Faithworks 12/30/03
©Poorman’s Copyright 2004 Frederick Bacskay
A book of Christian prose for international publishing on the web.
Written by: Frederick Nicholas Bacskay… pen name: Nicolas Bocskai
Dove Publications
P.O. Box 13566/ Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 USA
Table of Contents: Faithworks
Page 01- Index
Page 02- Winter Solitude
Page 03- The Smell of Burning Leaves in the Air
Page 04- Muggy Summer Nights in Coastal Maine
Page 05- Harbour Port
Page 06- Pathway of Life
Page 07- An Apple a Day
Page 08- Meadows in Paradise
Page 09- May Day Under a Pink Sky
Page 10- All in His Hands
Page 11- Talk the Walk
Page 12- Locomotion
Page 13- August Skies
Page 14- Talking Cars
Page 15- The Traveler
Page 16- The Cause of Isabel
Page 17- The Rails of Autumn
Page 18- A Train Yard Scene
Page 19- A New England Winter Scene
Page 20- A Time of Hope
Page 21- His Saving Grace
Page 22- The Little Wise
Page 23- The Brilliance of the Morning Sunrise
Page 24- End
Winter Solitude 1/24/03
The winter morning at dawn was cold and crisp. The air is clean in the cold winter breezes. As the sun was coming up over the horizon, a dog was barking in the distance down the street from my home. Overnight the winds had been fuller, howling and cutting corners between the corridors of the neighborhood houses.
It is my routine to walk each morning at daybreak. In doing so, I can hear and feel the ice cracking beneath my feet. The snowstorm of a few days earlier had left ice in the
neighborhood which had not thawed out completely under the daytime sun.
There was silence now with a picturesque scene of snow and ice on the streets and resident home yards. The winter sun had a unique brightness with a seasonal slant in the shift of the arctic air. The clouds in the morning sky were high overhead. As the sun peeked over the horizon, its rays of light captured the gray linings of the scattered snow clouds. I was taken by all of this and sat down and wondered… how did God create such a beautiful wonder in nature?
I wonder if you have ever taken nature into account… for the Earth is the Lords’ and the fullness of creation thereof. So often throughout my life, I have taken God’s Word for granted not acknowledging His creative touch in all things. I suppose it is because I was born here and grew up in a world of routine circumstances not really thinking about God and what He has done on the Earth. But now, God has shown me His world under new circumstances, such as corrected spiritual eyesight, where I was practically handicapped and without Jesus. The first thing I noticed with my corrected vision was the branches of my family tree, in the spring season of year 1977. My family stood out in my mind as people I had never noticed before. I wondered why I never experienced this… not knowing that we were poor without God. It just never occurred to me that I was somewhat handicapped with limited spiritual vision without Jesus. Over time, God has worked with me to perfect my nature and correct my mislead quest for survival of the fittest. It does not have to be this way, I can see… for He will work with you in perfecting your life. Life changes in nature, but God does not. He is our secure Father in the structure of creation on Earth whereby He is our sure Foundation Stone in life.
The Smell of Burning Leaves in the Air 2/03/03
I was burning leaves in a chest high trash barrel on the street in front of my home. The city ordinance of this residential section of Chesapeake allowed residents to do so after 4 PM. Tall pine trees and great oaks border both sides of the street in the residential front yards of the neighbors. It is the month of November, Thanksgiving week. The kids were in school and on this mid autumn afternoon hour, the Thanksgiving spirit had settled on the neighborhood. There was no breeze today, just a calm moment on this Indian summer day. The sun slant of autumn was upon us and had been so for about a month. The barrel fire was controlled and white smoke dusted the air in the local neighborhood with the smell of the burnt oak leaves. What a memory this brings me from my happy youthful days. For I remember running and carrying on with friends while playing football in my neighbors’ front yards as my dad burnt leaves in the same manner.
The smell of burning oak leaves is pleasant to me and always takes me back to my days of youth… that is, the smell of burning leaves and crackling sound of the fire burning sticks, small twigs, and acorns. The residential neighborhood blue jays, red cardinals, and black crows were birds of a feather that knew their territories well and their search for food there. For their food provision came from God who provides for them daily… how much more He watches over us… mankind… His ultimate expression of creation.
So with Thanksgiving Day upon us… we give you thanks, O God, for your provision in our lives. Your blessing is upon our nation and we thank you as citizens of the United States, O Lord, for your protection and prosperity for America.
My prayer today is for anointing and purpose, found in Jesus, for all of your people and to everyone who calls upon your name. Lord, feed the Earth with food and all spiritual blessings found in the Holy Ghost of God… teaching us to observe and obey all of your commandments.
Muggy Summer Nights in Coastal Maine 3/17/03
The fog dwelled offshore, on the ocean, of this New England seacoast town and slowly drifted inland for miles. A summer night misty drizzle was falling upon the picturesque town and onto the streets, upon this, a late summer evening. With the hot muggy stagnant saturation inland along the rocky coastline streets, the streetlamps cast a glare upon the blacktop pebble roads, where now, steady rains were beginning to come down. A lone soul was walking along the shore avenue, of the town, saying a prayer to God. As he walked, he spoke and said…
“I need to do what needs to be done for you, Lord. You know my state of mind and everything bothering me. Send a burst of enthusiasm to my heart and being, merciful God… help me overcome these obstacles that block out my progress in understanding your Father. Give mankind paradise in his state of mind to live with you each waking day and let us live forever with you, Jesus. Thanks… I say, in my day of conversion, for I believe now, thru a cloud of witnesses, that you are the one true Lord…”
Once you hear the Word of God… you are held accountable for what you do or don’t do about salvation and will be held in judgment because your conscious mind now knows the truth. We are held accountable for what we know… even for that which we did not know. It is the same for us with God just as in the laws of the land we live in. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are responsible and held accountable for what we do and don’t know.
So if you hear the Word of God or if someone witnesses to you about Jesus… you are now responsible for what you do with Him. If you reject Him, you will be held in judgment for your decision, by Almighty Jehovah God, because you were told and knew the truth.
God sets the standard… man makes the decision!
“I didn’t know it was against the law, officer, to hitchhike in this city!” I am held accountable by the law of the city and will be fined.
“I knew that Jesus died for me, but I did not accept Him into my life, God!” Now I will face judgment by the Almighty. But God is merciful and will follow thru to present Jesus to you on more than one occasion. Ask Jehovah God to reveal Jesus to you… for He loves you… He will not hurt you, my friend. Amen.
Harbour Port 4/08/03
From above, the harbour water appeared as smooth glass in the eyes of the young child.
Flying into the USA from a foreign country was all very new to this eastern European family. The harbour had a harvest gold appearance at their late afternoon arrival to the new land. This would be home for future generations of this family line to come. In the harbour below, the running lights of the ships were being activated one by one. There was surprisingly much busyness at this hour upon the water as the day was ending. The sky had an orange color effect now on the city and surrounding suburbs. The face of the harbour water reflected the beauty of the setting sun on the Earth.
In the distance, harbour horns could be heard on the face of the water as ships of all types were entering and departing the harbour port waters. Yes… there were ferries connecting both sides of the river and cargo freighters delivering all types of merchandise to the city at the port authority. And forget not the harbour tugboats, which made all docking procedures possible. Yes… all necessary activities of progress in the greatest country in the world. And what about the pleasure crafts upon the rivers? All types, yes indeed, for many family outings to enjoy the natural habitat of the harbour waters. Quite surely, a wonderful day it is for all to enjoy the fruits of our nations’ progress.
But what about those without progress who suffer the pains of life? What can be said for them… to give them a hope and purpose in the Lord Jesus Christ? For many people are in bondage to Satan and the demands of the world. But Jesus sets all men free and prepares His chosen ones to receive abundance by His Spirit in this life. And just who are these chosen ones? Those who believe and practice Jesus’ covenant and obey His commandments. Jesus loves everyone on the face of the planet. For what He can do for one, He can do for all. Only believe, saith the Lord, to receive my Spirit… for the Holy Ghost shall come upon you to guide your way to a redeemed life with purpose.
Pathway of Life 4/17/03
Walking alone in the cloudy spring and windy day, I stroll the streets in my neighborhood. In the distance, I hear a trestle train blow its whistle. I walk alone.
I know not where the pathway of life will take me… but I know who the author of life is and to be in His presence is where I desire to be.
What about the unsaved people who have passed on, I ask you, Lord?
And what do you think?
Somehow, Lord, I think they are still among us on Earth… being vessels of wrath that God rejected because they received not Jesus in their lifetime while they lived on Earth. So amongst the atmosphere and on the face of the Earth they dwell as the demon spirits themselves going to and fro from place to place whispering into the ears of those who live and who receive the testimony of Jesus Christ, to steal if possible, the Good Word sown in their heart.
They have no hope… therefore they want no one else to have hope or salvation. They may even speak with their own relatives in an effort to keep them away from Christianity… and the truth found in Jesus. Of all the religions in the world, Christianity is the only one that speaks this wisdom. Love those who hate you and do good to them who persecute you… no other religion on the face of the Earth teaches this. Love is the foundation stone of Christianity and Jesus is our Lord… for God is love!
As for the vessels of wrath… they whisper… they steal… they cry out… don’t believe in that Jesus person! He’s an idiot… He can’t help you!
O, but the truth is found in Jesus and now the truth is, that they are without hope and subject to the second death found in the Lake of Fire upon their judgment!
O Earth… listen not to mankind or anything invisible whispering to you in your ears that would keep you away from the Lord Jehovah God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The Apostle Peter himself said in the Book of Acts… We ought to obey God and not man!
Trust in Jesus… He is the truth… and listen not to any man who delivers to you any other doctrine or testimony. Amen and amen.
An Apple a Day 4/24/03
“The exercise will do you good,” the doctor said… “Take your dog and walk!” On this April spring noonday, my dog and I began walking for our health. I know I cannot live forever here on Earth… but I still strive to attain a ripe old age. As my dog and I walked, I started to notice nature budding with its early blossoms of flowers and tree leaves. In the distance I heard the sound of grass being mowed in a distant neighborhood where some of my neighbors were already up keeping their lawns for the season. Clear skies with bright sunshine sat on my shoulders with the warm spring air. Without extreme heat, the warm air made me feel as if I were in paradise and the day sun vision sharpened the picturesque scene.
How people long to breathe in fresh air without getting sick. The smoke factories of the cities are far away, but are creeping up on us a little each day. What will it take to recycle the environment and purify the air? The answer is someone who’s not too interested in giving money to the rich, but indeed spread the government wealth around the state environmental agencies.
And what about all of the trees being chopped down every month? We’re not going to have any air left to breathe. We must find or create alternative sources of paper and paper products. We cannot continue to chop down trees… we must find substitute products for our business progress and construction industry. Starting with a chemistry discovery, we will find or create safe and everlasting products for the building and paper industries.
The Earth will be here forever until our sun star goes supernova and expands out as far as the planet Jupiter burning up everything in its path after exhausting all of its hydrogen. God said He would not destroy the Earth again by water and the Ark of the Covenant is His rainbow promise to us. The final destruction of mankind will be by fire.
There will be no escape from God. Clean up your life… strive to please Jesus…you will feel better about yourself by disciplining your lifestyle. Your self-esteem before Him will be perfected over time once you give your life to Him. It will take time… but Jesus will work with you in whatever you do from day to day to make you perfect and happy!
You know how you feel when you make other people happy. It has to be one of the greatest feelings in life because it deals with your emotions of which love is the ultimate. You don’t need artificial stimulation to feel good… that is if you have the Holy Ghost in your life… He is the Spirit of Jesus and will give you a natural high in God!
Meadows in Paradise 5/02/03
I am sure of the vision, out among the rolling fields of golden wheat where the blue sky touches the earth. A gray overcast sky of rain clouds was heading our way. The summer day had a cold front in the distance where it soon began to rain. The main house on this Indiana farm had just been painted and remodeled… and the next project on the property was to upgrade the red barn with a new roof and paint job. The farm animals roamed the grounds freely here, but would not stray very far from their familiar surroundings. The animals were family and consisted of two dogs, a cat, some pigs, horses, hens, and a rooster, all of which made up the history line of this family tree.
The work is hard here on the farm with daily tasks, which wear a person out with hard labor and worry. With much discouragement, the family trusts in God to carry them thru each day of unfulfilled hope and farm duties.
I knew a man who had diabetes, which had partially crippled him. He was a believer in God insomuch now for the present day. He called upon Jesus to heal his body of this condition. What did he want to believe by faith in the God of all creation? This… that God is merciful, with healing power for all who call upon His name! He learned this from the Word being preached to him thru the Gospel at his local church. The man’s faith had mounted in strength to that of mighty eagles. He was ready… and so he stopped taking his insulin. Within a short period of time, over a few days, his normal count of blood sugar, health that the insulin provided, was now up to 800 count and he was about to go into diabetic shock. He realized that God had not healed him of his condition. Why was this, he wondered… was his faith not strong enough? What does the Word of God say? By His stripes we are healed… but the connection was not there for this man for unknown reasons. What was God doing with this man? Should we sacrifice our health to prove to God our faith in Him? What will Jesus say to him in eternity? Will he turn inward against himself to say that he did not truly believe in the words of Jesus because God had not performed the miracle for him? What is the depth of our belief and does it skim the surface of our lives and go to the roots of the matter of which we desire?