Mrs. Jones Syllabus
Science 734
Science 735
Room 225
Contact Information
Website –
E-mail -
Phone - 217.525.3164 ext. 225
Grading Scale
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59-0
Grades are based on daily assignments/homework, quizzes, writing assignments, class participation, and tests.
Supplies (Need to have with you daily)
1 subject Spiral Notebook
Ink pens (blue or black only)
Homework Procedures
1. All assignments and homework are to be labeled with the student’s name, date, and class period. Any paper turned in without a name will be thrown away.
2. Students have until the end of the day to turn in homework. However, if the assignment is not turned in at the beginning of the class period, the assignment will not receive full credit.
3. No late work is accepted after the end of the day. If your homework is turned in after the date due, it will result in a zero (except in the case of absence).
4. If a student is absent, homework given previous to being absent is due on the next day they are present. If absent for an extended period of time, they will have the same amount of time to complete the assignment as they were absent (ex – if absent 2 days, will have 2 days to make-up homework).
Franklin Middle School Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Goal
In order for every student to obtain the best education possible, it is imperative that we adhere to the following rules:
Classroom Rules
All students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings. See the tardy policy. You are not to sharpen pencils, throw away paper or get out of your seat for any other reason without permission. You are to arrive to class prepared. Bring a pen/pencil, notebook/paper, homework, and book if required.
Respect yourself, teachers, other students, other students’ belongings and school property. You are to refrain from name-calling, put downs, swearing, and teasing. Keep hands, feet, objects and negative thoughts to yourself.
Leave all unnecessary items in your locker. The following items are not allowed in class: coats, book bags, purses, personal care items (combs, lip gloss, cologne), soda, food items, electronic devices including phones, CD players and games/toys.
All students need to visit the restroom and water fountain during passing period. Visits to Guidance or the Main Office need to be taken care of during passing period as well. Notify your teacher before coming to the guidance office or the main office. Do not ask for a pass to take care of personal business during class time.
All students need to follow the rules as outlined in the discipline
handbook. Students also need to be aware of the rules/policies specific to FMS that are communicated via discipline assemblies/announcements/mailings.
Consequences (may include)
Warning/Verbal Reprimand
BIST consequences
Teacher Detention
Parent Contact
Level 2, 3, or 4 Acts of Misconduct will result in an immediate referral.
Referrals will be issued for severe violations
Classroom Management specific to Mrs. Jones’ room
- All assignments are to be done in pencil or blue/black ink. Do not use colored ink on assignments, they will not be accepted.
- Make sure that your name is ALWAYS on your paper. I will not attempt to figure out who a paper belongs to that is turned in without a name.
- When you enter the classroom, it means that you are ready to get to work and learn. There will be a bell ringer on the board everyday. Sharpen your pencil before you sit down and then get busy on the bell ringer. If you come in and are not ready (ex – continue a conversation, start a conversation, etc.), you will be asked to step into the hallway to finish your conversation risking a sweep.
- Cheating on any assignment will result in a zero for both parties (the person who copied and the person who allowed them to).
- Do not “help yourself” to anything on my desk. There are materials in the classroom that you can use (will be pointed out to you) and if you need anything else, please feel free to ask.
- I have a library in my classroom that I encourage you to check books out from. I will go over proper check out procedures with you. If you lose a book, you will be responsible for replacing it or paying for it.
Extra Credit Opportunities
Every quarter students have the opportunity to earn extra credit via work that is above and beyond what is normally asked. In addition, students can bring in a box of Kleenex (1 box per quarter) for 5 extra credit points or donate 2 age appropriate books to my classroom library for 10 extra credit points.
I have read and understand all of the rules, procedures, and expectations that are listed on Mrs. Jones’ syllabus. I am aware of the consequences and agree to follow all expectations. I am aware of the homework policy and the consequences of not turning in my homework on the due date.
Student Signature
I have read and understand the homework policy and classroom rules/expectations in Mrs. Jones’ Syllabus.
Parent/Guardian Signature
`I have read and understand all of the rules, procedures, and expectations that are listed on Mrs. Jones’ syllabus. I am aware of the consequences and agree to follow all expectations. I am aware of the homework policy and the consequences of not turning in my homework on the due date.
Student Signature
I have read and understand the homework policy and classroom rules/expectations in Mrs. Jones’ Syllabus.
Parent/Guardian Signature