APPENDIX A: Script for control group

One Iowa: DSM Volunteer Recruitment PHONE Script (Updated 3/30/2010)


Hi! Is [first name] available? My name is [your name] and I’m a volunteer with One Iowa, the statewide organization

fighting to protect the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples in Iowa. How are you? [LISTEN & RESPOND]


For an entire year we have been working hard to stop anti-equality radicals from pushing a discriminatory amendment to the Iowa constitution in 2010. Our hard work paid off, the Legislature has adjourned, and the amendment never even made it to the floor for debate. Isn’t that great? [LISTEN & RESPOND]


Unfortunately, anti-equality forces are more frustrated, angry, and desperate than ever before. They are launching a half million dollar campaign to kick out fair minded legislators so they will have the votes they need to write discrimination into our constitution next year. That’s not surprising, is it? [LISTEN & RESPOND]


We are ramping up our volunteer outreach so that we will have supporters all around the state ready to defend key legislative seats up for grabs this November. Does that make sense? [LISTEN & RESPOND]


That’s why I’m volunteering with One Iowa tonight. Our team just isn’t big enough to put up real fights where the opposition is targeting.

We are recruiting concerned volunteers like you to help us reach out to One Iowa supporters and ask them to take action. Will you make it a priority to join us next ______for our phone bank so we can build a big enough team to win in November.

  • [If YES, go to DETAILS]


One final thing before I let you go. (NAME), One Iowa is working hard to raise enough funds to counter their $500,000 campaign to roll back equality in Iowa. We’re really excited about the support we’re getting from our friends and allies because we cannot let their lies and dirty tricks go unanswered. Will you support equality in Iowa by investing $150 in the campaign tonight. That’s one dollar for each seat in the legislature.

[if NO to $150] That’s ok. I hear you. While millionaires are funding the opposition, we are proud to be doing this the grassroots way. They spent $90,000 on a SINGLE special election for House District 90 last year. A lot of people are feeling great about a symbolic $90 contribution to get us out into every corner of the state to build more support. Can we count on you for $90.

[if NO to $90] No problem. I really would like to find a level that works for you! When everyone who cares about equality for LGBT people gives what they can it really adds up. That’s why even more people are doing $43.09 in honor of the April 3rd, 2009 Supreme Court decision. Sounds like that might fit better in your budget.


Great, thank you so much! I just need to get some information from you.

Confirm Name

Confirm Billing Address

Ask for Credit Card Information

Card Number

Expiration Date

Three Digit Security Code

*Read back amount and thank them for their time and their support!*

*If insist on paying by mail…make note on pledge form and we send a form in the mail*

The details

Do you have a pen and paper handy to write down the address of our meeting place?

[Address and any land markers] 500 E. Locust Street, 3rd Floor. (Intersection of E. 5th and Locust in the East Village)

[Parking information] Street parking is 1 cent per minute up to 6:00PM (Free on Saturday/Sunday) or there is a FREE parking ramp on the corner of E. 6th and Pennsylvania next to the Capital Building.

We need this phase of the campaign to be the very biggest. Will you bring a friend or family member with you. Who?

Do you have any questions? Okay, great. If you think of anything you can call ______at ______. Thanks so much. GO TO QUESTION 2


I definitely hear that you care. What’s holding you back from joining us ______?

  • If Busy: I hear that. It sounds like you have a lot going on. Spring is a busy season for all of us. April 3rd is the one year anniversary of the unanimous Supreme Court decision and anti-equality groups and candidates are working hard to make gay and lesbian families a political wedge issue in the coming election. They will do ANYTHING to take these rights away. Have you seen that in the news? In order to make sure we will get to celebrate the 5th anniversary of marriage equality in 2014, we need your help to stop them right now. Will you move around whatever you have going on to make this a priority.
  • If Vague, Unsure: The only way we can win is by getting supporters who rarely vote out to the polls. We have lost marriage equality in 35 states across the country. We don’t want Iowa to be next, right? To make sure that doesn’t happen, we need you to volunteer. Will you make it a priority to join us for this one shift.
  • If Scared/Nervous: I’m curious, have you ever done something like this before? I was definitely nervous my first time. Lots of people have never done anything like this before. But folks are being so moved by the campaign that they’re trying it out for the first time. Our coaches will help you have a good experience. How does that sound. Will you give it a try.
  • If still NO: Ok. I’m so sorry I won’t see you ______[date] at the ______[action]. Will you join us on ______instead.
  • Troubleshoot with your volunteer…

Appendix B: Script for treatment group

One Iowa: DSM Volunteer Recruitment PHONE Script (Updated 3/30/2010)


Hi! Is [first name] available? My name is [your name] and I’m a volunteer with One Iowa, the statewide organization

fighting to protect the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples in Iowa. How are you? [LISTEN & RESPOND]


For an entire year we have been working hard to stop anti-equality radicals from pushing a discriminatory amendment to the Iowa constitution in 2010. Our hard work paid off, the Legislature has adjourned, and the amendment never even made it to the floor for debate. Isn’t that great? [LISTEN & RESPOND]


Unfortunately, anti-equality forces are more frustrated, angry, and desperate than ever before. They are launching a half million dollar campaign to kick out fair minded legislators so they will have the votes they need to write discrimination into our constitution next year. That’s not surprising, is it? [LISTEN & RESPOND]


Right now, we are ramping up our volunteer outreach so we have supporters all around the state ready to defend key legislative seats up for grabs this November. Does that make sense? [LISTEN & RESPOND]


As a (gay man, lesbian, bisexual individual, transgendered individual, straight ally) I remember being incredibly proud to be an Iowan when our Supreme court ruled in favor of equal rights and I’m concerned about the effect rolling back equality in Iowa will have on me and our community.

That’s why I’m volunteering with One Iowa tonight. Our team just isn’t big enough to put up real fights everywhere the opposition is targeting.

We are recruiting concerned volunteers like you to help us reach out to One Iowa supporters and ask them to take action. Will you make it a priority to join us next ______for our phone bank so we can build a big enough team to win in November.

  • [If YES, go to DETAILS]


One final thing before I let you go. (NAME), One Iowa is working hard to raise enough funds to counter their $500,000 campaign to roll back equality in Iowa. We’re really excited about the support we’re getting from our friends and allies because we cannot let their lies and dirty tricks go unanswered. Will you support equality in Iowa by investing $150 in the campaign tonight. That’s one dollar for each seat in the legislature.

[if NO to $150] That’s ok. I hear you. While millionaires are funding the opposition, we are proud to be doing this the grassroots way. They spent $90,000 on a SINGLE special election for House District 90 last year. A lot of people are feeling great about a symbolic $90 contribution to get us out into every corner of the state to build more support. Can we count on you for $90.

[if NO to $90] No problem. I really would like to find a level that works for you! When everyone who cares about equality for LGBT people gives what they can it really adds up. That’s why even more people are doing $43.09 in honor of the April 3rd, 2009 Supreme Court decision. Sounds like that might fit better in your budget.


Great, thank you so much! I just need to get some information from you.

Confirm Name

Confirm Billing Address

Ask for Credit Card Information

Card Number

Expiration Date

Three Digit Security Code

*Read back amount and thank them for their time and their support!*

*If insist on paying by mail…make note on pledge form and we send a form in the mail*

The details

Do you have a pen and paper handy to write down the address of our meeting place?

[Address and any land markers] 500 E. Locust Street, 3rd Floor. (Intersection of E. 5th and Locust in the East Village)

[Parking information] Street parking is 1 cent per minute up to 6:00PM (Free on Saturday/Sunday) or there is a FREE parking ramp on the corner of E. 6th and Pennsylvania next to the Capital Building.

We need this phase of the campaign to be the very biggest. Will you bring a friend or family member with you. Who?

Do you have any questions? Okay, great. If you think of anything you can call ______at ______. Thanks so much. GO TO QUESTION 2


I definitely hear that you care. What’s holding you back from joining us ______?

  • If Busy: I hear that. It sounds like you have a lot going on. Spring is a busy season for all of us. April 3rd is the one year anniversary of the unanimous Supreme Court decision and anti-equality groups and candidates are working hard to make gay and lesbian families a political wedge issue in the coming election. They will do ANYTHING to take these rights away. Have you seen that in the news? In order to make sure we will get to celebrate the 5th anniversary of marriage equality in 2014, we need your help to stop them right now. Will you move around whatever you have going on to make this a priority.
  • If Vague, Unsure: The only way we can win is by getting supporters who rarely vote out to the polls. We have lost marriage equality in 35 states across the country. We don’t want Iowa to be next, right? To make sure that doesn’t happen, we need you to volunteer. Will you make it a priority to join us for this one shift.
  • If Scared/Nervous: I’m curious, have you ever done something like this before? I was definitely nervous my first time. Lots of people have never done anything like this before. But folks are being so moved by the campaign that they’re trying it out for the first time. Our coaches will help you have a good experience. How does that sound. Will you give it a try.
  • If still NO: Ok. I’m so sorry I won’t see you ______[date] at the ______[action]. Will you join us on ______instead.
  • Troubleshoot with your volunteer…

APPENDIX C: Identifying Supporters Phone Script


Hi! Is [first name] available? My name is [your name] and I’m a volunteer with One Iowa, the statewide organization advocating for the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples in Iowa.


[ NAME ], I bet you’ve already heard that the Iowa Supreme Court upheld our state constitution and in doing so reaffirmed the rights of all Iowans. We are excited that now EVERYONE is equally protected under the law in Iowa.

How do you feel about civil marriage rights being granted to gay and lesbian couples?


Great, thanks so much! I assume you would also oppose a Constitutional Amendment that would take away those rights? You know, the good news is that there are thousands of Iowans that also celebrate equality and freedom for all of Iowa’s citizens. In fact that’s why we’re calling you today.

[ NAME ], your Representative needs to know how voters in your district feel about civil marriage licenses being granted to committed couples on an equal basis. We’d like to send your state representative a postcard in support of equal rights which we can fill out for you over the phone. Can we count on you to join the many Iowans in your district who support fairness for gay and lesbian couples?


Thank you! I just need to verify your address. Are you still at (address)? Great, do you have an email address to stay informed about this important civil rights issue in Iowa?

Can we count on your help as a volunteer with One Iowa in the future?

Thanks again for your time today! *goodbye*




You know [ NAME ], most people have never contacted their legislator on an issue that’s important to them, but I want to assure you that legislators encourage and look forward to contact from voters in their district.


That’s great! Talking to legislators one on one really has a huge impact. However, it’s also important for legislators to see just how many voters in their district care about this issue. That’s why we are collecting these postcards from everyone who is supportive. In fact, contacting your legislator through several different methods only helps to reinforce where you stand on this important civil rights issue.

Can we count on you to show legislators that Iowans care about fairness by signing a postcard? (IF YES, ABOVE)


No problem! Do you have an email address to stay informed about this important civil rights issue in Iowa? <Note: One Iowa does not disclose its list to the public>

Can we count on your help as a volunteer with One Iowa in the future?

Thanks again for your time today! *goodbye*




I can certainly respect that. Though, [ NAME ], while you may not agree with the court’s decision we feel that overturning it with a long disruptive constitutional amendment process that could take up to three years will take time away from important issues such as the economy or healthcare. So [ NAME ], can we count on you to oppose efforts to overturn it with a Constitutional Amendment?


Well, currently gay and lesbian couples are able to get a civil marriage license in Iowa due to the UNANIMOUS decision from the Iowa Supreme Court April 3rd. In order to stop gay and lesbian couples from getting civil marriage licenses the Iowa legislature would have to pass a Constitutional Amendment, which could take up to three years. We’re asking if you want the legislature to pass such a constitutional amendment?


Great, thanks so much! You know, the good news is that there are thousands of Iowans that also respect the role of the courts to interpret the law. In fact that’s why we’re calling you today.

[ NAME ], your Representative needs to know how voters in his/her district feel about a change to our state Constitution. We’d like to send your state representative a postcard which opposes a constitutional amendment which we can fill out for you over the phone. Can we count on you to join the many Iowans in your district who respect the Iowa Supreme Court decision?


Thank you! I just need to verify your address. Are you still at (address)? Great, do you have an email address to stay informed about this important civil rights issue in Iowa?

Can we count on your help as a volunteer with One Iowa in the future?

Thanks again for your time today! *goodbye*




You know [ NAME ], most people have never contacted their legislator on an issue that’s important to them, but I want to assure you that legislators encourage and look forward to contact from voters in their district.


That’s great! Talking to legislators one on one really has a huge impact. However, it’s also important for legislators to see just how many voters in their district care about this issue. That’s why we are collecting these postcards from everyone who is supportive. In fact, contacting your legislator through several different methods only helps to reinforce where you stand on this important civil rights issue.

Can we count on you to support our efforts to demonstrate to legislators that Iowans care about respecting the courts by signing a postcard? (IF YES, ABOVE)


Thanks again for your time today! *goodbye