Bullies in Need Application to Adopt

PLEASE NOTE: Applications must be completed entirely. Incomplete applications will be returned for completion, thus slowing the application/adoption process.

Name of applicant/s Application Date:


City: Province/State: Postal/Zip code:

Home phone Work phone

Best time to call each/either number:

E-mail address


Do you rent, or own

If you rent, do you have your landlords permission to adopt a pit-bull type dog ?

Please write your landlords contact info here if you rent:

How long have you been at your current residence?

Do you have a fully fenced in yard?

What type is the fencing?

How high is the fence?

How would the fenced area be used?

How many people over the age of 21 reside in your household?

How many people under the age of 21 reside in your household? What are their ages and relationship to you?

Please explain your interest and general knowledge of the American Pit Bull Terrier, and why you chose this breed to add to your family?

Please tell us about all people an adopted APBT type dog would usually come into contact with including your spouse/partner, roommates, children, neighborhood children, friends, relatives:

What dog are you applying for?

What specific about this dog attracts you?

Please list your current pet/s if any (Name/Breed/Age)

1. Name: Breed: Age: Spayed/Neutered?: (y/n)

2.Name: Breed: Age: Spayed/Neutered?: (y/n)

3. Name: Breed: Age: Spayed/Neutered?: (y/n)

Has your current pet ever lived with another dog? If so please describe how they interacted:

Please explain your daily routine and how your routine will be with a new rescue added to your family.

Have you ever owned a dog previously? If so what happened to that dog?

Have you ever had to re-home /give up / give away a previous pet? If so please explain the circumstances.

Have you ever had to euthanize a pet for behavioral issues? If so please explain the circumstances:

Where will your dog sleep at night?

Where will your dog stay during the day when you are home?

How do you plan on exercising your dog? (What sort of exercise? How long? How often?)

How many hours in a day will your dog be home alone?

Where will your dog stay during the day when you are NOT home?

What is your expectation regarding a rescue dog’s obedience training level when they arrive in your home?

q Completely Trained q Somewhat Trained q Untrained OK

Please describe in detail what behaviors in a dog or what training is important to you:

Do you plan on taking your newly adopted dog to obedience classes?

Please add your trainers name and contact info if applicable:

Under what circumstances would you find it necessary to re-home your Rescue Dog?

q Moving q Change in Schedule q Divorce / Separation q New Baby q Illness q Allergies q Current Pets don’t like rescue dog q Marriage to someone who does not like dogs q Behavioral issues (please explain)

q Other: (please explain)

Are you willing to adopt a dog with any of the below listed behavioral/health issues (please check all that you are willing to consider):

q Incontinence q Not House Trained q Senior q Dog Aggressive q Aggressive Toward Small Animals q Requires Daily Medication q Separation Anxiety q Requires Special Diet q Barks q Blind q Deaf

Please give a brief description of how you would handle if you came home and your dog had chewed a piece of furniture, or something valuable to you:

If you were at a dog park and an altercation occurred between your dog and another dog, how would you handle that situation?

How would you respond if you came home and found a notice from animal control on your door that one of your neighbors had complained about your dog barking during the day?

How would you teach your dog not to jump up on other people?

How would you teach your dog not to pull on leash?

Have you applied anywhere else within the past year to adopt an animal? (where and when) – This is OK!

If you reside in Ontario are you aware of Bill 132 and its requirements? Please give a brief summary of what the Bill means to you and your newly adopted APBT:

Who is your veterinarian (name/address/phone number) if you do not have one, who do you plan on having?

Please provide at least 2 references with phone numbers that are NON-family members.Please list their full name and relationship to you.



Are you able to make the full adoption donation of $400.00 (plus flight costs if applicable) at the time of adoption?

Are you aware of the financial aspect of owning a dog? Costs per year can range anywhere from a few hundred, to thousands depending on the dog, and medical needs, are you fully prepared to take on this responsibility? __

Submitting this application indicates that I am at least 21 years of age and intend on being the legal owner and the person responsible for the care and well being of any dog that I adopt from Bullies In Need. I give permission to representatives of Bullies In Need to contact all of my above references, landlord, veterinarian and trainer and understand that completing an application does not guarantee any animal will be adopted to me. By submitting this application I agree to a representative of, or on behalf of, Bullies In Need to conduct a home visit at a mutually agreed time when all members of the household are present. I also certify that all of the above information is true and nothing was intentionally withheld.

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