II,III) oxide phase during the hydrothermal reaction. As presented in FE-SEMimage of the right panel of Fig. S4, this nanocomposite displays porous morphology formed by the house-of-cards-type stacking structure. The spherical Co3O4 nanoparticles are anchored on the surface of layered CoO2 nanosheets. This presnet result clearly demonstrates that the layered CoO2 nanosheet can play a role of support for the anchoring of Co3O4 nanoparticles.
Supplementary Figure S5.Co 2p XPS spectra of (a) Co3O4, (b) CCG0, (c) CCG5, (d) CCG10, and (e) CCG20.
: Fig. S5represents the results of peak convolution analysis for the Co 2p3/2X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of the CCG nanocomposites and the reference Co3O4. According to the previous literatures2,3, the peaks at 779.8, 780.7, and 781.2 eV can be assigned as Co3+, Co4+, and Co2+ ions, respectively. The tetrahedral local symmetry of Co2+ ion in Co3O4 leads to the higher binding energy compared with the Co3+ and Co4+ ions with octahedral symmetry2,3. The additional peaksbeyond 782.5 correspond to the shake-up satellite peaks of Co2+ ion. As can be seen clearly from Fig. S5, the tetravalent Co4+ ions are obviously identified and the concentration of Co4+ ion becomes greater with increasing the concentration of CoO2 nanosheet incorporated. This result provides further evidence for the presence of CoO2 nanosheets in the present CCG composite.
Supplementary Table S3. Physical properties and electrochemical Li cycling data ofCo3O4-based electrode materials in the previous reports.
Material & morphology / Current density (mAg1) / Discharge capacity after the nth cycle(mAhg1) / RefCo3O4 nanocage / 50 / 970 (n=30) / 4
mesoporous frameworks Co3O4 nanoparticles / 1C / 814 (n=50) / 5
Co3O4 hollow microsphere / 50 / 1615 (n=30) / 6
Co3O4 nanobelt / 100 / 980 (n=60) / 7
hierarchical structured Co3O4/C / 100 / 1035 (n=50) / 8
Co3O4/graphene / 50 / 935 (n=30) / 9
Co3O4/C hollow nanosphere / 0.25C / 1150 (n=30) / 10
Co3O4/reduced graphene oxide / 40 / 860 (n=120) / 11
Co3O4/graphene composite / 74 / 760 (n=20) / 12
Co3O4/Ngraphene / 400 / 800 (n=50) / 13
Co3O4graphene sheet-on-sheet / 0.1C / 1065 (n=30) / 14
Co3O4/graphene film / 200 / 1200 (n=100) / 15
peapodlike Co@carbon to Co3O4@carbon / 1C / 1050 (n=50) / 16
Co3O4and CoO@C / 100 / 1240 (n=70) / 17
Co3O4nanotubes on CNT / 50 / 1200 (n=70) / 18
Co3O4/rGO film / 50 / 1108 (n=50) / 19
Co3O4C core-shell nanowire / 0.5C / 989 (n=50) / 20
Co3O4@graphene membrane / 500 / 600 (n=500) / 21
Co3O4/MWCNT / 0.2C / 940 (n=70) / 22
Co3O4/Fe2O3 nanowire / 200 / 1005 (n=50) / 23
CuO/Co3O4composite / 60 / 873 (n=40) / 24
Supplementary Figure S6.Potential profiles at current density of 200 mAhg1 forthe nanocomposites of(a) CCG0, (b) CCG5, (c) CCG10, (d) CCG20, and (e) layered CoO2 nanosheets.
: As plotted in Fig. S6, all the present CCG nanocomposites exhibit nearly identical potential profiles to that of Co3O4 phase. This observation clearly demonstrates that the electrochemical activity of the CCG nanocomposites mainly originates from the Co3O4 component.
Supplementary Figure S7.(a) Powder XRD pattern, (b) FE-SEM image, (c) dischargecharge capacity plot, and(d) rate-dependant capacity plotof the Mn3O4MnO2N-doped rG-O nanocomposite measured at current density of 200 mA g1.
: To probe the universal usefulness of exfoliated metal oxide nanosheet as an additive in improving the electrode performance of other metal oxidegraphene nanocomposites, multicomponent Mn3O4layered MnO2N-doped rG-O nanocomposite was synthesized by the same method as that for the present CCG nanocomposite. As a precursor, the exfoliated layered MnO2 nanosheet was prepared by the proton exchange of K0.45MnO2 and the following intercalation of tetrabutylammonium (TBA) ions into the protonated derivative25. Another precursor, the colloidal suspension of G-O, was synthesized from graphite by a modified Hummers' method. The as-prepared G-O was dispersed in anhydrous ethanol with the concentration of 0.32mgmL1 by ultrasonication for 0.5 h. An aqueous suspension of exfoliated G-O (48mL) was reacted with 2.4mL 0.2M Mn(Ac)2, 1mL 30% NH4OH aqueous solution, 1mL H2O, and layered MnO2 nanosheets(2.5wt%to exfoliated G-O nanosheets). As plotted in the XRD pattern of Fig. S7a, the obtained Mn3O4layered MnO2N-doped rG-O nanocomposite shows typical Bragg reflections of spinel-structured Mn3O4 phase, confirming the formation of mixed valent manganese (II,III) oxide phase during the hydrothermal reaction. The present material shows porous morphology, which is formed by the house-of-cards-type stacking structure.The present nanocomposite displays fairly promising electrode performance with the discharge capacity of 1250 mAhg1 at the 50th cycle, see the Fig. S7c.The current density-dependent discharge capacities of the Mn3O4layered MnO2N-doped rG-O nanocomposite are also measured. As plotted in Fig. S7d,this nanocomposite material can still deliver a capacity of ~700 mAh g1even at high current density of 2000 mAg1, underscoring its excellent electrode performance. Although the future optimization of synthesis condition can induce a further improvement of the electrode performance of the present Mn3O4layered MnO2N-doped rG-O nanocomposite, the electrode performance presented here is much superioir to previously reported data of Mn3O4graphene nanocomposites, as listed in Table S4.
Supplementary Table S4. Physical properties and electrochemical Li cycling data ofMn3O4-based electrode materials in the previous reports.
Material & morphology / Current density (mAg1) / Discharge capacity after the nth cycle(mAhg1) / RefMn3O4reduced graphene oxide / 40 / 900 (n=5) / 26
Mn3O4graphene nanocomposite / 40 / 900 (n=50) / 27
Mn3O4/graphene / 60 / 645 (n=40) / 28
Mn3O4/grapheneplatelet/LiCMCcomposite / 75 / 720 (n=100) / 29
Mn3O4/graphite nanosheet / 200 / 437 (n=50) / 30
carbon layer coated Mn3O4 nanorod / 40 / 473 (n=50) / 31
spongelike nanosized Mn3O4 / 0.25C / 800 (n=40) / 32
Mn3O4N-doepd graphene / 200 / 703 (n=40) / 33
3D Mn3O4/ordered mesoporous carbon / 100 / 802 (n=50) / 34
Mn3O4@C / 40 / 550 (n=50) / 35
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