Delaware Soccer Club Scholarship for 2017/2018 Travel and House Programs
Applications should be returned as quickly as possible and must be postmarked by midnight of the date due- Please see below for the application deadlines. Applications received after these dates will be assessed after the applications that were given prior to the deadline.
Travel: September 15th , 2017
Fall House: August 19th, 2017
Spring House: March 15th, 2018
Player Name:(Player last name) (Player First Name)
Date of Birth Age Group for 2017/2018
Soccer year:
i.e. U10 / Travel Team Name (if known) i.e. U9 Sporting
Parent/Guardian Names:
Street Address
Email Address
Phone: / Home: / Cell:
Household Size / # of Adults / # of Children (under the age of 18)
The following documents are acceptable as verification of your household income.
Please indicate with an “X” which one you are providing as part of your application.
Current Proof of Eligibility for Free or Reduced Lunch ProgramCurrent Proof of Eligibility for Woman Infant and Children Program (WIC)
Current Proof of Eligibility for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program (TANF)
Current Proof of Eligibility for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly food stamps)
Copy of 2016 Federal Tax 1040 forms (first page only) with all W-2s and 1099s filed by all members of the household. If you are self-employed you must provide Schedule-C
COMMENTS: Please feel free to write in the space below or on the back of this page any additional information that may assist Delaware Soccer Club in evaluating your financial need:
Read and initial next to each paragraph below. Then sign and date below. Thank you.
I certify that all the information on this application is true and correct, that all required financial documents are attached, and that all income is reported. Incomplete applications are at risk of not being reviewed.I understand that after review of my application, the Financial Aid Committee may determine that I am responsible for a portion or possibly full payment of the 2017-2018 annual player club and team fees. After ASA notifies me of the amount of aid I will receive, I will need to contact DSC office to let them know if my child will or will not play
I understand that this scholarship is for a portion of DSC Travel Soccer Fees or DSC House Fees. Financial Aid provided by the club DOES NOT cover optional uniform pieces and/or camps/clinics run by the club. Each player is responsible for their share of Team Expenses (“Team Fee”) and their own travel expenses. Please contact your Child’s team manager for an estimate of specific TEAM FEES (expenses). And additional, lost or stolen uniform items will be the responsibility of the player. The uniform kit purchased by DSC belongs to DSC and MUST be returned to the club when the player leaves the team.
I understand that Financial Aid is not granted until this request is processed AND the Financial Aid commitment letter is signed and returned.
If the financial aid applicant was a previous Delaware Soccer Club member, then the applicant must have been a member in “good standing” in order to be considered for financial aid. The term “good standing” applies to previous members that had no outstanding unpaid debts to DSC or no disciplinary issues.
Conditions of Financial Assistance:
Approval for DSC financial aid does not guarantee a right to continued participation. Applicants must re-apply each season. It is the expectation of DSC that recipients of financial aid demonstrate dedication through consistent attendance at team practices and games. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in the forfeiture of the financial aid award.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Return this form As Quickly as Possible and no later than 9/15 ( DSC travel soccer players); 8/1 for Fall House; 4/15 for Spring House with SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION to: Delaware Soccer Club Financial Aid * c/o Ellen Becker or Liz Laczi * 1424 Hertel Avenue * Buffalo NY 14216 OR scan and email to .
Date Rec’d______
Documentation Received ______
FA Awarded: ______
Acceptance letter sent: ______
Notification to Team: ______
Confirming letter rec’d ______