DMus by Composition and Thesis (MUZ6004W and MUZ6005W)

DMus by Performance and Thesis (MUZ6006W and MUZ6004W)

.FDB1 / Admission requirements:
.1.1 / A person shall not be admitted as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Music unless she/he:
(a) / is a Master of Music of the University; or
(b) / can show to the satisfaction of Senate that she/he holds the equivalent qualification or has reached equivalent standard.
1.2 / An application must clearly reflect a cohesive structure in the choices of repertoire or compositional portfolio and thesis, and as such, constitute a substantial contribution to musicological and/or ethnomusicological research and performance or compositional practice. The application must be accompanied by:
(a) / A written explanation of the cohesive structure between the choices of repertoire or compositional portfolio and thesis;
(b) / For the degree by composition and thesis: a portfolio of completed compositions, an outline of the work/works to be presented and a research proposal;
(c) / For the degree by performance and thesis: the intending candidate will be required to audition with a recital programme of at least forty-five minutes duration, and which will include at least one large-scale work such as a sonata, suite, variations or a set of character pieces or jazz or ethnomusicological equivalent. The first recital, which serves as a qualifying recital, must be held, and passed within the first year of registration. Continuation is dependent on the outcome of this first recital.
(d) / For the degree by performance and thesis: the proposed programme of performances and a research proposal.
.FDB2 / Obtaining the degree:
.2.1 / A candidate must work under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by Senate, provided that the Senate may appoint different supervisors for composition, performance and thesis components.
2.2 / The degree may be obtained by:
(a) / Composition counting 50% and a thesis on an approved topic counting 50%; or
(b) / Performance counting 50% and a thesis on an approved topic counting 50%.
2.3 / A candidate for the degree by composition and thesis must undertake research and such advanced study as may be required and must submit for examination:
(a) / A thesis on an approved topic of 55,000-60,000 words which must constitute a substantial contribution to musical knowledge;
(b) / A major composition, or portfolio of compositions of 50-60 minutes, that shows evidence of musical imagination, creative ability and mastery of technique. An orchestral work of at least 30 minutes duration should be included.
(c) / Where any part of the composition or portfolio of compositions is written in an indeterminate manner, a fully-realised version of that part.
2.4 / A candidate for the degree by performance and thesis must undertake research and such advanced study as may be required and must:
(a) / Submit for examination a thesis on an approved topic of 55,000-60,000 words which must constitute a substantial contribution to musical knowledge;
(b) / Perform, in public for examination, a programme approved by Senate compiled according to guidelines set out in Rule FDB3 below.
A candidate must pass both components.
.FDB3 / Guidelines for compiling a programme for performance:
.3.1 / Senate requires that the programme of work(s) to be performed be compiled using the following guidelines:
(a) / Western classical instrumentalist: four recitals and one concerto;
(b) / Western classical vocalist: five performances;
(c) / Jazz candidate: five recitals;
(d) / Candidate in the field of accompaniment or chamber music: five recitals;
(e) / A candidate in the field of ethnomusicological performance: five recitals.
(f) / Senate may permit a candidate to substitute a professional engagement for one or more of his/her performance(s).
(g) / Senate may permit a candidate to submit for examination high quality audiovisual recordings of recent performances for not more than half of his/her approved programme where these take place away from Cape Town.
3.2 / All performances must reflect a cohesive structure in the choice of repertoire and thesis, and the highest level of specialisation in the chosen field
3.3 / The combined duration of the programmes is expected to be between four and five hours. All performances must be recorded in an audio-visual format.
3.4 / Senate may require a candidate to repeat any one or more of the performance requirements. Performances may be replayed for examination only once.
.FDB4 / Minimum period of registration:
A person must be registered for the degree for at least two years.
.FDB5 / Examination:
.5.1 / Notice of intention to submit the thesis and composition(s) must be given in writing to the Doctoral Degree Office by 10 January for possible graduation in June and 20 June for possible graduation in December. The candidate must submit to the Doctoral Degree Office three temporarily bound and two unbound copies of the thesis and/or composition(s) not later than 15 February for possible graduation in June and not later than 15 August for possible graduation in December. The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by any specific date.
5.2 / The thesis must be prefaced by an abstract prepared in accordance with the guidelines approved by Senate. The thesis and composition(s) must be accompanied by a written undertaking signed by the candidate that the material has not been submitted for a degree at this or any other university.
5.3 / Senate may require a candidate to present himself/herself for oral examination in one or all component parts of his/her work for the degree.
5.4 / A candidate for the degree by composition and thesis and performance and thesis must satisfy the examiners in both component parts.
.FDB6 / Publication:
.6.1 / When presenting work for examination (thesis, composition(s), recording(s)) a candidate shall by so doing grant a free licence to the University to publish it in whole or in part in any format that the University deems fit.
6.2 / No publication may, without the prior permission of the University, contain a statement that the published material was, or is to be, submitted in part or in full for this degree.