Activities of Prices section
I.Retail Prices: Retail prices are those actually charged to the consumers for cash transaction and are inclusive of all taxes which are payable by them. However, rebates and discounts given to consumers in general are taken into account. Thus, the retail price may be defined as money cost to the consumer of a specified unit of sale which is inclusive of all taxes but excludes all rebates, discounts, etc
Ø Retail prices are used to monitor prices of essential commodities for the benefit of consumers in order to ensure affordable prices.
Ø Retail prices are also used to construct consumer price indices
Ø These prices have been collecting on daily & weekly for monitoring at different levels right from Divisional head quarters to State in order to take faster and effective Market intervention.
1.Daily Retail Prices of ‘6’ Essential Commodities
Prices are being obtained on daily basis for six Essential Commoditie such as Rice, Redgram Dal, Groundnut Oil, Tamarind, Chilies and Onions in 13 grades from all 49 Divisional head quarters and transmitted to the Commissioner, Civil Supplies Dept. everyday and the daily prices data is integrated with CMs dashboard from this department. Based on this, the Civil Supplies Dept/ Group of Ministers have monitoring the prices on date to day basis.
2. Weekly Retail Prices of 30 Essential Commodities
Weekly retail prices of 21 Essential Commodities are being obtained from all 49 Revenues Divisional Head Quarters in the state on every Friday and prepared state consolidated report of 30 Essential Commodities and submitted to the concerned departments.
The corresponding week state average prices of 9 commodities viz., Rice superfine, Rice common, Redgram dal Gr-I , Groundnut oil, Red chilies grade-I & II , Tamarind grade-A, Tamarind (with seed) and onion grade –I will be incorporate..”
II. Agricultural prices: Agricultural prices have enormous economic and political implications. These not only bring a balance between demand and supply but also affect the inter-sectoral distribution of income and the rate of capital formation in the farm sector. In our country, Agriculture Still providing employment for about two-thirds of the work force
In view of the importance of the sector, it has become imperative to have proper planning for monitoring the agricultural prices. One of the requirements for proper planning is the collection of reliable and authentic data
Ø These Prices used to convert the agricultural production into monitory terms i.e. value terms & utilised in the estimation of GSDP/DDP,( i.e for arriving the gross value of output of each commodity)
Ø Gross Value of Output of each Commodity
= Production X Price
(Production= Area X Yield)
1.Farm Harvest Prices
Farm Harvest Prices are being collected from all the selected villages and prepare crop wise season wise weighted average prices and used to estimate the Gross value of out put under Agriculture sector. The weighted average pries are also furnished to the Economic Advisor, Ministry of Agr, GOI.
The crops which are having significant area are being selected for collection of prices.
The 23 Principal Agriculture Commodities for which Farm Harvest Prices are collected are Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Ragi, Korra, Redgram, Bengalgram, Balckgram, Greengram, Horsegram, CaneJaggery, Onions, Turmeric, Chillies, Corriander, Groundnut, Gingelly, Safflower, Caster, Mesta, Cottonkapas and Tobacco.
2.Wholesale Prices of 40 Agricultural Commodities
Wholesale Price is generally taken as the rate at which a relatively large transaction or purchases, usually for further sale, is effected. The price includes all incidentals born by the purchaser such as cost of container, charges for weightment, Wholesalers Commission, Market Fees and Taxes, charity, if any, etc.
The Wholesale Prices of '40' Agricultural Commodities are being obtained from all the selected centres in the state every month. The wholesale prices for each of the agricultural commodities are collected variety-wise. The variety of the items has been selected based on popular
The main objective is to compare the prices with Farm Harvest Prices and Retail Prices and also to observe the Price trends.
III.Live-stock & Live-stock Products
The production and productivity of the Livestock products have assumed very much importance in the context of meeting the nutritional requirement of the human population. The livestock products have attained much importance for the purpose of planning and marketing. The Whole sale prices of Live Stock, Live stock products and Live stock Feed are being used in the estimation of GSDP/GDDP
The Prices of Milk, Meat, by Products such as Head, Legs, Goat hair (wool), Production of Dung, Egg, and increment in Live Stock are required for estimation of GVA of Live Stock sector.
Prices are obtained from 49 selected centres in the state. The state average prices to be arrived and these prices are used to estimate the Gross value of out put under live stock sector.
IV.Daily wages of Agr. and non Agr. Labour
The wages of Agriculture Labour constitute one of the major components in the cost of production of crops. It is, therefore, essential to have a periodical data on wages paid to different categories of Agriculture Labour in order to asses the trends of Agriculture Commodities costs and also the actual wages paid with that of minimum wages fixed to the different categories of Agriculture Labour in the different regions in the State.
Daily wage is defined as payment received for services rendered in a day and includes payments in cash and imputed value of payments in kind.
Wages are being obtained from 44 selected centres in the state every month.
1. Skilled Labour : A)Carpenter B) Blacksmith C) Cobbler
2. Field Labour 1.Ploughing, 2.Sowing, 3.Weeding,4. Transplanting, 5.Harvesting,
6. Winnoing, 7.Threshing,8. Picking, 9.Cane crushing
3. Herdsmen : A) Men B) Women C) Non-Adult
4. Other Agrl.Labour :1.Digging&Deepening of well 2)Sprayer.
The state and district wise consolidated report furnished to the Adviser Agriculture Wages Division, Ministry of Agriculture & Co-Operation DE&S,,New Delhi