For Referral Questions:
Vivian Lambert, CAP Supervisor
PH: 408-573-5604
Non-Minor Dependent Agreement
**Please attach a copy of the original jurisdictional report, latest court report, most recent IEP or 504 Plan.
First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Petition No: ______Date Petition Filed: ______
Date of Birth: ______Gender: _____ Primary Language: ______Ethnicity: ______
Referred to CASV Date: ______Referred By: ______
NMD’s Current Placement
Start Date: ______# of placements before CASA referral: _____
Facility Name: ______ContactPerson: ______
Address: ______Facility Type: ______
City/State/Zip: ______Email Address: ______
Phone: ______Fax: ______
Interested in High School or College Assistance?: ______
School Name/grade: ______Received HS Diploma GED/test
Are You Currently Employed? ______If so, where?: ______
Pay per Hour: ______Start Date: ______End Date: ______
Below are areas where a CASA could help support you
Reason(s) for Support/Advocacy (please check all that applicable):
Lack of Family SupportTrust & Relationship BuildingCultural/Community Events
Health or Physical DisabilityTeen PregnancyExtracurricular Activities
Mental Health IssuesEducational SupportHealthy Choices & Behaviors
Gang AffiliationIncarcerated Parent(s)Self-Esteem Building
Long Term Foster CareLGBTQ SupportDevelopmentalMilestones/Independent Living Skills
How could this NMD benefit from a CASA? (Add an attachment for further details)
Professionals assigned to child:
Social Worker: ______Email: ______Phone: ______
LACY Attorney______Email: ______Phone: ______
Probation Officer:______Email: ______Phone: ______
Therapist:______Email: ______Phone: ______
ILP Case Manager: ______Email: ______Phone: ______
Judge: ______Next Hearing Date: ______Department: ______
If a non-minor requests a CASA, the non-minor dependent will be placed on the waitlist, but there is no guarantee that a CASA will be assigned.
If a CASA is assigned, the following are expected of the relationship between the non-minor dependent and the CASA.
The non-minor dependent will:
- Maintain at least monthly contact with the CASA;
- Adhere to the terms of the Court Order;
- Contact the Advocate’s Supervisor if the non-minor dependent wants to modify the terms of the Court Order.
The CASA will:
- Maintain at least monthly contact with the non-minor dependent;
- Adhere to the terms of the Court Order;
- Assist with any education and residential issues as requested;
- Assist with learning independent living skills (i.e. obtaining employment, financial aid), but cannot co-sign any documents for the non-minor dependent;
- Not allow non-minor dependent to go to the CASA’s home or the homes of the CASA’s family or friends;
- Keep the non-minor dependent’s information confidential unless given explicit permission by the non-minor dependent.
Signature of Non-Minor DependentDate
Child Advocates of Silicon Valley 509 Valley Way, Bldg. #2 Milpitas, CA 95035 Main: 408-416-0400
Rev. 01/2017