MCPS ESL Program Guide

English as a Second Language Services Timeline

All documents typed in bold withunderlining are hyperlinked.

ESL Teacher Task / Timeframe / 2012-2013 Date
  1. Review ACCESS for ELLs® test results to determine English language
proficiency level.
VDOE WIDA Levels for ACCESS Assessment
Check inventory of W-APT testing materials and request copies of needed resources from ESL Program administrative assistant. (381-6198 or via email) / Beginning of Year Teacher Workdays / August 10
August 15
  1. Send home 30-Day Notification Letterfor returning students. [NCLB, Section 3302(a)]
NCLB regulations require parent notification within 30 days of the first day of school (or within two weeks of the child’s school enrollment) of their child’s English language proficiency based on the spring ACCESS for ELLs®assessment. Parents must be notified annually for permission to continue ESL services.
  • English Language Proficiency and Program Elementary Parent Notification Letter
  • English Language Proficiency and Program Middle School Parent Notification Letter
  • English Language Proficiency and Program High School Parent Notification Letter
See appendix on ESL Program Guide Table of Contents for Spanish version of Parent Notification letters
Send homeParent Notification Letter of Exiting LEP Status and Two-Year Monitoring Plan.
If a student has reached proficiency and is recommended to exit the
program, aParent Notification Letter of Exiting LEP Status and Two-
Year Monitoring Planis sent home instead of the 30-day Parent
Notification Letter. Exited students will be monitored for two
calendar years after meeting the state exit requirements. [NCLB, Section 3121] / Within 2 weeks of opening of school / August 28
(8-10-12: Hold notifications until revisions are completed.)
  1. Visit all assigned schools.
ESL teacher will introduce him/herself to the administrative assistant and principal of each assigned school and check to see if there are any Home Language Surveys for newly-enrolled students. The ESL teacher will also establish a communication routine regarding Home Language Surveys completed during registration of students throughout the year. / Within 10 days of teachers reporting for school / August 17
  1. Create list of newly-enrolled students who may be LEP students.
When students register and the Home Language Survey (HLS) portion of the Registration Form is completed,administrative assistants and/or registrarssend a copy of the HLS and first page of the Registration Form to the ESL teacher assigned to the school. [Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964]
If a school is not the home school of the ESL teacher, the HLS with the first page of the Registration Form may be sent via pony or faxed to the assigned ESL teacher. Principals may also call the ESL teacher at their home school when new students enroll.
ESL teachers run a STAR query to ensure that all potential LEPs are identified for screening.
Refer to the following document description of Identification Process:
  • Montgomery County Public Schools English as a Second Language Program Identification
  • Overview of MCPS Procedure for Identifying and Screening Potential LEP Students
/ First 2 weeks
of school
the year / August 24
  1. Send home Notification to Assess English Language Proficiency to parents of potential LEP students. (Spanish version)
MCPS notifies parents if students are going to be assessed to receive program services. / Within the
first 30 days
of opening of
school / By
  1. Screen potential LEP students with W-APT[Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964].
/ Within the
first 30 days
ofopening of
school and
within 2
occurs during
the school
year / By
  1. Send home 30-Day Notification Letter for new student participation in ESL services. [NCLB, Section 3212 (A)(i)]
  • English Language Proficiency and Program Kindergarten Parent Notification Letter
  • English Language Proficiency and Program Elementary Parent Notification Letter
  • English Language Proficiency and Program Middle School Parent Notification Letter
  • English Language Proficiency and Program High School Parent Notification Letter
See appendix on ESL Program Guide Table of Contents for Spanish version of Parent Notification letters / Immediately following W-APT assessment / By
(revised Aug. 2014)
8.Meet with each parent who chooses to decline ESL services. Teachers will make certain that parents understand the support the ESL program could give their child and that their child will not be isolated all day in a separate educational program. If parents still decline services, the ESL teacher will ask them to sign a waiver:
  • MCPS ESL Program Waiver Elementary School
  • MCPS ESL Program Waiver Middle School
  • MCPS ESL Program Waiver High School
Principals may want to be part of these meetings. The waiver is maintained in the student’s White LEP folder. / As soon as possible
9. Enter all new assessment data in STAR.
All of the reported information from the Registration Form is entered in STAR by an administrative assistant/registrar. See Technology Department and DDOT guidelines for entering
ESL/LEP and Immigrant Status Data in STAR and
Fields to Input ESL Data into STAR
For assistance, please contact Lisa Maloney, ESL teacher, at r at 951.5700. / August 28
10. Begin ESL White folder for each new student.
Folders may be obtained by e-mailing or calling Brenda Wojciechowski (Brenda Wojo) at 381.6198 or . See ESL White Folder Checklist. / Immediately and ongoing
11. Complete Teacher Daily Schedule that identifies student services and send electronic copy to Office of Curriculum ( or )
  • Elementary Teacher Daily Schedule (format sample)
  • Secondary Teachers Daily Schedule (format sample)
ConsultESL Program Guidelines for Serviceswhen developing schedule. / Within the
first 30 days
ofopening of
school / September 13
12.Begin to serve students.
Elementary teachersbegin the school year by identifying new students, sending home letters to returning and new students, assessing new students, and scheduling their groups.
Elementary services begin no later than 10 school days after the opening of school.
Middle and High teachers begin serving students immediately. They work through the guidance office to identify new students, assess them and assist in developing appropriate schedules. They send home English Language Proficiency and Program Parent Notification Letters to returning students and new students. / Within the first two weeks of opening of school / By
13. Collaborate to develop Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan. ESL teachers meet with classroom teachers to help them understand the types of accommodations that will support each LEP student in their day-to-day instruction and assessment.
Decisions are documented as part of the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan. ESL teachers remain available to help classroom teachers implement the accommodations. / Within the
first 30 days
ofopening of
school / September 13
14. Ensure Student Record CollectionFall Report data is current and accurate.
Each year, Technology submits to VDOE afall report based onSTAR data. Technology runs a preliminary report that is sent to ESL Program Administrative Assistant, who disseminates the information to the appropriate ESL teacher.
ESL teachers are responsible for checking all individual student information to confirm it is correct. ESL teachers should check ALL information addressed inTechnology Department guidelines for entering ESL/LEP and Immigrant Status Data and in DDOT guidelines Fields to Input ESL Data into STAR.
When an error or a suspected error has occurred or information is not complete, ESL teachers correct the data for which they are responsible and communicate the changes to Technology.
When other student data is in need of revision, ESL teachers work with the school administrative assistant/registrar who enters data to ensure that the information is correct and complete. / September / September
15.Complete LEP Student Participation in SOL Assessment Plan.
Each student must have a plan that identifies expected participation in and appropriate accommodations on SOL testing. Expectations may be revised at a later time as a student demonstrates proficiency.
Participation decisions are made by a committee of school staff. Parents may be on the committee. Whether or not they are on the committee, parents must sign the decision. Accommodations for SOL testing should be in place in classroom practices throughout the school year. / By the end of the first marking period / Elementary – October 16
Secondary – September 25
16. Confer with classroom teacher regarding report cards.
Students should not receive a low grade because their limited knowledge of the English language has prevented them from participating at the same level as a native English speaker.
“No Grade” may be appropriate. ESL teachers are encouraged to enclose a note regarding progress in learning English. / End of each grading period / See MCPS School Calendar for marking periods.
17.Ensure Student Record Collection Spring Report data is current and accurate.
Each year, Technology submits to VDOE aspringreport based onSTAR data. Technology runs a preliminary report that is sent to ESL Program Administrative Assistant, who disseminates the information to the appropriate ESL teacher.
ESL teachers are responsible for checking all individual student information to confirm it is correct. ESL teachers should check ALL information addressed inTechnology Department guidelines for entering ESL/LEP and Immigrant Status Data and in DDOT guidelines Fields to Input ESL Data into STAR.
When an error or a suspected error has occurred or information is not complete, ESL teachers correct the data in STAR for which they are responsible and communicate with Technology regarding the change.
When other student data is in need of revision, ESL teachers work with the school administrative assistant/registrar who enters data to ensure that the information is correct and complete. / March / March 8-15
18.CompleteMCPS Monitor Y-1 and Y-2 Checklist
ESL teacher collaborates with classroom teachers to monitor academic progress of all MY-1 and MY-2 students. These students remain under the umbrella of the ESL program. Their classroom performance is monitored by the ESL teacher in order to provide a safety net of services should the student encounter difficulties. / Ongoing / At least at beginning, middle, and end of year
19.Gather Feedback on Program Needs
Use documents below to conduct a parent interview during the Spring Parent-Teacher conferences or to send home as a survey to be completed and returned to you.
  • MCPS Parent Needs Survey: Elementary
  • MCPS Parent Needs Survey: Elementary (Spanish)
  • MCPS Parent Needs Survey: Secondary
  • MCPS Parent Needs Survey: Secondary (Spanish)

20. Send home Spring Notification to Assess English Language Proficiency letters.
Parents/guardians are informed that their child is to be tested. / 2-week window prior to testing / February
21. Administer ACCESS for ELLs®assessment. [Section 3113(3)(D)]
ESL teachers are under the direction of the MCPS Assessment Coordinator/DDOT regarding all matters of test administration. / State-approved testing windows and timelines / February 25- April 19
21.Gather Feedback on Program Needs
Use documents below to conduct a teacher survey to be completed and returned to you.
  • MCPS Teacher Needs Survey

22. Assist in the Administration of SOLs. [NCLB, Section 3221]
ESL teachers are under the direction of the MCPS Assessment Coordinator/DDOT regarding all matters of test administration. / State-approved testing windows and timelines / May 1-29
May be adjusted based on end of school date.

MCPS ESL 2014-2015