Telephone : 01777 948384 Email:

Dear Dial a Trip User

Welcome to Dial a Trip, below is some information on how the system works for booking a trip etc.

We are operating from new premises, and there is a new dedicated phone line 01777 948384 and address. We operate on a fully volunteer basis both with administration and drivers.

Registration Fee

To ensure this valued and voluntary car scheme continues we charge a registration fee in line with other car schemes in Nottinghamshire. The charge this year is £10.00 per annum per person or £15.00 per couple living at the same address, which equates to 73p/1.25 per month, with NO BOOKING FEE. This is still one of the lower registrations fees for a community car scheme.

Registration Form

We enclose a copy of the registration form for your completion please return in the addressed envelope along with your cheque or postal order to Dial a Trip Ltd, please DO NOT put CASH in the post. If you have any difficulty in returning the registration form and payment please contact us direct on 01777 948384.

Monthly invoicing to clients

Many of our clients are not able to deal with money matters and we are happy to invoice them directly or another member of the family. All clients are charged 45p per mile from the driver’s home to the client and return. We deal with the paper work for the drivers and pay them their due mileage. There is a small administration charge for this.

To book a car and charges for the journey

In order to book a trip you must ring Dial a Trip on 01777 948384 and we will take down your details of your trip. We will endeavour to find a driver, we normally do not ring back only if we cannot get a driver, this happens rarely but it does happen. The charge is 45p per mile and there is no booking fee. Notice of 24/48 working hours is required for bookings, not including weekends. We require 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel a trip, failure to do so may incur a late cancellation charge in addition to the driver’s expenses. Bookings should only be made through the telephone (01777 948384) not through the driver.

The administration of the business is handled by volunteers who can also be drivers. We operate from 9.30 to 12.30 Monday to Friday, by telephone only (01777 948384). The telephones are answered by one of our volunteers and an answer phone is available when not manned. Please DO leave a message as the messages are regularly dealt with.

PLEASE NOTE that our drivers are volunteers and we do limit the waiting time to an hour at the most. Hospital appointments can take longer and if you are aware of this please let us know when you book the trip.

Yours sincerely

Kath Hobart

Dial a Trip – Administration


Company Registration NO: 4581655