Plymouth Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 7, 2014
Members: Ralph Michael, Chair; Larry Lynds; and Russ Tonkin
Others: Virginia Dean (VT Standard); John Norton; Sandie Small
The Meeting was called to Order by Ralph at 6:00 PM.
· Those present were introduced.
· No changes were made to the Agenda.
· The Minutes from the Meeting of June 16, 2014, were reviewed; Russ motioned to accept said Minutes; Ralph seconded; so voted.
· The Minutes from the Special Meeting of June 30, 2014, were reviewed; Larry motioned to accept said Minutes; Russ seconded; so voted.
· Russ indicated that the SB should write a letter to the School Board to look actively into a ‘one-school’ situation; Russ stated he would prepare said letter. Virginia Dean requested more information on the ‘one-school’ aspect. The SB indicated that Plymouth maintains a total school choice for student residents and that the number of students is increasing. VT has the lowest student/teacher ratio, and the cost for Plymouth students is above the State threshold – 185% over base.
· John Norton asked the SB what the Library Trail Bridge had to do with the private gate; he stated that a large number of residents would like the gate removed. He also asked why a vehicle bridge cannot be erected; Ralph responded that Fema approved the pedestrian bridge and if the Town were to change this, Fema would reclaim the monies given to the Town. John also mentioned (1) having the property owner put in a ‘stile’ for access to the road so that the gate does not have to be lifted and opened; (2) the owner has been seen breaking rocks in the stream so residents cannot cross the stream (Ralph indicated this could be in violation because he did not have a permit); (3) the owner is parking in the right of way; and (4) the owner has installed a camera. Ralph indicated that the SB will soon be putting in the pedestrian bridge and will then revisit the gate issue.
· Mail was reviewed: Two Rivers has a highway meeting coming up; Larry will be advised. The SB has requested information from the Listers regarding property owned by Emilio so his request to turn over the property to the Town can be reviewed. The Wi-Fi/School agreement was presented; Russ will discuss this with Terry Bascom.
· New Business: An Excess Weight Permit Application was presented by Ted Earle; Russ motioned to approve said application; Larry seconded; so voted. A bill for residual expenses for ambulance calls from Woodstock Ambulance in the amount of $1,083.60 was presented; Russ indicated the statement did not contain information about the names of the individuals involved; he would contact Phil Swanson in this regard; Russ moved the SB pay said invoice of $1,083.60; Larry seconded; so voted. An agreement with Woodstock for the Town to pay $1,500 for compensation for uncollected monies was also presented; Russ said the Town should try this for one year
· Warrants were reviewed, approved, and signed.
· Old or Unfinished Business: Russ asked if the new oil tank was installed at the School; Larry said it was; Julie Dupont was asking and Russ suggested Julie be advised of items dealing with the School. Ralph indicated he had gotten in contact with VT Roofing regarding the Town Hall roof, and that they would be getting back to him the following week. Ralph also advised that the Town has all permits necessary to begin construction of the pedestrian bridge on Library Trail, but was waiting for the Fema money. Larry stated that he as the signs for Library Trail. Ralph indicated that the Town will probably have to conduct a reappraisal, but that a Town vote would be required.
· Russ indicated that he would not be available on July 21 for the SB Meeting; Larry motioned to move said Meeting date to July 28 at 6:00 PM; Ralph seconded; so voted.
· Larry motioned to adjourn the Meeting; Russ seconded; so voted. The Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM.
Draft written by Sandie Small
Ralph Michael, Chair
Lawrence Lynds
Russ Tonkin