Art 1113
Instructor: Angie Compton
Location: Williams Hall, Room 111
Dates: Thursdays
Time: 6:30-8:00
Text: The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, by Betty Edwards,4th edition
Supplies:Nonpermanent black felt-tip marker
2 clips to fasten viewfinder to plastic picture plane
Masking tape
Pencil sharpener
Eraser- Pink Pearl works well
2 B pencils
8”x 10”up to 9”x 12” sketch pad or white computer paper
folder to keep work in
12” ruler
Grading Scale:
100-90 A
89-80 B
59-0 F
Jan. 12
Create View Finders for use in exercises. Instructions on page 14.
Read: Preface through Chapter 2.
CompletePre-drawings #2 and #3
For #1, you may choose to use a photo of an adult face in frontal view
rather than a self-portrait from a mirror.
Begin quick sketches (3 pages per week, single sided).
Answer: What is the so called “symbol system”?
How does it affect our drawings?
Jan. 19Turn in:#1, #2, #3, answers to the 2 questions, and 3 pages of sketches.
Read: Pages 28-43 and 46-65.
CompleteVases and Faces exercise and Repeat the same exercise with Monster Face profiles. Resist the temptation to fold and trace profiles.
Complete Upside-Down drawing exercise on page 55 (Fig. 4-8).. Follow the instructions and reproduce the Picasso drawing of Igor Stravinsky. Both the book illustration and the drawing will have the head at the bottom of the paper. (Note: If your artwork happens to outgrow your paper, simply tape on an additional piece. Line quality is more important than size at this point.) Avoid the temptation to turn it right-side up until it is finished.
Continue quick sketches (3 pages per week, single sided).
Answer: Does “Handedness” matter?
Jan. 26Turn in:Vases and Faces, Monster Faceprofiles, Up-side Down drawing exercise, answer to the question, and 3 pages of sketches.
Complete a drawing of the line drawing found in the book, (Fig. 4-12 or 4-13) page 60 & 61, using the instructions for the Upside-Down on page 55. Look for details.
Read: Pages 62-81.
Continue quick sketches (3 pages per week, single sided).
Answer: “Where do the symbols come from”?
Feb. 2Turn in: Up-side Down drawing of knight exercise, answer to the question, and 3 pages of sketches.
Complete Pure Contour Hand exercise in class (page 87-89).
Begin Basic shading exercise (supplement) in class.
Start 5 Step Value Scale (Side of Pencil, Stippling, Hatching, and Cross Hatching) in class.
Read: Pages 82-91
Answer: Is it O.K. for you Pure Contour drawing to not really look like the subject?
Continue quick sketches (3 pages per week, single sided).
Feb. 9Turn in:Basic shading exercise, 5 Step Value Scale, answer to question and 3 pages of sketches.
Read: Pages 92-109.
Complete Modified Contour Drawing pages 92-3. Follow instructions.
Complete (2nd) Modified Contour Drawing with shading pages 102-108.
Answer: What is a contour?
Continue quick sketches (3 pages per week, single sided).
Feb. 16Turn in: 2 Modified contour Drawings (one will be on a View Finder) (It will be checked off and returned during class.) Answer to question and 3 pages of sketches.
Begin Negative Space Drawing in class.
Read: Pages 110-135
Complete Negative Space drawing, pages 126-132. Simplified explanation in class.
Answer: What is negative space?
What is a positive form?
Continue quick sketches (3 pages per week, single sided).
Feb. 23Turn in: Negative Space drawing, answer to questions and 3 pages of sketches.
Read: Pages136-165
Complete supplemental single point perspective exercise.
Complete practice exercise pages 145-147.
March 2Complete a shaded single point perspective drawing of the hall photo provided. Bring a ruler.
No quick sketches required this time due to complexity of the hall. They can be submitted for extra credit.
March 9No Class -Spring Break
March 16No Class – Hutsonville High School hosts LOVC Mass Band Festival
March 23Turn in: single point perspectiveexercise, a shaded single point
perspective drawingof the hall.
Create: A Brief Practice sighting angles (with viewfinder) and corner sighted with pencil.
Read: Pages 150-165
March 30Turn in: Corner exercises
Create a generic face in class.Bring a ruler.
Read: 166-201
Create a drawing of the John Singer Sargent portrait in figure 9-23. (page 187-190) Feel free to measure proportions.
Begin a profile portrait of a live person (pages 181-188). This will take a couple of weeks. Work on detailed observation and include shading. As it is hard to get someone to sit still for you for a prolonged period of time, you may work from a color photo.
April 6Turn in:Drawing of the John Singer Sargent portrait.
Read: Pages 194-206
Answer: What are differences in light and dark tones called?
Which side of the brain is responsible for deriving meaning from patterns of shadows?
What are the 3 basic portrait poses?
Create: A copy of the Corbet Self-portrait (no instructions in book) Page 207.
Continue profile drawing. (If you are using a photo, please turn the photo in with the drawing.)
April 13Turn in:Profile drawing, Corbet copyand answers.
Read: Pages 207-220
Create: A Frontal view portrait of the same face you drew in the first assignment. Use the check list provided and the basic instructions from Page 214-216.
April 20Turn in: Frontal view portrait with photo.
Read: 217-221
Create: A copy of the Steichen-self portrait
April 27Turn in:Copy of the Steichen-self portrait.
Create: ¾ Portrait, pages218-225. I suggest use a photo. You may work from a different subject or do a self-portrait. If you work from a photo, please turn it in with your drawing.
Read: 229-237
May 4Turn in:¾ Portrait.
Begin: Final Self portrait for Final Project (You may choose frontal, ¾ view or profile view for your portrait.) Be sure to observe all value changes and include a toned background.
*May 9 *Turn in Final portrait (with photo) and 1st portrait.
Note: THIS IS A TUESDAY. Hutsonville CUSD # 1 Band Concert is scheduled for the 11th.