(DRAFT) Statement of Requirements (Part B)
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
For the provision of
Whole-of-Government Enterprise File Sharing and Collaboration Solution
Part B: Statement of Requirements - Request for Quotation for Whole-of-Government Enterprise File Sharing and Collaboration Solution 2
Statement of Requirements (Part B)
Whole-of-Government File Sharing and Collaboration Solution
The following Conditions for Participation are mandatory requirements that Interested Parties must meet:
44.1 The solution must be available through the Department of Finance’s Cloud Services Panel.
44.2 The solution must be available as a “software as a service (SaaS)” product hosted on public cloud infrastructure, defined as:
“A public cloud provides services to users over the internet. Infrastructure is shared, and data can be located in different locations across the globe.”
National Cloud Computing Strategy https://www.communications.gov.au/sites/g/files/net301/f/National_Cloud_Computing_Strategy.PDF
45 Purpose and Background
45.1 Purpose
The Department of Finance is seeking a cloud services provider to establish and manage a file sharing and collaboration solution.
The file sharing and collaboration solution is intended to replace Finance’s existing govdex whole-of-government collaboration platform. This pre-existing platform was established in 2006, and while the service continues to offer value for a large number of active users, shortfalls in performance, feature set and usability mean that the solution no longer meets user expectations.
Finance conducted a feasibility study in October 2015 to determine the viability of enhancing or possibly replacing govdex with a more robust and modern platform. To that end, Finance has initiated this request for quotation (RFQ) to ascertain the availability of services and solutions within the market place and invite cloud services providers to demonstrate their ability to provide the department and its participating agencies with a modern replacement solution for govdex.
45.2 Background
In 2006, Finance established govdex with an emphasis on the ability to easily and efficiently share and synchronise files. Over the intervening years the service has amassed more than 90,000 registered users; 18,000 of these users are currently active across more than 6000 govdex communities. Users span almost 2000 organisations including all levels of government, educational institutions, not-for-profit organisations and the private sector.
govdex supports community based file sharing, blogs, discussion groups and task management. Since its launch in 2006, technology has evolved significantly, with next generation tools offering capabilities such as social networking, group conferencing, instant messaging, crowdsourcing, file syncing, and real time co-authoring of documents. The need for collaboration in various forms has also evolved, to the point where the current govdex platform is no longer considered fit for purpose.
45.3 Analysis of Current Solution
The current govdex solution includes the following functionality to support private, secure cross-agency and cross-jurisdictional customers:
· Collaborative spaces for group work
· Document sharing
· Discussion forums
· Email notifications
· Task and issue tracking
The current usage of govdex provides an indicator of likely initial usage patterns of the replacement solution and should be used by respondents to inform their thinking about the solution. Relevant information is included below. Please note, Finance expects usage to rapidly scale upwards from this starting point over time, and such growth should be factored into the respondent’s proposed solution.
· Usage. govdex has approximately 18,000 active users, with 50% of users being federal government employees and another 25% from state government. The remainder represent private sector organisations, not-for-profits, educational institutions, the public, local government and international government.
· Number of communities. Communities are collaboration groups formed on the govdex platform through which people communicate and share files and information. Over 6000 communities have been started since the formation of govdex, with more than 2000 of those communities containing 10 or more members.
· Community size. Communities contain 18 members on average with the median number being six. Though there are significant numbers of groups with only two members (the most common group size), such a large average and median is indicative of the scale to which govdex is being leveraged.
· Community demographics. On average each community involves six organisations (as estimated by the number of email domains in a community), reflecting its use as a cross-organisational collaboration service. Indeed, over 1100 communities contain 10 or more organisations.
· Federal government vs external use. While govdex is targeted towards federal government employees, it is significant that a high proportion (26%) of communities do not contain any federal government members. 50% of communities involve federal government agencies collaborating with organisations outside of federal government (23% with a private organisation, and 27% with state government entity, not for profit, educational institution, local government or international government entity).
46 Objectives of the govdex replacement solution
The new solution will provide a file sharing and community collaboration platform for federal government employees to interact and work with people from across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. The new solution will be provided as a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, delivered by a service provider under contract to the Department of Finance through the Cloud Services Panel.
The Department may seek to enhance the new solution over time, adding new features to drive greater benefits across the user community. This may be achieved through the addition or enablement of additional modules to the solution, or via integration with other collaboration software products.
Through the establishment and operation of the new solution, Finance aims to achieve the following key objectives:
Enable greater interconnectivity, file sharing and collaboration between federal government agencies and organisations across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors
· Increase the volume and quality of file sharing and collaboration activity by reducing the barriers to information sharing across organisations.
· Improve employee satisfaction resulting from the provision of efficient and contemporary technological platforms that enable greater productivity, interconnection and engagement.
· Improve mobility and productivity of federal government employees through the delivery of services via smartphones, tablet computers, and employee-owned devices.
· Establish a scalable and extensible platform, where user numbers can grow and new capabilities can be added to enhance value and productivity benefits over time.
Deliver cost savings to participating agencies through coordinating Government activity and economies of scale
· Provide a cost effective solution to agencies by leveraging the scale of government to establish pricing agreements that may not be achievable by small agencies acting individually.
· Leverage existing public cloud infrastructure and services to reduce the establishment cost, time and risk of implementing a collaboration solution.
Provide a trusted environment for federal government to collaborate with internal and external parties
· Support agency compliance with government policies and standards in areas such as security, accessibility and privacy by assuring that service providers can meet these standards.
· Reduce the use of information sharing solutions that may not be compliant with agency and government ICT policies and standards.
· Support the government’s requirement to store and process information and data that is defined as both Unclassified as well as Sensitive. For Australian government agencies and for the purposes of this document, Sensitive data is defined as data that is unclassified with a dissemination limiting marker (DLM) such as For Official Use Only (FOUO) or Sensitive: Personal (which aligns with the definition of sensitive information in the Privacy Act 1988);
47 Scope of Requirements
The scope of this RFQ covers the provision of a Software-as-a-Service solution for file sharing and community collaboration. The requirements in this section cover three categories:
1. Functional requirements. Covering the software features and functionality needed to support business objectives.
2. Non-functional requirements. Covering the non-functional capabilities that underpin the effective operation of the service.
3. Service requirements. Covering the supporting services that Finance needs in order to enable the delivery of the new solution as a whole-of-government service.
The following table provides an overview of the scope of requirements contained in this RFQ.
Category / Sub-category / Description /Functional Requirements / File Sharing & Sync / Features that support sharing and synchronisation of files between consumers of the service
File Tracking / Features that support the ability to track and provide version control of files
File Storage / Features that support the ability to store various forms of data on the proposed solution
Communications / Features that support the ability to communicate with other users of the proposed solution
Communities & Co-Creation / Features that support the creation of communities and the ability to co-create content (real-time collaboration)
Task Management / Features that support the process of managing a task through its life cycle
Non-Functional Requirements / Integration and Interoperability / The capability to support integration and interoperate with native and/or third party vendor applications/tools
Mobility / The capability to provide access to the service via various mobile devices and operating systems
Flexibility and Scalable Capacity / The capability to scale performance and capacity to enable future growth in usage
Data and Content Management / The capability to support data and content management, taking into consideration the ability to support data integrity, data loss prevention and data retention
Data Security / The capability to support robust security measures to meet industrial and governmental data security requirements
Access Control / The capability to support effective user access controls, device controls, access tracking, digital rights management and the provision for simple but secure user and visitor registration
Performance / The capability to support a suitably fast and effective rate of loading and retrieval of data in the most efficient manner and provisions to enable a reasonable level of concurrent usage
Availability & Disaster Recovery / The capability to deliver robust availability/reliability and business continuity (disaster recovery)
Service Requirements / Licensing & Pricing / The provision of licensing and pricing models that support the cost-effective operation of the service across the user community
Help & Support / The provision of support services to the consumers of the service (e.g. self-service help, phone support, live chat, etc.)
On-boarding & Off-boarding / The provision of services related to the on-boarding and off-boarding of agencies, including well-documented service discontinuity procedures
Reporting / The provision of analytical reporting on usage activity at a user, community, agency and whole-of-solution level
Implementation / The provision of services for initial setup and implementation of the proposed solution
Table 1 Scope of Requirements
The requirements outlined above are detailed further in sections 48 – 50. These sections should be used as a guide when responding to this RFQ. Requirements are deliberately open-ended to enable respondents to showcase their capabilities above and beyond the specified functional and non-functional requirements outlined in the document.
48 Functional Requirements
This section identifies the key features that the Department of Finance expects from the proposed govdex replacement solution. It covers requirements for:
· File Sharing & Sync
· File Tracking
· File Storage
· Communications
· Communities & Co-Creation
· Task Management
48.1 File Sharing and Sync
The respondent should describe the enterprise file sharing and sync features of the proposed solution, taking into consideration the following requirements.
Requirement / Requirements Questionnaire /Digital Workspace / Describe the proposed solution’s ability to provide or integrate with a digital workspace, which allows users to invite multiple people to add and edit files within a specified folder simultaneously while leaving messages for other users in the workspace
Public Share Links / Describe the proposed solution’s capability to allow users to create a URL link to a file that allows anyone to download a file or folder directly from your online account
Device Sync / Describe the proposed solution’s capability to allow users to synchronise their account with other computers and mobile devices
e-Signature / Does the proposed solution offer an e-signature feature that allows people to sign documents electronically? Please describe.
Custom Branding / Describe how the proposed solution allows users to customise the look and feel of the user interface?
Search Functionality / Describe the proposed solution’s capability to allow users to search for files and documents with ease, and to search for key phrases within files and documents.
On-Demand Synchronisation / Describe how the proposed solution is able to access and synchronise data on-demand, including upload and download to Desktops or Mobile Devices.
Table 2 File Sharing and Sync Requirements
48.2 File Tracking
The respondent should describe the file tracking and version control aspects of the proposed solution, taking into consideration the following requirements.
Requirement / Requirements Questionnaire /File Versions / Describe how the proposed solution manages many versions of a file in a shared folder?
Audit Log / Describe the proposed solution’s capability to record a detailed audit log of the activity associated with files, folders, users and events.
Folder Permissions / Describe the proposed solution’s capability to allow administrators to customise permission for each user assigned to share folders and subfolders?
User Usage & Storage Settings / Does the proposed solution have the capability to allow administrator to allocate the storage and bandwidth limits for each user on your account? Please describe.
File Locking / When a user is editing a file, does the proposed solution have the capability to lock the file into a read-only mode so that only one person can edit the file at a time? Please describe.
Recipient Identity Verification / Does the proposed solution have the capability to request that before a recipient can download a file, they are required to verify their identity? Please describe.
File Access Expiration / Does the proposed solution have the capability to set an expiration date for a public link's URL? Describe how this would work.
Table 3 File Tracking Control
48.3 File Storage
The respondent should describe the file storage aspects of the proposed solution, taking into consideration the following requirements when drafting your response.
Requirement / Requirements Questionnaire /Storage Options / Please outline your enterprise storage options.
Storage Security / Please outline the data storage security aspects of your proposed solution (i.e. location and physical security of the stored data).
Flexible Storage Options / Please outline the storage options with regards to the proposed solution.
Content Repository / Does the proposed solution have a repository to collect and store documents, images and other objects into media catalogues so editors can easily locate content? Please describe.
Table 4 File Storage