Meeting Date: Meeting Date:Thursday, September 15, 2011

Members Attending: Brenda Krull, Brenda McGinn, Angela Winterbower, Jake Claussen, Janet Wear-Enloe, Peggy Fricke, Renee Pauly, Tonya Pehle, Shannon Lakin, Lori Pinkerton, Charlene Plotycia,Debbie Gleason, Janelle Deitloff, Linda Kester, Mary Klien,Pam Hitchens,Rob Dinneen, Tracey Baseggio, andMichelle Grady?.




  1. Lori Pinkerton, President, opened the meeting .

  1. The minutes from the July 19, 2010 meeting were approved. Motioned by Debbie Gleason, 2nd by Rob Dinneen.

  1. Charlene Plotycia and Lori Pinkerton presented the Treasurer’s Report. The bank balance as of August 22, 2011 is $47,550.28. MINK also retains a $25,000 CD. Treasurer’s Report was approved. Motioned by Linda Kester, 2nd by Brenda McGinn.

  1. ASPR Update
Debbie Gleason is the President – Elect of ASPR for instatement 2013. This is very exciting for us, since she is a member of MINK.
The national ASPR meeting had record attendance this year. Comments from the group were that the speakers were exceptional. Next years ASPR Conference is in Los Angeles.
FSRP Certification, 101 Associate/201 Diplomate / 301 Fellow, were available at the conference and are available on line.
Benchmarking Survey – ASPR has partnered with Industry Insights and is now open for viewing. The technology is notably superior and user friendly.
ASPR Webinars – everyone is encouraged to access the online webinars presented by ASPR.
Members from non-hospital recruiters – A point for consideration when “other” recruiters wish to join MINK is to keep in mind that those individuals may not qualify for ASPR membership.
Everyone is encouraged to become a member of ASPR. Benefits include discounts with vendors, free webinars, and discounts at the ASPR conferences.
Lori Pinkerton brought up the discussion that MINK could find a way to support members’ attendance at ASPR. Tonya Pehle motioned & Debbie Gleason 2nd, that MINK pay full scholarship for Mink president and one member to attend ASPR Conference starting in 2012.
Additionally, Janet Pehle motioned/Angela Winterbower 2nd, that the MINK Educational Conference fee for 4 members of the Executive Committee and 6 Committee Chairs be paid by MINK for future conferences.
  1. ASPR and Regional Groups Relationships
Dennis Burns joined our meeting by phone to discuss the opportunity for MINK to become a Chapter of ASPR. Currently the only Chapter Group is AIR
A handout was provided that lists the guidelines and benefits of becoming a Chapter Group. A primary requirement is that 10% of the group be ASPR members. Currently our group has over 90% membership. MINK would be required to submit an annual report to ASPR. MINK may be required to become a 501C6. MINK is currently a 501C3.
A benefit will be that out meeting could be coordinated with the ASPR annual meeting. MINK dues and registration would be facilitated by ASPR.
ASPR is looking at other incentives. They will discuss at their October 2011 meeting.
Dennis and Debbie confirmed that it is not a goal of ASPR that the Regional Groups become Chapters.
It would not cost to become a Chapter.
We would not be able to lobby.
There are currently financial benefits to being a Chapter, which include Registration and membership dues coordinated by ASPR, ability to have a meeting at the annual ASPR meeting, and to utilize consulting company services through ASPR for marketing purposes.
  1. Committee Reports
Marketing –
  1. Jeremiah Jobe has resigned as Chair of this committee.
  2. Database – purchased 2012 profiles, added to Constant Contact list – Michelle Baker
  3. Update Membership is available online
  4. Completed Membership Brochure
  1. E-newsletter : Sept-December, Katie Gleason is contracted. Banner ads will continue until the end of the year.
  1. Website: update - need to track activity.
  2. USB’s for CareerFairs- gone, not re-ordering
  3. Facebook Page
Membership – Brenda Krull
  1. MINK has currently 95 members
  2. Individual/Organization membership transfer: It was decided that ASPR guidelines would be followed that the membership will belong to the individual.
  3. Who can be a member?
It was decided that a recruiter who lives outside MINK region can be a member if they recruit physicians in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and/or Kansas.
  1. The MINK job lists will only include jobs within the MINK region
  2. Lori Pinkerton suggested that the Bylaws also be updated to include the Executive Team roles.
CareerFairs – Lori Pinkerton
  1. CareerMD MINK members who travel to CareerMD to represent MINK Career MD Fairs: Booth registration, RT flight and one night hotel is paid by MINK
2011 Fairs:
March 23: Omaha (Debbie Gleason)
August 2: Chicago (Paula Johnson)
Sept 21: St Louis (Hope Valvero)
Oct 17: Kansas City (Debbie Gleason)
Nov 14 : Houston (Charlene Plotycia)
  1. MidwestMD Fairs – MINK Sponsored
2010 Omaha Job Fairs, $3564.82 expenses.
2011 Omaha Job Fairs, $------expenses MINK did pay for Catering and gift cards to the coordinators.
  1. PracticeMatch Fairs
Houston, September 14 – We did not end up attending. The options are to recoup the fee ($399) by applying it to another fair OR obtaining the attendee list. It was decided that we will obtain the attendee list. The attendee list will include a 40 point profile on each individual.
  1. Other Discussion Items: booth supplies/give-aways
Give aways are bags and USBs.
  1. Renee Bauer, Workforce Development Coordinator Rural Comprehensive Care Network, Crete, NE will be the 2012 Chairman of the Career Fairs committee
  2. MINK Career Event Expansion
Two locations will be pursued for MINK events, Columbia (MU) and Wichita (KU).
Education – Rob Dinneen
  1. 41 members attended the Educational Conference. ~$3500 profit was realized.
  2. A poll for preference on the preferred location for 2012 will be held to include Omaha, St. Louis or Des Moines.
  3. Educational Conference report will accompany the September minutes distribution.
  1. Old Business
Discussed in earlier portions of the meeting
ASPR credentials
ASPR Conference
  1. New Business
Discussed in earlier portions of the meeting / The Education Committee will consult the ASPR guidelines for scholarship to create guidelines for MINK scholarship.
Becoming a 501C6 may impact ability to host job fairs. Paula will look into what it would take to become a 501C6.
Dennis is no longer co-chair of this committee. We will receive information regarding the outcome of the October meeting from Frank or Chris.
Check to see if the membership qualifications are current in brochure.
Need an editor for the newsletter beginning in November, 2011.
Janet Enloe will sell Banner ads for 2012.
Contact Susan Mills at PracticeLink.
Check to see if these are current.
Members should Friend MINK FB page!
Brenda Krull will draft a paragraph regarding individual membership, not organizational membership to update bylaws.
Brenda will draft this for the Bylaws.
The Executive Team will define the roles.
Lori Pinkerton will obtain the attendee list and share with MINK.
Angela Winterbauer will talk to MU contact about possibility.
Debbie Gleason will talk to Connie Yang at KU – Wichita.
Lori to send out survey to membership.
  1. Mink Bylaws regarding Membership
  2. Exec committee/ Committee Chair incentive ideas.

  1. Other Business
No other business was discussed.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Next meeting date: January 20, 2012

Minutes Submitted by: Charlene Plotycia


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