Advanced Technology
Approval course list (cohorts 2010-2012)
In accordance with article 5 of the program specific part of the Education and Examination Regulation (OER BSc AT, version can be found at ),approval is requested from the Board of Examiners for the following course list.
First and middle name:
Date of birth : --
Place of birth:
Studentnumber: s
Telephone : private +31 mobile+31
This is a new / modified2 course list.
If this is a modified course list, the previous list was approved on date: --
After graduating from Advanced Technology, I expect to be admitted to the following Master
Master program: Track:
This request for approval of the course list is part of the administrative process of graduation. Approval for the bachelor assignment has to be requested from the examination board at least one month before the start of the assignment. After fulfilling all requirements for the bachelor diploma, a formal request for graduation has to be presented to the examination board.
StudentApproval examination board AT
name: name:
date:-- date:
1Please fill out this form using a word processor, print out and sign. Forms that are filled out by hand are not acceptable. After filling out the list, right click the total no. of EC’s and select ‘update field’ to update the total no. of EC’s.
2 Please indicate if this is a new course list or a modification of a previously approved course list.
Appendix 1. Course list AT-Bachelor (cohorts 2010-2012)
Part of the request for approval of (name) s (student number)
Please check course codes and names and adapt when necessary, remove EC’s when not applicable.
Code / Course name / Planned / completiondate / EC / Grade
B2 mandatory courses
193902010 / Engineering of Complex Systems I / 5
193902030 / Engineering of Complex Systems II / 5
193902320 / Modeling of Physical Systems / 5
193902410 / Mathematical Modelling / 5
193902210 / Project III - Lab on a Chip / 5
193902220 / Project IV - “Startrix” / 5
191560380 / Differential equations / 5
194111700 / Long-term Devel. of Science and Technology / 5
B2 elective courses (2 of3)
191211730 / Electronic BASic circuits and FUNctions / 5
193902610 / Production Technology / 5
193902810 / Interfaces and Catalysis / 5
B2 elective courses (2 of 3)
193902910 / Vibrations and Waves / 5
193902020 / Basic Chemistry / 5
193902710 / Molecular and Cellular Biophysics / 5
B3 courses. / Please check the box if the course is mandatory for admission to the master program1, 2, 3 and 4
193999010 / Bachelor Assignment / 15
Total number of EC’s should be at least 120 EC / - / -
Additional courses (not part of the bachelor exam)4
If necessary continue the course list on an additional page
- The number of credits required for admission to the Master programme is usually not more than 30 EC.
- You have to request approval of the board of examiners separately for your Bachelor-assignment.
- In order to qualify for the BSc diploma, the student has to submit a formal “request for graduation” to the Board of examiners, in order to officially graduate and receive the diploma.
- Apart from the courses required for the bachelor exam (at least 120 EC) there may be additional courses. These additional courses are not included in the graduation decision or awarding the “cum laude” qualification.
Appendix 2. Admission agreement to the Master program
Filling out this is not required for processing the request by the board of examiners. However, it can be useful for determining the admissibility to the master programme. It also serves as a way of formalising the agreement between student and master programme.
Student Name :
Given names (full):
Date of birth: Place of birth:
Student number: s
The BSc. diploma Advanced Technology, with the course list as specified in appendix 1, is sufficient for admission to the following Master programme (and limited to the track, when relevant):
In addition to the course list, the student may be subject to other requirements for admission to the above mentioned M.Sc. programme. These additional requirements are specified below.
(Program name)(Track name, when relevant)
This agreement between the student and the Master programme, as mentioned above is part of the course list approval form and only applies to the course list in that form. On completing the BSc. program Advanced Technology with the course list in the appendix 1, the student is admissible to the MSc. programme.
Program director of the master
date: --
Additional requirements for admission (if any):