Aria Communications Quick Help Guide14/04/2019

Q518 How to set outgoing CLIto send a different number –DRAFTAuthor: Adrian De La Motte

Topic:MSN service with flexible button to send out a specific CLI. Type: IPECS


One or more MSN/DID numbers can be allocated to specific CO buttons (MSN Button).

Incoming calls to these MSN/DID numbers will NOTring on each station that has this MSN button programmed and it is only to send out a specific CLI number onlyat this stage. For MSN DID to ring follow PGM 202 & 231 and refer to the table at the end of this section.

If an outgoing call is made from a MSN button, then the system will send the CLI of the programmed MSN number to the called party.


ADMIN Program to assign the MSN port to CO lines:

1)Program ADMIN PGM 140 set the CO lines as service type (3) MSN/DID.

2)Program ADMIN PGM 202, to program the MSN telephone number into the allocated MSN table, (PGM 202 – select index 1- Enter CO Range, Enter “Called Telephone Number” i.e 92130399

To assign the MSN button on a IP station from ADMIN programming:

1)Program ADMIN PGM 115; enter the station range that requires a MSN button programmed.

2)Select the flexible button to be programmed as the MSN button.

3)Create a LOOP key and save then enter the MSN number i.e 92130399 and save

4) If the entered MSN number wasn’t registered at PGM 202 ‘MSN Table’ previously, you cannot save the MSN number.

To program the MSN button on IPstation from the user:

1)In station attributes to allow the CO Button programming, set ‘CO PGM’ (PGMto ‘ENABLE’).

2)Program the station flexible button program according to the following step: [Trans/PGM] + {Flex Button} + [Trans/PGM] + ‘85’ + ‘#’ + ‘MSN telephone number’ + [Hold/Save].

3)If the entered MSN number wasn’t registered at PGM 202 ‘MSN Table’ previously, you cannot save the MSN number.

MSN button operation for outgoing call:

1)If a user want to seize a virtual MSN/DID line, a user must press the MSN button.

2)System searches CO lines that are programmed the MSN mapping table with the selected MSN table entry.

3)The idle CO line is seized among the find CO lines and the user hears the CO dial tone.

4)The outgoing CLI of the seized MSNCOwill match the MSN telephone number of MSN button.


  1. To use this feature, the CO line service type for the IPECS should be programmed as MSN/DID.
  2. To program the MSN button, the station based CO program enable in Station Attributes should be set as ON.
  3. For outgoing virtual MSN service, station should have the MSN button.
  4. Max 10 MSN port per 1 CO line is allowed.
  5. MSN table ADMIN (PGM 202) should be programmed before the CO-MSN mapping table ADMIN the station MSN button are programmed.
  6. During the station MSN button program, if user entered the mismatched MSN data, and then system gives the error tone.
  7. If the CLI message wait feature is enabled, it will only be executed on the first station.
  8. The busy/error/no answer process is the same as a normal MSN/DID, as programmed in PGM 167.
  9. If station is set the admin field of ‘MSN call wait’, station can have MSN waiting call, during station is ringing or talk state. And the maximum count of MSN call wait is the same as MSN buttons that station has.
  10. CO line queuing using MSN button is not supported.
  11. MSN number calls will follow station call forward.
  12. Stations that have MSN buttons programmed must not have CO buttons for the same ISDN service.


Station Base1) CO Button Program Enable

2) Flexible Button Program PGM 115

3) MSN Call Wait PGM114

CO Base1) CO Service Type PGM 140

ISDN Base1) MSN Number PGM 202

IPECS Minimum ISDN programming required for setting up DID and outgoing CLI to include theStation number for a hundred numbers DID range:

Note: For sending out CLI on MSN numbers some of these programs fields must be programmed.

CO/IP Attributes
140-142 / Co Type / DID
ISDN Co Line Attributes
PGM 143,151 / COLP Index / 1 / Allocate a COLP table
Clip Index / 1 / Same as COLP table
Call Type / National
ENBLOCK SENDING / FIXED or OFF / To activate ISDN onramp2 DID dial tone
I/C Prefix / ON / Insert the zero for GSM
O/G prefix / OFF
DID Remove / 5
MY Area Code / “X” / Where X = the STD area code minus the zero = 3 for VIC : 2 for NSW etc
My Area Prefix Code / 0 / Prefix digit of local area code.
DID service Attributes
PGM 145 / Digit Conversion / Modify Using the DID Conversion Table
DID Digit Mask / #1** / Where 1 = the hundreds digit of the station numbering range. E.g stations in the 100 range
COLP table 1 / “xxxxx” / Enter the first five digits of the ISDN number
Station ISDN attributes
PGM 114 / CLIP Display / ON
COLP Display / ON
CLI Station Number / XXX / Must program the last 3 digits of the DID number
e.g if the station number is 101 and the directory number is -85620500
Station number 101 – The value here should be 501 for this extension.
ATD/EXT / EXT / Select EXT

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