RFP 16-049 Page 1 of 17

Return in sealed envelope to:
Shawnee Mission Unified Schools
Purchasing Department
ATTN: Becky Collins
7235 Antioch
Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204
(913) 993-6434 /
Date: December 12, 2016 Proposal No. 16-049
FOR: Athletic Uniforms and Accessories
Proposals will be accepted until:
DATE: January 9, 2017
DAY: Monday
TIME: 10:00 a.m.
Proposals will NOT be publicly opened at the above due time and date. Only the names of the responding proposer’s will be announced. Content of proposals will be available for review after contract award.

Any questions regarding specifications or proposal procedures should be directed to: Becky Collins via Email: or Fax to: (913) 993-6225.

Please complete and return two (2) hard copies and two (2) flash drives in a Proposal Response Packet.




RFP NO. 16-049



Dear Vendor:

Please check () the appropriate box below, complete the remainder of this form and return it NO LATER THAN the scheduled Bid/Proposal/or Quote Date and Time.

Our company cannot provide the products, supplies and/or services listed in this bid, proposal or quote. Please MOVE our name and address to the following category(ies) so that we may bid at a later date. ______


We have chosen NOT to submit a response at this time, but would like to remain on your bid list for this product category. We did not submit a response because:

Reason(s): ______


Please REMOVE our name from all the District bid lists until further notice.

Reason(s): ______



REPRESENTATIVE (please print):______

ADDRESS: ______PHONE (_____) ______


TITLE: ______DATE: ______


Shawnee Mission Unified School District #512

Purchasing Department

Notice of “NO RESPONSE”

7235 Antioch

Shawnee Mission, KS 66204


Fax to: 913/993-6224


Proposals are subject to the attached Terms and Conditions as written below.


The Shawnee Mission School District, Unified School District Number 512 (“District”) seeks proposals to offer the sale of Under Armour (no substitutes) sports apparel, shoes, and accessories for 5 middle schools and 5 high schools under a contract, listing prices, services, and incentives regarding the apparel and accessories (“Contract”). The Contract will not include equipment. This RFP requests proposals to enter into a “convenience” Contract with the District, which will allow the District to purchase unknown quantities of athletic uniforms, sports apparel and accessories throughout the contract period.

To be considered, RFP’s must be received no later than 10:00 a.m. January 9, 2017. Sealed proposals may be mailed or hand delivered in person to:

Shawnee Mission USD 512

Attn: Becky Collins

McEachen Administrative Center

7235 Antioch Rd

Shawnee Mission, KS 66204

Faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted. Proposals received after the above stated closing date and time cannot be considered and will be returned unopened.


The contract term will be for (5) five years beginning January 30, 2017 through June 30, 2017 with an option to renew for an additional (5) five years if both parties agree on renewal terms. The contractual period will be subject to budgetary approval on a yearly basis.


Proposals must include prices and descriptions of the following uniforms, athletic apparel, and accessory products in the RFP. The list is not exhaustive and proposals may contain additional items:

·  Team uniforms

·  Practice gear – shorts, t-shirts

·  Competition shoes – cleats, turf, training, basketball, volleyball, track, slides

·  Training shoes

·  Team travel/warm-up suits

·  Sweat pants & sweat shirts

·  Coaching gear – shorts, pants, polo shirts

·  Coaching shoes

·  Travel bags

·  Miscellaneous – socks, etc.


Proposals must include offers with information on pricing, shipping/freight, servicing qualifications, discounts, and additional incentives. The District may consider additional criteria.

The Proposer’s description of their servicing qualifications must include an explanation of their Customer Service Plan (savings in shipping cost, availability of sales resources and delivery of product) and an explanation or plan of action as to how and if the Proposer will fulfill emergency and last minute orders.

Proposer must fill in the blanks on pages 5, 6 & 7 and include those pages with their response – see bold type.

Proposers must provide a separate, signed proposal page outlining any proposed discounts from Under Armour.

Year One:

During the first contract year, which will include the 2016-2017 school year, the parties will agree to the following terms.

The Proposer will provide the District a minimum of $70,000 in Under Armour products under the Contract.

The Proposer will reimburse a minimum of 10% of the total of all purchases made under the Contract to the District within 30 days after the end of the contract year, including, but not limited to, all purchases made under the Contract by the following organizations:


Ø  Booster Clubs

Ø  Clubs

Ø  Youth sports

Ø  Activities/Athletics

The Proposer will also provide the District Custom Banners for all five (5) Middle Schools and five (5) High Schools and Apparel for Activities and Athletics at no cost to the District for the following events:

Ø  League Championship

Ø  Regional Championship

Ø  State Championship

The Proposer will also provide the District Apparel for Sponsors and Coaches of the Year at no cost to the District for the following honors:

Ø  League Coach of the Year

Ø  State Coach of the Year

If the District and its associated entities order $______of Under Armour product under the Contract within the contract year, Proposer will provide the District $______in additional Under Armour product at no cost to the District.

If the District and its associated entities order $______of Under Armour product under the Contract within the contract year, Proposer will provide the District an additional $______in additional Under Armour product at no cost to the District.

Year Two:

During the second contract year, which will include the 2017-2018 school year, the parties will agree to the following terms.

The Proposer will provide a minimum of $35,000 in Under Armour products under the Contract.

The Proposer will reimburse a minimum of 10% of the total of all purchases made under the Contract to the District within 30 days after the end of the contract year, including, but not limited to, all purchases made under the Contract by the following organizations:


Ø  Booster Clubs

Ø  Clubs

Ø  Youth sports

Ø  Activities/Athletics

The Proposer will also provide the District Custom Banners for all five (5) Middle Schools and five (5) High Schools and Apparel for Activities and Athletics at no cost to the District for the following events:

Ø  League Championship

Ø  Regional Championship

Ø  State Championship

The Proposer will also provide the District Apparel for Sponsors and Coaches of the year at no cost to the District for the following honors:

Ø  League Coach of the Year

Ø  State Coach of the Year

If the District and its associated entities order $______of Under Armour product under the Contract within the contract year, Proposer will provide the District $______in additional Under Armour product at no cost to the District.

If the District and its associated entities order $______of Under Armour product under the Contract within the contract year, Proposer will provide the District an additional $______in additional Under Armour product at no cost to the District.

Year Three, Four and Five:

During the third through fifth contract years, which will include the 2018-2019, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 school years, the parties will agree to the following terms.

The Proposer will provide a minimum of $30,000 in Under Armour products under the Contract.

The Proposer will reimburse a minimum of 10% of the total of all purchases made under the Contract to the District within 30 days after the end of the contract year, including, but not limited to, all purchases made under the Contract by the following organizations:


Ø  Booster Clubs

Ø  Clubs

Ø  Youth sports

Ø  Activities/Athletics

The Proposer will also provide the District Custom Banners for all five (5) Middle Schools and five (5) High Schools and Apparel for Activities and Athletics at no cost to the District for the following events:

Ø  League Championship

Ø  Regional Championship

Ø  State Championship

The Proposer will also provide the District Apparel for Sponsors and Coaches of the year at no cost to the District for the following honors:

Ø  League Coach of the Year

Ø  State Coach of the Year

If the District and its associated entities order $______of Under Armour product under the Contract within the contract year, Proposer will provide the District $______in additional Under Armour product at no cost to the District.

If the District and its associated entities order $______of Under Armour product under the Contract within the contract year, Proposer will provide the District an additional $______in additional Under Armour product at no cost to the District.


Proposals must include information on proposed warranties included in offers:

1.  Proposals must include all warranty information.

2.  Proposals must guarantee Products purchased under the Contract for a period of not less than one year from the date of purchase and acceptance by owner and guarantee that the proposer will replace or repair any defective product during the guarantee period, excluding any item which has been subjected to accident, alterations, abuse, misuse or neglect by the District or its employees or that is caused by normal wear and tear.

3.  Any standard Manufacturer Guarantee or Warranty for a period longer than one year shall not be nullified by the above general guarantee.

4.  The proposer must be able to package and ship Products in quantities specified on a timely basis. Products in each shipment must be pre-sorted and packaged by the proposer for distribution to team members. The proposer must guarantee that packaging and shipping shall provide adequate protection against damage and deterioration.

5.  All quotations must be FOB destination, freight prepaid. Inside delivery is required.

6.  Inspection of goods and services will be conducted by the Athletic Department Equipment Manager at point of delivery. Products not in accordance with specifications will be returned at the proposer’s expense. The District reserves, at its sole discretion, the determination as to whether Products delivered meet District standards.

7.  The awarded proposer must be able to deliver all standard products (unless printed) not more than fourteen days from the date of order.

8.  Proposers must provide a proof of screen printing or embroidery to the District requestor or representative prior to printing. Proposers must use the District’s colors and logos for all printed goods. The logos cannot be altered reproduced or used for Products other than products ordered by the District or associated entities under the Contract.


1.  Successful Proposer Requirements: The successful proposer will be able to provide last minute, emergency requests. Within a (1) one to (8) eight hour window the successful proposer must be able to have customer service agents available to fulfill product orders, troubleshoot issues and assure prompt delivery of products at possibly multiple locations. The following are true-life examples of immediate need for product and or service that have occurred multiple times per season:

·  Within hours of a game - Coach discovers he needs uniform socks to complete uniform check out. Immediate need for product

·  Administrator discovers he forgot to order staff pull-overs or his order was never processed by the proposer. He needs the pull-overs in 12 hours before the staff arrives at school. He needs a large quantity and embroidering. Need for immediate product and service.

·  Coach/Sponsor discovers that they have participants that do not fit current uniform inventory. Coach/Sponsor needs replacements for the activity in a very short window of time. Need immediate replacement product.

·  Coach/Sponsor/Athletic Director orders wrong uniform or auxillary item of the uniform. Needs the correct uniform or auxillary item. Need access to services and product immediately.

Proposals must include an explanation or plan of action as to how and if Proposers will fulfill emergency and last minute orders.

2.  After acceptance of proposal: Upon the District’s acceptance of a proposal and agreement with the successful proposer on the terms of the Contract, the successful proposer will provide each contact for the District and its associated entities with a manufacturers catalog, dated price list, ordering forms, and informational literature required for the contacts to place and order from the proposer.

3.  Purchase Procedures: No specific uniform or apparel requirements will be stated in this RFP or proposals, rather each contact for the District and its associated entities will have the option to select the products.

4.  Responsibility of each contact for the District and its associated entities: Each contact for the District and its associated entities will contact the District Purchasing Department when a requirement for an order exists. It will be the responsibility of the contact to communicate desired finished product in terms of quantity, size, numbering, trim, delivery date, etc. A purchase order will be issued by the District Purchasing Department.

5.  Successful proposer responsibility: It will be the responsibility of the successful proposer to market their product to each contact for the District and its associated entities, notify them of ordering deadlines, and meeting any specified delivery dates. The successful proposer must have a signed and otherwise complete purchase order in hand before an order is placed with the manufacturer. The District will not be responsible for payment for any unauthorized purchases. If requested, the successful proposer will meet with contacts for the District and its associated entities to assist them in placing orders.