Template for the provision of information for the TEXTILE industry – whole installation

The completed document and any supporting information should be sent to



Contact person:

(Name and function)



If any information submitted is considered confidential and should therefore not be reported in the BREF, this should be clearly stated when sending the information and the reason/justification should be given

Please add extra rows or columns to the tables or use additional pages if necessary

All data should be as recent as possible
please indicate the reference year

  1. General information

Plant built in year:

Type and date of last retrofitting, modernisation, increase of capacity, modification or rebuilding

Year of start-up of textile machineries: please specify

Latest retrofit of equipment having a major effect to:

Year / Additional Information (e.g. retrofitted equipment)
Emissions to air:
Emissions to water:
Energy consumption:
Water consumption:
Others, please specify:

Information from year:

Number of employees:

Scale of mill (small/medium/large):

Raw materials

Raw material / Quantity in t/a / In which product used
Other, relevant f. Gujarat

Kind of mill and processes applied:

Mills finishing yarn and/or floc

Mills finishing knitted fabric

Mills finishing woven fabric

Integrated mills (spinning + weaving + finishing)


Which process areapplied in the mill, please tick the box:

Yarn manufacturing

 Spinning

Fabric manufacturing





Finishing Processes








Continuous dying

Batch dying



Easy care finishing



Coating and Laminating

Make up


Product type / Total production (saleable product) in t/year / Total permitted production capacity in t/year: / operating days per year days/year:

Type of machines

List of major machinery used

Type of machine / Number of machines / Model/year/capacity (t/a)
Winch beck
Jet dying
Stenter frame

Please ad flow sheet layout of machines.

  1. Chemical consumption (excluding chemicals for waste water treatment)

List of major chemicals used

No / Chemical / Consumption per year
(in kg) / Consumption per year
(in kg/tonne textile)
Dyestuffs and pigments, please specify:
Acid dyes
Basic (cationic) dyes
Direct dyes
Disperse dyes
Metal complex dyes
Mordant dyes
Azo dyes
Reative dyes
Sulphure dyes
Vat dyes
Organic auxiliaries,please specify:
Auxiliaries and finishing agents for fibres and yarns
Pre-treatment agents
Textile auxiliaries for dying and printing
Finishing assistants
Wetting agents
Antifoaming agents
Tensides , Surfactants
Chelating agents
Spotting agents
Drycleaning auxiliaries

Basic chemicals, please specify:
Organic acids
Caustic soda (NaOH)
Organic solvents

Techniques implemented for management, storage and handling of chemicals, for the reduction of chemical consumption and for the substitution of hazardous chemicals

Implemented technique / Additional information

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on water consumption), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

  1. Water use and emissions
  2. Water consumption

Water consumption / m³/day / m³/year
Total consumption
Process water consumption:
Process 1
Process 2
Water supply / m³/year
Surface water
Ground water
Piped (municipal) water

Is water recycled and reused?O yesO no

If yes, please indicate amounts (m³/year) and which process streams:

Techniques implemented for the reduction of water consumption and for water reuse

Implemented technique / Additional information

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on water consumption), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

3.2.Emissions to water

Waste water volume

Total waste water volumedischargedm³/yr

Sources of waste water / m3/year / Discharged to
A / Process water, please specify source:
B / Desizing
C / Mercerizing
D / Bleaching
E / Neutralizing
F / Dying
G / Finishing
X / Sanitary water
Y / Rainwater

3.3.Waste water treatment

Does wastewater treatment takes place in company?

O YesO No (go to 4.3)

Mechanical treatment / Yes / No
Segregation of less contaminated water from contaminated water
Skimming of fats, oils, greases
Other (please specify)…..……
Physical- chemical Treatment / Yes / No
precipitation/ flocculation
Chemical oxidation
Other (please specify)….
Biological Treatment / Yes / No
Anaerobic pretreatment:
UASB reactor
Biobed reactor
Other, please specify…..
Aerobic techniques:
Activated sludge treatment
aerated lagoons
Trickling filter
Membrane biological reactors (MBR)
Other, please specify……
Advanced treatment / Yes / No
Ozone treatment
Ultra-, Nanofiltration
Reverse osmosis
Fenton reagent
Others, please specify

Please provide a flow sheet of your waste water treatment plant.

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on the reduction of emissions in water), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

Waste water emission values before treatment (if available)

Parameter / Concentration range
(mg/l) / Emission load
(kg/tonne net production) / Averaging period of monitoring
(grab sample, 2 hour composited sample, …) / Frequency of monitoring
(Continuous, daily, weekly, monthly…) / Analysis method (e.g. CEN)
pH value / - / - / -
Suspended solids (SS)
Ni (Nickel)
Chromium total Cr
Chrom Cr IV
Copper Cu
Zinc Zi
Total N (TKN)
Total Phosphorous
Total dissolved solids (TDS)
Toxicity to fish eggs

Waste water emissions after treatment

Parameter / Concentration range
(mg/l) / Emission load
(kg/tonne net production) / Averaging period of monitoring
(grab sample, 2 hour composited sample, …) / Frequency of monitoring
(Continuous, daily, weekly, monthly...) / Analysis method (e.g. CEN)
pH value / - / - / -
Suspended solids (SS)
Ni (Nickel)
Chromium total Cr
Chrom Cr IV
Copper Cu
Zinc Zi
Total N (TKN)
Total Phosphorous
Total dissolved solids (TDS)
Toxicity to fish eggs

Sludge production:

% dry substance
Sludge treatment before disposal
% dry substance after treatment

Waste water discharged to municipal treatment or joint effluent treatment plant?

O Yes O Yes, after pretreatment O No (go to 5)

Type of pretreatment ______

If waste water is discharged to a municipal treatment or joint effluent treatment plant, please indicate:

Name of municipal/joint effluent treatment plant
Hydraulic load of textile waste water in total amount of waste water
Type of other waste water streams in that CETP
Hydraulic load of other waste water streams in total amount of waste water
How is payment calculated? Please provide the formula/equation

Please provide a flow sheet of your central effluent treatment plant (CETP).

Wastewater emission values

Wastewater emission values discharged from company (before treatment in municipal treatment or joint effluent treatment plant)

Parameter / Concentration range
(mg/l) / Emission load
(kg/tonne net production) / Averaging period of monitoring
(grab sample, 2 hour composited sample, …) / Frequency of monitoring
(Continuous, daily, weekly, monthly..) / Analysis method (e.g. CEN)
pH value / - / - / -
Suspended solids (SS)
Ni (Nickel)
Chromium total Cr
Chrom Cr IV
Copper Cu
Zinc Zi
Total N (TKN)
Total Phosphorous
Total dissolved solids (TDS)
Toxicity to fish eggs
Temperature (increase)

Wastewater emission values discharged after CETP (after treatment in municipal treatment or joint effluent treatment plant)

Parameter / Concentration range
(mg/l) / Emission load
(kg/tonne net production) / Averaging period of monitoring
(grab sample, 2 hour composited sample, …) / Frequency of monitoring
(Continuous, daily, weekly, monthly..) / Analysis method (e.g. CEN)
pH value / - / - / -
Suspended solids (SS)
Ni (Nickel)
Chromium total Cr
Chrom Cr IV
Copper Cu
Zinc Zi
Total N (TKN)
Total Phosphorous
Total dissolved solids (TDS)
Toxicity to fish eggs
Temperature (increase)

Techniques implemented at CETP for the reduction of water consumption and for water reuse

Implemented technique / Additional information

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on water consumption), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

  1. Process integrated measures used for reducing consumptions and emissions (not mentioned before)

General information

Give a short description of the manufacturing process for each main product. Please add extra sheets with process flow-sheets, if necessary.

Process integrated measures implemented to reduce consumptions or emissions

Implemented technique / Additional information

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on water consumption), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

  1. Residues/waste

Residues/waste / Quantity per year / classification / Techniques to reduce the generation of residues/ waste or by-products / Final destination / Total costs or net income per year

List problems and hindrances regarding the disposal of individual products

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on reductionof waste), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

  1. Emissions to air
  2. Finishing Department

Emission (textile produced) / Emission (mg/m³) / Measurement (continuous or discontinuous) or emission estimate
Total organic C
Others, please specify….

Abatement techniques: please specify

Techniques implemented for the reduction of emissions to air from the finishing department (process integrated technique or end of pipe)

Implemented technique / Additional information

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on reduction of waste), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

6.2.Boiler house

Waste gas flow in m3/h:

Emission load
(kg/ttextile produced) / Emission concentration (mg/m³) / Measurement (continuous or discontinuous) or emission estimate
Particulate Matter
Others, please specify ….

Abatement techniques: please specify:……

Techniques implemented for the reduction of emissions to air from the boiler house (process integrated technique or end of pipe)

Implemented technique / Additional information

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on reduction of waste), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

6.3.Other sources

List all sources

Emission source / Gas volume
(0ºC, 1013 mbar, dry gas or specify % RH) / Main components / Frequency of monitoring

Techniques implemented for the reduction of emissions to air from other sources (process integrated technique or end of pipe)

Implemented technique / Additional information

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on reduction of waste), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

  1. Energy consumption

To give a better understanding of the energy consumption in the installation an energy diagram/layout would be helpful. Please attach flow diagram (as an annex to the questionnaire)

List energy consumption

Item No / Type of fuel/energy used
(e.g. electric energy, heat) / Consumption per year
1 / Electricity (MWh/a)
2 / Gas (m³/a)
3 / Oil (t/a)
4 / Coal (t/a)
5 / Steam generation (t/a), please specify pressure and temperature of steam

List waste heat

Item No / source of heat / amount per year
1 / Off gas
2 / Process water
3 / Waste water

Are any wastes used for energy production?

Is there a monitoring system for energy consumption implemented? If yes, please specify how the energy is monitored:

If energy is recovered, please specify how much and where in installation.

Techniques implemented for the reduction of energy consumption (e.g. heat exchanger, insulation of equipment, energy efficient motors)

Implemented technique / Additional information

For each implemented technique that you consider a candidate for BAT (e.g. because it has significant positive effects on reduction of waste), please fill in a BAT candidate template.

  1. Noise and Vibrations

Are any measurements of noise carried out?O yesO no

List the measuring points and indicate the noise level

Measuring point / Noise level (dB(A))