Russian Short Row Hat


Yarn: 2 Colors of 4mm Yarn or number depending on how you want the colors on the background. Directions are for 2 colors (not sure of yardage)

Needles: 4.5mm circular or straight

Additional: 2 Flowers or decorations, 1 for each side


Knit in a rectangle. To determine size measure from ear to ear and forehead to back of neck

Right side (RS) are odd rows, Wrong side (WS) are even rows

Make sure all color changes are reflected on wrong side (where you will see purl bumps of changed color)

Must be worked in multiples of 6 stitches, example is 60 stitches

Background color(s) are worked in short rows

Provisional cast on is preferred but you can use one of your choice

Provisional cast on 60 with scrap/different color yarn


With Base Color Knit 1” in Garter stitch or in 1x1 ribbing noting number on rows in order to be equal on other side

Main Body:

With Background Color (A) Stockinet Stitch (SS) Short Rows

Row 1 K40, turn

Row 2: K20, turn

Row 3: K30, turn

Row 4: K40, turn

Row 5: K50, turn

Change to Base Color (B), Garter st rows. You can use the same width or part of these stripes can be wider than the Background (A).

Row 6 - 10: K60

Change to color (A),

Row 11: K60, turn

Row 12: K40, turn

Row 13: K20, turn

Row 14: K30, turn

Row 15: K40, turn

Row 16: K50, turn

Change to Base Color (B)

Row 17: K 60, purl if that will put the color change bumps to the inside

Row 18 – 21: K60

Row 22: Knit, maintaining garter rows

Repeat row 1 – 22 as many times a needed to make measurement of rectangle’s width

Make a temporary bind off with a different color yarn or put on a holder for adding ribbing later.

Sew short side of the rectangle before picking up and knitting the band. Thread a yarn through a short side, gather smoothly without bulk, but tightly closed. Once both sides are closed, using circular needle, pick up 120 Sts for band. Important: first row of band must be made entirely of stockinet stitch in order to avoid exposing color changesknit same number of rows as the other side. Place flower at each side.


• Note: there are links to other languages at the bottom of the above site. The Portuguese translation (Google translate the Russian page if the page does not display in your preferred language.)


•Similar English pattern is a pay pattern called Poppy; in Ravelry.

•The above translation page (Portuguese to English) also has a paragraph about adjusting the pattern for different multiples of 6. If the link given just above does not work, use the Portuguese translation link from the Russian page.

•Portuguese tutorial (English) Part2 – includes pictures of gathering up the short sides.

•Portuguese tutorial (English) Part 3 (has links to 2 example flowers) (pictures below are from the above author and pages)