Cale Green Primary School ASSESSMENT
Name of childYear group / Year 5
Year group expectations / Independent work evidence / Moderated
I can use the correct features and sentence structure for the text type we are working on.
I can develop characters through action and dialogue.
I can establish a viewpoint as the writer through commenting on characters or events.
I can use stylistic devices to create effects in writing.
I can add well-chosen detail to interest the reader.
I can summarise a paragraph in a few short sentences.
I can organise my writing into paragraphs to show different information or events.
I can build cohesion between paragraphs.
I can use adverbials to link paragraphs.
I can discuss the audience and show awareness of the purpose of writing.
I can start sentences in different ways. (ed, ing, simile)
I can use relative clauses.
I can use adverbs or modal verbs to indicate a degree of possibility.
I can use grammar and vocabulary to create an impact on the reader.
I can use brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis.
I can use commas to demarcate complex sentences, clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity.
I can form verbs with prefixes.
I can convert nouns or adjectives into verbs by adding a prefix.
I understand the rules for adding prefixes and suffixes.
I can spell words with silent letters.
I can distinguish between homophones and other words.
I can spell most of the commonly mis-spelt words from the Y5/6 word list.
I can use the first 3-4 letters of a word to check spelling/meaning in a dictionary.
I can choose the style of handwriting to use when given a choice.
I can choose the style of handwriting that is best suited for a specific task.
Working at Greater Depth:
Writing uses varied and rich vocabulary and a range of sentence structures. Structure and organisation of writing is carefully and independently chosen to reflect audience, purpose and context.
Across a range of genres rich settings, atmosphere, characters and plot are created successfully and consistently.
Independent non-narrative writing demonstrates well-chosen devices to present information and guide the reader.
Across writing conscious control of paragraphing helps shape the overall pieces.
Is starting to play with grammar, devices and structure beyond their PoS as magpied from their wider reading but not yet taught.
Writing demonstrates carefully chosen vocabulary and phrases (including relative clauses) to clarify meaning, enhance effect, add/slow pace and conjure mood.
Writing demonstrates fluent and appropriate use of punctuation, including some attempts to create effect.
Spelling is usually accurate demonstrating a deep understanding of a wide range of spelling rules. Any spelling errors are generally self-corrected during proof reading.
Handwriting is legible, fluent handwriting is usually maintained when writing at efficient speed.
Constructive evaluation is backed by reasons for their suggestions, including around structure and organisation.
Autumn target
Spring target
Summer target
Agreed judgement